Auflistung nach Schlagwort "Literature review"
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- ZeitschriftenartikelA Blockchain Research Framework(Business & Information Systems Engineering: Vol. 59, No. 6, 2017) Risius, Marten; Spohrer, KaiWhile blockchain technology is commonly considered potentially disruptive in various regards, there is a lack of understanding where and how blockchain technology is effectively applicable and where it has mentionable practical effects. This issue has given rise to critical voices that judge the technology as over-hyped. Against this backdrop, this study adapts an established research framework to structure the insights of the current body of research on blockchain technology, outline the present research scope as well as disregarded topics, and sketch out multidisciplinary research approaches. The framework differentiates three groups of activities (design and features, measurement and value, management and organization) at four levels of analysis (users and society, intermediaries, platforms, firms and industry). The review shows that research has predominantly focused on technological questions of design and features, while neglecting application, value creation, and governance. In order to foster substantial blockchain research that addresses meaningful questions, this study identifies several avenues for future studies. Given the breadth of open questions, it shows where research can benefit from multidisciplinary collaborations and presents data sources as starting points for empirical investigations.
- ZeitschriftenartikelBusiness Process Simulation on Procedural Graphical Process Models(Business & Information Systems Engineering: Vol. 63, No. 5, 2021) Rosenthal, Kristina; Ternes, Benjamin; Strecker, StefanBusiness process simulation marks an essential technique for analyzing business processes and for reasoning about process improvement. With first contributions dating back to the mid-1990s, computerized business process simulation has been a continuing research focus and is widely acknowledged as foundational to Business Process Management research and practice. Reviewing contributions to the field published between 1990 and 2018, the authors assess the state of research on business process simulation and develop an organizing overview of research contributions discussing simulation approaches, tool support, results visualization, use context, application purposes, and adoption barriers. Findings inform future research on business process simulation by discussing paths for behavioral research on the use of business process simulation, user requirements, and adoption barriers as well as complementary paths for design science research addressing limitations of present approaches and simulation tool support.
- ZeitschriftenartikelComprehension of Procedural Visual Business Process Models(Business & Information Systems Engineering: Vol. 59, No. 1, 2017) Figl, KathrinVisual process models are meant to facilitate comprehension of business processes. However, in practice, process models can be difficult to understand. The main goal of this article is to clarify the sources of cognitive effort in comprehending process models. The article undertakes a comprehensive descriptive review of empirical and theoretical work in order to categorize and summarize systematically existing findings on the factors that influence comprehension of visual process models. Methodologically, the article builds on a review of forty empirical studies that measure objective comprehension of process models, seven studies that measure subjective comprehension and user preferences, and thirty-two articles that discuss the factors that influence the comprehension of process models. The article provides information systems researchers with an overview of the empirical state of the art of process model comprehension and provides recommendations for new research questions to be addressed and methods to be used in future experiments.
