Auflistung nach Schlagwort "Higher Education"
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- KonferenzbeitragAssessment of AI literacy – Development and testing of a customizable set ofitems(INFORMATIK 2023 - Designing Futures: Zukünfte gestalten, 2023) Faust, Anna; Dröge, Martin; Odebrecht, CarolinIn this paper, we argue that there are two types of learners who seek to build AI literacy. However, recent studies that provide questionnaires to assess AI literacy seem suitable for one type of learners only. Based on previous literature, we generated items that also addresses the second type of learners. The items can be adapted to the needs of diverse fields. Further, in the following pages, we give insights in the preliminary result of evaluating AI literacy based on these items in the beginning of a course in summer term 2023. Results suggest, that students have very limited AI knowledge in the beginning of the course and lack a linkage of their knowledge.
- Doctoral Colloquium PaperDeveloping Methods to Automate the Utilization of OER in Higher Education(Beiträge der Doktorandenkolloquiums zur DELFI 2019, 2019) Ali, LubnaOpen Educational Resources (OER) are an important element in the process of digitizing higher education teaching and are seen as an essential building block for openness in the education system. OER can potentially play an important role in improving the education around the globe, since it eases the access to high quality digital educational materials. However, there are challenges that are facing the deployment of OER in higher education. One of the most important challenges is the production of new OER materials and the conversion of already existing educational resources to OER. This could be viable by qualifying educators and teachers through training courses and/or supporting them with appropriate tools. There are many tools to create new OER contents. However, there is a huge amount of already produced and well-tested educational materials, which could be utilized and converted to OER instead of producing new content from the scratch. In this project, we will suggest methods to overcome some of the challenges facing the educators when dealing with OER in order to ease the deployment of OER. Additionally, we will develop a tool to support con-verting the educational materials to OER and we will evaluate its functionality. We will also investi-gate, to which extent the technical support can improve the utilization of OER in higher education context.
- Doctoral Colloquium PaperGoal Setting, Self-Monitoring and Self-Regulation Guided by a Digital Data-Driven Study Assistant(Beiträge der Doktorandenkolloquiums zur DELFI 2019, 2019) Weber, FelixThis Research Proposal starts with a brief description of the SIDDATA-project from which it originates. Both aim at the implementation and investigation of a data-driven digital study assistant supporting university students in goal-setting and self-regulation for individual study goals. As starting point, theoretical backgrounds, such as Goal-Setting-Theory and Social Cognitive Theory are reviewed. Existing practical applications are summarized. From these foundations concrete use cases for our study assistant are derived. The experimental design for an evaluation of the assistant, data analysis methods and a time plan are outlined. Finally the proposal concludes with an outlook on limitations and potential benefits of this research project
- TextdokumentMaritime Spatial Planning and Integrated Coastal Zone Management in Higher Education: Utilizing the MSP Challenge Serious Game(INFORMATIK 2021, 2021) Behrendt, Tanja; Ripken, Malena; Warmelink, Harald; Klenke; ThomasDigitalization is gaining increasing attention in Higher Education (HE). The integration of digital tools into instructional settings is particularly challenging, However, it offers many opportunities to improve the learning process of students, especially in interdisciplinary teaching scenarios such as teaching sustainable usage of space and resources i.e. for the coastal zones and the marine areas. Worldwide, Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) and Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) are much needed approaches to manage and organize the increasing use of the sea and coastal areas. Both are complex fields that are attracting more and more attention in interdisciplinary HE. Correspondingly designed, the module ‘Planning and Management of Coastal Zones and Sea Basins’ at the University of Oldenburg, Germany, provides a case for integrating digital tools into HE. In 2020, the digital serious game ‘MSP Challenge´ was used in an online learning format. This interactive and collaborative tool supports informed decision making based on real and simulated data, comparable to business (decision) processes based on environmental information systems (EIS). Therefore, the MSP Challenge game fosters not only the understanding of the complex topic but additionally methodological skills which can be transferred to the usage EIS. While playing, students become able to (1) evaluate and simulate impacts of uses on coastal and marine environments, (2) describe the main interactions in ecosystems, (3) conceptualize information for sectoral or integrated MSP and (4) reflect on the role and use of data. In the presented case master students studying “Water and Coastal Management” participated in the module. Moreover, the digital serious game and the interdisciplinary topics of MSP and ICZM provides additional opportunities to explore subtopics (e.g. IT-related) from other disciplinary perspectives.
- KonferenzbeitragMinor Digital Science at the University of Innsbruck: The Dynamics of Multidisciplinary Education for Heterogeneous Groups(INFORMATIK 2024, 2024) Chimiak-Opoka, Joanna; Piater, JustusLaunched by the Digital Science Center at the University of Innsbruck, the Minor Digital Science equips students from diverse degree programmes with the digital competences necessary in today’s data-driven world. Since 2018/19, we have offered courses that promote digital literacy through programming, data management, data analysis, and aspects of digitalization. To date, over 900 students have successfully completed our courses. Over the years, we have developed various strategies to proficiently teach a heterogeneous student body with multidisciplinary instructors. Our programme continuously adapts to emerging academic advancements and industry trends, ensuring it effectively meets student demands and remains at the forefront of digital education.
