Auflistung nach Schlagwort "Game-Based Learning"
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- Workshopbeitrag5th International Workshop "Gam-R – Gamification Reloaded"(Mensch und Computer 2022 - Workshopband, 2022) Mazarakis, Athanasios; Voit, ThomasThe “Gam-R – Gamification Reloaded” series hosts a regular international workshop on gamification and related topics. Gamification as a scientific concept for using game-like elements in a non-game context [3] is here to stay [7–10]. The results of the past four workshops were summarized to identify current and future gamification trends and form the basis for the new focus of the workshop. Among other areas, gamification can, from a scientific perspective, help to improve the motivation for education, engage with healthrelated aspects, support sustainable consumption, and improve customer loyalty.
- Workshopbeitrag6th International Workshop "Gam-R – Gamification Reloaded"(Mensch und Computer 2023 - Workshopband, 2023) Mazarakis, Athanasios; Voit, ThomasThe 6th "Gam-R - Gamification Reloaded" series is a regular international workshop on gamification and related topics such as serious games, game-based learning, or games with a purpose, to name a few. Researchers and practitioners are invited to present and discuss new research ideas during the workshop. Experts can then discuss the accepted papers during the workshop. This allows the community to provide feedback to the authors for future projects. Accepted papers will be published in the open-access GI Digital Library and are indexed by Google Scholar and others. We accept submissions on the following topics, although this is not an exhaustive list: * Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) * Open Science and Citizen Science * Augmented (AR), Virtual (VR), and Mixed Reality (MR) * Internet of Things (IoT) * Analog and Hybrid Gamification * Gamification for Individuals with Disabilities * Ethical Aspects of Gamification * Sustainability This list represents emerging gamification application fields. Of course, other topics such as adaptive and personalized gamification, gamification definitions and theories, serious games and game-based learning, and many other topics are welcome. The website for the workshop, including a full Call for Papers, can be found at or
- Workshop7th International Workshop "Gam-R – Gamification Reloaded"(Mensch und Computer 2024 - Workshopband, 2024) Mazarakis, Athanasios; Sailer-Frank, Sabrina; Voit, ThomasThe 7th International Workshop, "Gam-R – Gamification Reloaded," explores gamification and its related concepts, aiming to identify current trends and future directions in the field. Through presentations and interactive sessions, participants will discuss new research, debate emerging concepts, and foster collaborations. In addition, the workshop seeks to foster networking opportunities among researchers and practitioners interested in gamification. It will feature presentations of selected papers followed by interactive sessions designed to facilitate dialogue and knowledge exchange. Accepted papers will be published in the GI Digital Library, ensuring wide dissemination of insights. The workshop’s goals include facilitating knowledge exchange, promoting interdisciplinary discussions, and advancing the application of gamification in various domains. The workshop website, including a full Call for Papers, can be found at or
- KonferenzbeitragBotolution(20. Fachtagung Bildungstechnologien (DELFI), 2022) Stalljohann, PatrickVorhandene Online-Programmierplattformen bieten einen motivierenden Einstieg in die Programmierung für den privaten Bereich. Spezielle Aspekte der akademischen Programmierausbildung werden dabei nicht berücksichtigt. Die Entwicklung eines eigenen Programmierspieles für eine Lehrveranstaltung ist dahingegen mit viel Aufwand verbunden. Die Plattform Botolution soll die einfachere Bereitstellung und Verwendung neuer Programmierspiele unter Berücksichtigung akademischer Anforderungen ermöglichen. Dazu zählen z. B. die Zusammenarbeit in Teams oder die weitere Verwendung selbstgewählter Standardwerkzeuge der Softwareentwicklung.
- KonferenzbeitragCasino Melanoma – Gamble with Your Life: An Interactive Roulette Game to Raise Awareness of Individual Skin Cancer Risk(Mensch und Computer 2022 - Tagungsband, 2022) Renz, Lisa; Herzog, Michael A.; Schumacher, DominikThe interactive exhibition prototype Casino Melanoma playfully deals with the influence of UV radiation in connection with personal factors to draw attention to the danger of contracting skin cancer. Based on the classic game of roulette, a game is played in the categories of skin type, number of nevi (birthmarks and moles), skin cancer in personal or family history, time spent outdoors and sunburns per year. During each round, players are confronted with the increasing risk of skin cancer and the gamble of developing this disease in the coming years. A quantitative survey (n=24) and accompanying interviews were used to examine how much gambling about important health issues such as skin cancer can influence a person’s future behavior. The hedonic and pragmatic quality of the prototype was evaluated positively. Its impact projection shows an enlightening and behavior-stimulating effect. In addition to raising awareness of the issue, Casino Melanoma encourages people to think about their sun exposure behavior and a possible future change in behavior
- WorkshopbeitragEntwicklung und Einsatz eines Programmierlernspiels(DELFI 2021, 2021) Gamper, Paul; Schroeder, Ulrik; Heinemann, BirteIn diesem Beitrag wird das Serious Game Codescape vorgestellt. Das Lernspiel wird vorlesungsbegleitend in drei Einführungsveranstaltungen mit über 2800 Studierenden und unterschiedlichen Einsatzszenarien benutzt um den Einstieg in die Programmierung zu erleichtern. Das Lernspiel ist browserbasiert und wird von zuhause gespielt, setzt somit keine Installation voraus, was die Hürden für die Einsteiger senken soll.