- ZeitschriftenartikelDer Stand der Forschung zur Erfolgsmessung von Informationssystemen(Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 51, No. 4, 2009) Urbach, Nils; Smolnik, Stefan; Riempp, GeroldDie Erfolgsmessung von Informationssystemen (IS) ist sowohl für die Forschung als auch für die Praxis von großem Interesse. Dieser Artikel untersucht mehrdimensionale Ansätze der IS-Erfolgsmessung sowie den aktuellen Stand der Forschung in diesem Gebiet anhand einer Literaturanalyse und einer Klassifizierung von Veröffentlichungen aus den Jahren 2003 bis 2007. Auf der Basis von insgesamt 41 wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften- und Konferenzartikeln erfolgt die Identifikation einschlägiger Forschung sowie die Kategorisierung, Konsolidierung und Diskussion der beschriebenen Forschungsergebnisse. Die Resultate zeigen, dass die vorherrschende empirische Forschung den individuellen Nutzen eines bestimmten IS-Typs anhand von Befragungen der entsprechenden Benutzer und anschließender Analyse mittels Strukturgleichungsmodellen ermittelt. Das Modell zur IS-Erfolgsmessung von DeLone und McLean ist die dominante theoretische Grundlage der untersuchten empirischen Literatur. Dieser Artikel bietet dem Leser einen umfangreichen Überblick sowie eine Strukturierung der Forschung zur Erfolgsmessung von Informationssystemen. Des Weiteren werden Möglichkeiten zur Weiterentwicklung identifiziert und Anregungen für zukünftige Forschung gegeben.AbstractMeasuring information systems (IS) success is of great interest to both researchers and practitioners. This article examines multidimensional approaches to measuring IS success and explores the current state of IS success research through a literature review and by classifying articles published between 2003 and 2007. Based on a total of 41 academic journal and conference publications, the relevant research carried out is identified, while the research results are categorized, consolidated, and discussed. The results show that the dominant empirical research analyzes the individual impact of a certain type of information system by ascertaining users’ evaluation of it by means of surveys and then applying structural equation modeling. The DeLone and McLean Information Systems Success Model is the main theoretical basis of the reviewed empirical studies. This article provides researchers with a comprehensive review and structuring of IS success research. Furthermore, opportunities for additional development are identified and future research directions suggested.
- ZeitschriftenartikelDesign Principles for Systematic Search Systems: A Holistic Synthesis of a Rigorous Multi-cycle Design Science Research Journey(Business & Information Systems Engineering: Vol. 61, No. 1, 2019) Sturm, Benjamin; Sunyaev, AliRigorous systematic literature searches are often described as complex, error-prone and time-consuming because of a prevailing lack of adequate technological assistance. Nonetheless, one of the first steps when conducting a rigorous literature review is finding an appropriate literature sample. The quality of this literature sample is an important factor for the overall quality of the literature review. This article investigates how to design innovative IT systems that effectively facilitate systematic literature searches. Applying the design science research paradigm, the research method consists of multiple design cycles of artifact development, evaluation, and refinement. In doing so, six design principles are derived that intend to increase the comprehensiveness, precision, and reproducibility of systematic literature searches. The results could be helpful for research and practice. The derived design knowledge builds a foundation for future research on systematic search systems and enables new methodological contributions. The results could also guide the development of innovative search systems and features that, eventually, increase the quality and efficiency of information accumulation in different contexts.
- ZeitschriftenartikelDesign Principles for Systematic Search Systems: A Holistic Synthesis of a Rigorous Multi-cycle Design Science Research Journey(Business & Information Systems Engineering: Vol. 61, No. 1, 2019) Sturm, Benjamin; Sunyaev, AliRigorous systematic literature searches are often described as complex, error-prone and time-consuming because of a prevailing lack of adequate technological assistance. Nonetheless, one of the first steps when conducting a rigorous literature review is finding an appropriate literature sample. The quality of this literature sample is an important factor for the overall quality of the literature review. This article investigates how to design innovative IT systems that effectively facilitate systematic literature searches. Applying the design science research paradigm, the research method consists of multiple design cycles of artifact development, evaluation, and refinement. In doing so, six design principles are derived that intend to increase the comprehensiveness, precision, and reproducibility of systematic literature searches. The results could be helpful for research and practice. The derived design knowledge builds a foundation for future research on systematic search systems and enables new methodological contributions. The results could also guide the development of innovative search systems and features that, eventually, increase the quality and efficiency of information accumulation in different contexts.
