Auflistung nach Schlagwort "Internet of things"
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- ZeitschriftenartikelA Framework for Learning Event Sequences and Explaining Detected Anomalies in a Smart Home Environment(KI - Künstliche Intelligenz: Vol. 36, No. 0, 2022) Baudisch, Justin; Richter, Birte; Jungeblut, ThorstenThis paper presents a framework for learning event sequences for anomaly detection in a smart home environment. It addresses environment conditions, device grouping, system performance and explainability of anomalies. Our method models user behavior as sequences of events, triggered by interaction of the home residents with the Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Based on a given set of recorded event sequences, the system can learn the habitual behavior of the residents. An anomaly is described as deviation from that normal behavior, previously learned by the system. One key feature of our framework is the explainability of detected anomalies, which is implemented through a simple rule analysis.
- TextdokumentComparison of Business Model Development Frameworks with regard to IoT(Digital Enterprise Computing (DEC 2017), 2017) Kinitzki, Martin; Hertweck, DieterWith the Internet of Things being one of the most discussed trends in the computer world lately, many organizations find themselves struggling with the great paradigm shift and thus the implementation of IoT on a strategic level. The Ignite methodology as a part of the Enterprise-IoT project promises to support organizations with these strategic issues as it combines best practices with expert knowledge from diverse industries helping to create a better understanding of how to transform into an IoT driven business. A framework that is introduced within the context of IoT business model development is the Bosch IoT Business Model Builder. In this study the provided framework is compared to the Osterwalder Business Model Canvas and the St. Gallen Business Model Navigator, the most commonly used and referenced frameworks according to a quantitative literature analysis.
- ZeitschriftenartikelDer Mensch im Mittelpunkt der Fabrik von morgen(HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 52, No. 5, 2015) Richter, Alexander; Heinrich, Peter; Stocker, Alexander; Unzeitig, WolfgangUngeachtet der wichtigen Impulse des Industrie 4.0-Begriffs für die Förderlandschaft im deutschsprachigen Raum, macht seine Unschärfe es Praktikern und Forschern schwer ihn einzuordnen, um konkrete Anwendungsfälle für Innovationsprojekte zu identifizieren. Hier setzt der vorliegende Beitrag an. Eine systematische Analyse von 35 großen, themenzugehörigen EU-Forschungsprojekten trägt zunächst zu einer besseren thematischen Orientierung bei. Im nächsten Schritt wird ein aktuell laufendes EU-Projekt vorgestellt, das sich mit der Entwicklung von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (IKT) für Produktionsarbeiter der Zukunft auseinandersetzt. Drei aus dem Projektkontext gewählte Fallbeispiele illustrieren, wie IKT sich in Industriebetrieben einsetzen lassen, um den Menschen in den Mittelpunkt der Fabrik von morgen zu rücken. Am Beispiel der Dimension des befähigten Mitarbeiters, lässt sich zudem zeigen wie ein Produktionsarbeiter der Fabrik von morgen durch neue IKT insbesondere 1) Autonomie, 2) Kompetenz, 3) Verbundenheit und 4) Abwechslungsreichtum gewinnen kann. So ermöglicht der Beitrag einerseits die Orientierung an konkreten Anwendungsfällen und deren Reflexion sowie andererseits die Entwicklung eines ganzheitlichen Verständnisses für die sich derzeit und in den kommenden Jahren vollziehenden Veränderungen in vielen Industrieunternehmen.AbstractNotwithstanding the important push of the term “Industrie 4.0” towards research funding agencies in German-speaking countries, its fuzziness makes it challenging for researchers and practitioners to identify concrete application scenarios for innovation projects. The paper at hand enters the debate at this point: First of all, a systematic analysis of 35 big related EU research projects contributes to a better thematic orientation. Next, we introduce a current EU project looking into research and development of information and communication technology (ICT) for the production worker of the future. Three case studies from this EU project illustrate what kind of ICT can be implemented by industrial enterprises to put the human worker into the heart of future factories. The dimension of the “empowered worker” serves us to show how workers at factories of the future gain (1) autonomy, (2) competency, (3) connectedness and (4) work variety trough newly introduced ICT. Thus, the paper at hand facilitates the orientation towards concrete use cases and their reflection, and at the same time it facilitates the development of a comprehensive understanding for current and future transformations in many industrial enterprises.