- KonferenzbeitragPotentials of Green Coding - Findings and Recommendations for Industry, Education and Science(INFORMATIK 2023 - Designing Futures: Zukünfte gestalten, 2023) Junger, Dennis; Westing, Max; Freitag, Christopher; Guldner, Achim; Mittelbach, Konstantin; Weber, Sebastian; Naumann, Stefan; Wohlgemuth, VolkerProgressing digitalization and increasing demand and use of software cause rises in energy- and resource consumption from information and communication technologies (ICT). This raises the issue of sustainability in ICT, which increasingly includes the sustainability of the software products themselves and the art of creating sustainable software. To this end, we conducted an analysis to gather and present existing literature on three research questions relating to the production of ecologically sustainable software (’Green Coding’) and to provide orientation for stakeholders approaching the subject. We compile the approaches to Green Coding and Green Software Engineering (GSE) that have been published since 2010. Furthermore, we considered ways to integrate the findings into existing industrial processes and higher education curricula to influence future development in an environmentally friendly way.
- KonferenzbeitragA refined case-based reasoning approach to academic capacity planning(6th Conference on Professional Knowledge Management – From Knowledge to Action, 2011) Poeppelmann, DanielAcademic capacity planning is a knowledge-intensive process that has to be based upon predicted course demand. Planners have to take into account students' current course achievements, prospective future course selections, time constraints as well as a wide range of different rules for graduation. The research project proposes a refined case-based reasoning (CBR) approach for anticipating students' future course selection as a means of long-term demand forecasting. The case-base is dynamically interpreted with regard to stored cases' problem descriptions and solutions. Moreover the structure of cases is heterogeneous depending on the students' course achievements. The retain phase of the traditional case-based reasoning cycle is replaced by an adjustment phase that ensures retaining up-to-date, real-world cases only. The results of the case-based reasoning processes are aggregated to support capacity planning.
- ZeitschriftenartikelDie Rolle des Chief Digital Officers für die digitale Transformation von Hochschulen(HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 59, No. 3, 2022) Auth, Gunnar; von der Heyde, MarkusWie vielen anderen Organisationen stellt sich auch Hochschulen verstärkt die Frage nach einem geeigneten Steuerungsmodell für eine erfolgreiche Digitalisierung. In der Wirtschaft wurde in Reaktion auf die neuartigen Herausforderungen und Chancen der Digitalisierung die Funktion des Chief Digital Officers (CDO) geschaffen. Eine analoge Entwicklung ist seit kurzem im Bereich der Hochschulen sichtbar. In einer explorativen Interviewstudie wurden für diesen Beitrag Personen mit Leitungsaufgaben zur Digitalisierung befragt, um deren Rollenzuschnitt insbesondere in Abgrenzung zum schon länger etablierten Chief Information Officer (CIO) und zu Präsidiumsmitgliedern für Digitalisierung an Hochschulen zu untersuchen. Die in acht Interviews gefundenen Gemeinsamkeiten im Rollenzuschnitt ermöglichen eine hochschulspezifische Einordnung der Aufgaben des CDO. Forschungsbedarf bleibt dort bestehen, wo die Effektivität dieser neuartigen Rollengestaltung zu bewerten ist. Spätestens, wenn eine Mehrheit der Hochschulen digital vernetzte Prozesse als Normalität ansieht, wird der Erfolg der Modelle und die damit voraussichtlich vorübergehende Phase zur Eingliederung der Digitalisierung in die Hochschulstrategie erneut zu bewerten sein. Universities in Germany are facing up to the management of digitalization. In business, the function of Chief Digital Officer (CDO) has been created in response to the novel challenges and opportunities of digitalization. An analogous development has recently become visible in the higher education sector. In an exploratory interview study, individuals with leadership roles in digitalization in higher education were interviewed to examine role design, particularly in distinction to Chief Information Officers (CIOs) and executive board members for digital transformation. The commonalities found across the eight interviews allow for a university-specific definition of the CDO role. Research is still needed as to how the effectiveness of this organizational anchoring of the task will be evaluated. When a majority of universities consider digitally networked processes to be the norm, the success of the models and the resulting (presumably temporary) phase of incorporating digitalization into university strategy will have to be reassessed.
- TextdokumentA Snapshot of Essential IT-Related Challenges of Universities: A Literature Analysis(INFORMATIK 2022, 2022) Leible,Stephan; Ludzay,MaxUniversities have rarely been challenged to radically evolve and transform as they have been in the Covid-19 pandemic. The conduct of teaching and research, as well as the environment of staff and administration, have had to digitalize and transform under time pressure. This development has placed and continues to place high demands on IT and its infrastructure. In addition, new challenges have emerged, such as technology-based future skills, cybersecurity, and the need for an agile university-wide IT governance. Mastering these requires IT to address the present and the future already today. Therefore, in this article, we conducted a literature analysis to identify and examine current and future challenges for IT and its infrastructure in universities. We identified twelve overarching challenges, which we describe individually. This paper provides starting points for further IT-related research and essential viewing angles for IT governance in universities for practitioners.
- KonferenzbeitragTheoretical evaluation of the potential advantages of cloud IDEs for research and didactics(SKILL 2019 - Studierendenkonferenz Informatik, 2019) Applis, LeonhardEclipse Che is a open source cloud-based IDE, inheriting the approach of building cloud native software within a remote environment. Instead of developing on a local machine, a remote development-server is accessed via web-browser and the artifacts are compiled into docker-containers. This paper shortly summarizes the required environment, introduces the concept and workĆow of Eclipse Che and evaluates the beneĄts and downsides of this approach. Focus is set on a new point of view, enhancing computer studies and programming classes with this technology.