- ZeitschriftenartikelDie Bedeutung von Kommunikation bei der agilen Systementwicklung(Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 55, No. 5, 2013) Hummel, Markus; Rosenkranz, Christoph; Holten, RolandAgile Systementwicklung (SE) ist eine kooperative Aktivität aus Innovation und Kommunikation, bei der sich Entwicklungsteams stark auf informale Kommunikationsmechanismen verlassen. Der aktuelle Wissensstand bezüglich der tatsächlichen Kommunikationsprozesse in agilen SE-Projekten ist fragmentiert und es fehlt eine integrierte Sichtweise über einzelne Studien hinweg. Der Beitrag erzeugt basierend auf dem Unified Model of Systems Development Success eine integrierte Sichtweise auf die Rolle der Kommunikation bei der agilen SE. Dafür wird eine strukturierte, systematische Literaturanalyse durchgeführt. Die Datensammlung ergab 333 relevante Studien zu agiler SE und Kommunikation. Obwohl Kommunikation als wichtiger Faktor identifiziert wird, ist das Wissen in Bezug auf Kommunikation und agile SE begrenzt. Die bisherigen Erkenntnisse sind verteilt, unvollständig, und widersprüchlich. Es wird aufgezeigt, dass weiterer Forschungsbedarf bezüglich des Kommunikationsprozesses in der SE besteht, und dass die Auswirkungen von Kommunikationshäufigkeit und -qualität, die durch agile SE ausgelöst werden, empirisch zu untersuchen sind.AbstractAgile systems development (SD) is described as a cooperative game of invention and communication, in which teams are characterized by relying heavily on informal communication mechanisms such as face-to-face conversations. Our current state of knowledge about the actual communication process in agile SD projects is fragmented because of the lack of an integrative lens across different studies. On the basis of the Unified Model of SD Success, we provide an integrated view on the role of communication in agile SD by conducting a structured, systematic literature review. Our data collection process resulted in 333 relevant papers on agile SD and communication. We find that despite its acknowledged importance, our knowledge on communication and agile SD is limited and research is scattered, inconclusive, as well as contradictory. In consequence, we present several research gaps that deserve future research attention. Specifically, we call for research that opens up the communication process and empirically validates the implications for communication frequency and quality triggered by agile SD.
- ZeitschriftenartikelDie Bedeutung von nationaler Kultur für die Gestaltung von Informationssystemen(Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 54, No. 6, 2012) Kummer, Tyge-F.; Leimeister, Jan Marco; Bick, MarkusIm vorliegenden Beitrag wird anhand einer Literaturanalyse aufgezeigt, wie nationale Kultur auf die Phasen der Gestaltung von Informationssystemen einwirkt. Dabei wird einerseits der gesicherte Wissensstand aufgearbeitet, andererseits werden offene Fragestellungen aufgezeigt. Grundlage unserer Literaturanalyse bildet ein umfassender Ordnungsrahmen, der typische Dimensionen der soziotechnischen Systemgestaltung sowie zentrale Arten der Kulturforschung zueinander in Beziehung setzt. Entlang der einzelnen Dimensionen werden die bereits vorliegenden Forschungsergebnisse aus dem Bereich nationaler Kulturforschung strukturiert und den typischen Phasen der Gestaltung von Informationssystemen zugeordnet. Dabei zeigt sich, dass im Bereich Kultur und Informationssystemgestaltung häufig entweder nur das Gestaltungssubjekt oder nur das Gestaltungsobjekt adressiert wird. Arbeiten, die beide Betrachtungsebenen miteinander verbinden, existieren kaum. Weiterhin konnten kaum Publikationen zu konkreten Phasen des Entwicklungsprozesses wie dem Systementwurf, der Implementierung oder der Verifikation und Validation identifiziert werden. Aus theoretischer Perspektive fällt eine deutliche Dominanz von Hofstedes Kulturdimensionen auf. Diese können einzelne Themenbereiche der Gestaltung wie die Benutzerschnittstelle oder interkulturelle Probleme in Entwicklungsteams gut adressieren, während andere Bereiche (wie Technologie- und Architekturfragen) nur unzureichend erklärt werden können. Weiterhin wird eine überwiegend phänomenologische Ausrichtung deutlich. Die beobachteten Kulturphänomene und die damit verbundenen Interpretationen sind für konkrete Entwicklungsvorhaben nur eingeschränkt nutzbar. Der Beitrag schließt mit der Vision einer Gestaltungstheorie zur kultursensitiven Entwicklung soziotechnischer Informationssysteme, die den bestehenden Wissensstand aufnimmt und in einem strukturierten Ansatz vereint.AbstractIn this contribution a literature review is