- KonferenzbeitragThe Impact of Guidance and Feedback in Game-Based Computational Thinking Environments(DELFI 2021, 2021) Manske, Sven; Feier, Alexia; Frese, Philip; Hölzel, Pia; Iffländer Rodriguez, Maurice; Körner, Joshua; Lichte, Aron; Lena Otto de Mentock, Lena Otto; Kocak, Melinda; Szymczyk, Natalia; Temel,Dilan; Haefs, Mathis; Kersting, Nina; Liewald, Rebekka C.; Bodemer, DanielIn this paper we investigated the impact of feedback and guidance on the development of computational thinking skills. To achieve this, we extended a game-based learning environment that aims to foster computational thinking by teaching programming in self-regulated learning scenarios. The learning environment has been enriched with multiple mechanisms to guide learners and provide feedback that is directed towards the development of computational thinking skills, particularly specific abstractions in programming among algorithmic thinking. To assess the impact of guidance and feedback, we conducted an empirical study with 57 participants. The findings indicate that feedback on the logical artifacts can reduce certain code smells and increase the motivation on the part of the learners.
- KonferenzbeitragSupporting Learning Analytics in Educational Games in consideration of Qualifications-Based Learning(DELFI 2021, 2021) Srbecky, Ramona; Frangenberg, Marcus; Wallenborn, Benjamin; Then, Matthias; Perez-Colado, Iván José; Alonso-Fernandez, Cristina; Fernandez-Manjon, Baltasar; Hemmje, MatthiasComputer and video games have established themselves in society and are increasingly finding their way into learning with so-called Educational Games (EduGame). EduGames often provides a fundamental analysis of learners' learning results, but there is currently no existing approach to map the learning results automatically to digital standardized machine-readable Qualifications. In addition, different learning providers tend to use different approaches to describe Qualifications, often in the form of free text. Therefore, it is currently impossible to compare the reached Competencies and Qualifications (CQ) across different learning providers or only manually with high effort. In this paper, a prototypical implementation for automated mapping of learners' learning results in EduGames to standardized CQ will be introduced. The paper presents the conceptual work, the subsequent prototypical implementation with the chosen Analytics Environment, Game Engine, Learning Management System, and the evaluation results.
- KonferenzbeitragTowards Gamification of Advanced Value Stream Analysis and Design: A Game-Based Learning Concept(EnviroInfo 2023, 2023) Geisthardt, Mick; Engel, Lutz; Schnegelberger, MonikaAdvancing the traditional methodology of value stream analysis and design to include aspects such as material flow cost accounting, information logistics and external influential factors, overall application complexity and increasing data volumes are causing a shift in how improvement teams should think and operate. As a result, also the professional training of students and professionals needs to change and requires new solutions. Existing research efforts have not yet resulted in a solution that can convey advanced value stream analysis and design, including its methodological complexity. To address this gap, this paper applies a tailored CRISP gamification framework to develop a game-based learning concept to enable teaching of advanced value stream analysis and design to students and professionals focusing on identification of multi-stage resource-efficient optimization strategies. Activity cycles and progression stairs of the resulting simulation game concept facilitates innovative education while aiming to promote cognitive, motivational, and behavioral learning.
- KonferenzbeitragVermittlung von algorithmischer Denkweise mittels Game-based Learning(20. Fachtagung Bildungstechnologien (DELFI), 2022) Edler, Andreas; Hobert, SebastianAlgorithmisches Denken nimmt in allen Fachbereichen eine zunehmend stärkere Bedeutung ein. Dies wird u.a. durch die zunehmende Digitalisierung verstärkt. Die Vermittlung von algorithmischem Denken nimmt daher an Bedeutung zu. Aus diesem Grund verfolgt diese Demonstration das Ziel, das Vermitteln von algorithmischem Denken mit einem spielerischen Ansatz zu adressieren. Hierzu gibt die Demonstration einen Einblick in die technische Implementierung einer Game-Based Learning App, die das Ziel hat Lernende spielerisch an eine algorithmische Denkweise heranzuführen, indem grafische Programmierübungsaufgaben bereitgestellt werden.