- ZeitschriftenartikelDigital Industrial Platforms(Business & Information Systems Engineering: Vol. 63, No. 2, 2021) Pauli, Tobias; Fielt, Erwin; Matzner, Martin
- ZeitschriftenartikelInternet of Things(Business & Information Systems Engineering: Vol. 57, No. 3, 2015) Wortmann, Felix; Flüchter, Kristina
- ZeitschriftenartikelIoT-basierte Geschäftsmodelle für den Schweizer Mittelstand – Konzepte für die digitale Zukunft(HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 55, No. 2, 2018) Uhl, Axel; Heinrich, Peter; Günthner, RalfDer Schweizer Mittelstand scheint für die Zukunft allgemein noch gut aufgestellt. Schaut man sich aber aktuelle Trends wie das Internet der Dinge (IoT) an, zeichnet sich ein sehr viel verhalteneres Bild der Innovationsfreude. Ein noch immer allgemein tiefer Digitalisierungsgrad, verbunden mit der Komplexität der Thematik und anderen, allumfassenden Stossrichtungen (z. B. die allseits proklamierte „Industrie 4.0“) paralysieren den Mittelstand durch Unsicherheit und Überforderung. Anders die in dieser Fallstudie vorgestellte Firma Walter Meier AG, die in Zusammenarbeit mit der Swisscom einen Weg der Co-Creation gegangen ist und ihr Geschäftsmodell durch IoT grundlegend und nachhaltig transformiert hat. Die Einsichten aus dieser Fallstudie können anderen Unternehmen einen Weg aufzeigen wie sie den Anschluss nicht verpassen und rechtzeitig wohlüberlegte IoT-Projekte mit handhabbaren Risiken durchführen können. Wichtige Voraussetzung sind dabei (1) die Kooperation mit Technologiepartnern und (2) die Verfügbarkeit einfacher, vertikal integrierbarer Plattformen, die von Anfang an feldtauglich sind, damit Unternehmen erfolgreich Ihre Innovation in Form sogenannter Minimum-Valuable-Products (MVPs) auf den Markt bringen können. Switzerland’s small and medium sized enterprises seem to be well prepared for the future on the first glance. However, looking into current trends like internet of things (IoT) a differentiated picture emerges. A generally low degree of digitalization, combined with the complexity and proclamation of all-embracing approaches, such as “Industry 4.0” (a fancy term for factories of the future, touted everywhere across Europe) aids to a paralysis of the companies instead of progressive innovation. Henceforth, this paper reports on one of the rarer cases, where an IoT innovation project conducted by an SME (Walter Meier AG) in co-creation and cooperation with a technology provider (Swisscom AG) transformed their business model successfully and sustainable. The insights from this case study can help other companies to engage in new opportunities by conducting IoT projects timely and with manageable risks. We identify (1) a strong cooperation with a technology provider in the role of a business partner and (2) the availability of vertically integrated platforms that allow companies to rapidly prototype and create minimum viable products as key prerequisites to successful IoT innovation.
- ZeitschriftenartikelTowards Digital Transformation in Fashion Retailing: A Design-Oriented IS Research Study of Automated Checkout Systems(Business & Information Systems Engineering: Vol. 61, No. 1, 2019) Hauser, Matthias; Günther, Sebastian A.; Flath, Christoph M.; Thiesse, FrédéricAutomated checkout systems promise greater sales due to an improved customer experience and cost savings because less store personnel is needed. The present design-oriented IS research study is concerned with an automated checkout solution in fashion retail stores. The implementation of such a cyberphysical system in established retail environments is challenging as architectural constraints, well-established customer processes, and customer expectations regarding privacy and convenience impose limits on system design. To overcome these challenges, the authors design an IT artifact that leverages an RFID sensor infrastructure and software components (data processing and prediction routines) to jointly address the central problems of detecting purchases in a reliable and timely fashion and assigning these purchases to individual shopping baskets. The system is implemented and evaluated in a research laboratory under real-world conditions. The evaluation indicates that shopping baskets can indeed be detected reliably (precision and recall rates greater than 99%) and in an expeditious manner (median detection time of 1.03 s). Moreover, purchase assignment reliability is 100% for most standard scenarios but falls to 42% in the most challenging scenario.
- ZeitschriftenartikelTowards Digital Transformation in Fashion Retailing: A Design-Oriented IS Research Study of Automated Checkout Systems(Business & Information Systems Engineering: Vol. 61, No. 1, 2019) Hauser, Matthias; Günther, Sebastian A.; Flath, Christoph M.; Thiesse, FrédéricAutomated checkout systems promise greater sales due to an improved customer experience and cost savings because less store personnel is needed. The present design-oriented IS research study is concerned with an automated checkout solution in fashion retail stores. The implementation of such a cyberphysical system in established retail environments is challenging as architectural constraints, well-established customer processes, and customer expectations regarding privacy and convenience impose limits on system design. To overcome these challenges, the authors design an IT artifact that leverages an RFID sensor infrastructure and software components (data processing and prediction routines) to jointly address the central problems of detecting purchases in a reliable and timely fashion and assigning these purchases to individual shopping baskets. The system is implemented and evaluated in a research laboratory under real-world conditions. The evaluation indicates that shopping baskets can indeed be detected reliably (precision and recall rates greater than 99%) and in an expeditious manner (median detection time of 1.03 s). Moreover, purchase assignment reliability is 100% for most standard scenarios but falls to 42% in the most challenging scenario.
- ZeitschriftenartikelVirtual Sensors(Business & Information Systems Engineering: Vol. 63, No. 3, 2021) Martin, Dominik; Kühl, Niklas; Satzger, Gerhard
- ZeitschriftenartikelVon smarten Produkten zu smarten Dienstleistungen und deren Auswirkung auf die Wertschöpfung(HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 56, No. 3, 2019) Strobel, Gero; Paukstadt, Ute; Becker, Jörg; Eicker, StefanIm Rahmen der Digitalisierung nehmen smarte Produkte und die darauf aufbauenden intelligenten Dienstleistungen einen immer größeren Platz sowohl im betrieblichen Kontext als auch im Endkundenbereich ein. Auslöser hierfür stellt vor allem die leistungsfähigere und kostengünstigere Hardware dar, welche es Unternehmen ermöglicht, zunehmend Produkte mit intelligenten und vernetzten Komponenten auszustatten. Diese smarten Produkte bieten Unternehmen und Kunden völlig neue Möglichkeiten zur Interaktion, bieten neue Mehrwerte und beeinflussen die unternehmerische Wertschöpfung an sich. Ziel dieses Beitrages ist es, einen Einstieg in das Themenfeld der smarten Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu geben und aufzuzeigen, welche Möglichkeiten diese für den Endnutzer und für Unternehmen eröffnen. In the context of digitalization, smart products and smart services based on them play an increasingly important role in the business context as well as in the end customer sector. This development is mainly due to the fact that more powerful and cost-effective hardware is available, which enables companies to increasingly equip products with intelligent and networked components. These smart products offer companies and customers completely new possibilities for interaction, offer new added value and influence the business value creation itself. This article introduces the topic of smart products and smart services and illustrates the new possibilities opening up for end users and companies.