conducted to illustrate how national culture influences phases of the design of information systems. For this purpose, we review the literature in order to identify reliable and commonly approved findings as well as still open remaining questions. Fundamentally, our literature review is a comprehensive framework that sets typical dimensions of system design as well as main types of cultural research in relation to each other. The existing research results in the area of national culture are classified along the levels of system design and attributed to typical phases of the design of information systems. It thus becomes apparent that in the domain of culture and information system design it is often only the design subject or the design object that is addressed. Contributions that connect both levels rarely exist. In our review, only a limited number of publications could be identified that covered concrete phases of the development providing system design, implementation, as well as verification and validation. From a theoretical perspective, there is an obvious dominance of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions that well address single topics of the design, such as user interface and inter cultural problems in development teams. Other domains, however (e.g., technology and architecture), are inadequately explained. Further, a predominantly phenomenological focus becomes obvious. The observed cultural phenomena and the connected interpretations are usable in a limited way for concrete development initiatives. The contribution ends with the vision of a theory for the culturally sensitive design of socio technical information systems that absorbs current scientific knowledge and unites it in a structured approach.
- ZeitschriftenartikelEvidenzbasierte Strukturierung und Bewertung empirischer Forschung im Requirements Engineering(Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 52, No. 3, 2010) Goeken, Matthias; Patas, JanuschZiel des Beitrags ist es, einen Ansatz zur Strukturierung, Bewertung und Darstellung von empirischen Forschungsergebnissen aus dem Requirements Engineering zu entwickeln und zu begründen. Hierfür wird ein Ordnungsrahmen entwickelt, der den Gegenstandsbereich Requirements Engineering strukturiert. Mithilfe dieses Ordnungsrahmens und eines evidenzbasierten Klassifikationssystems lassen sich empirische Forschungsarbeiten in einer Forschungslandkarte strukturieren. Diese Strukturierung erlaubt die Identifikation von Forschungsbedarf und -schwerpunkten im Requirements Engineering und die Unterstützung der Wahl von Methoden, Techniken etc. in der praktischen Anwendung.AbstractThe objective of the contribution is to develop and motivate an approach of structuring, evaluating, and representing empirical research results regarding requirements engineering. Therefore, the authors develop a framework in order to organize the area of interest. The use of this framework and an evidence-based classification system allow developing a research map which helps to structure identified empirical research while enabling the derivation of further research needs. Additionally, it supports the selection of methods, techniques, etc. in requirements engineering practice.
- ZeitschriftenartikelFraming Microgrid Design from a Business and Information Systems Engineering Perspective(Business & Information Systems Engineering: Vol. 61, No. 6, 2019) Sachs, Thomas; Gründler, Anna; Rusic, Milos; Fridgen, GilbertMicrogrids are decentralized distribution networks that integrate distributed energy resources and balance energy generation and loads locally. The introduction of microgrids can help overcome the challenges of global energy systems. Despite this potential, the information systems domain has seen limited research on microgrids. This paper synthesizes research on elements of microgrids for electric energy. Interviewed experts maintain that technological microgrid solutions have been solidly developed; nevertheless, the lack of economic and business consideration is stalling their deployment. The authors argue that business and information systems engineering research can provide integrated perspectives that connect technology and markets. Consequently, the authors derive a framework from an extensive interdisciplinary literature review that structures the academic state of the art on microgrid design and could guide associated information systems research. The framework comprises four layers: energy technology and infrastructure, information and communication infrastructure, application systems, and governance. The authors evaluate the framework in interviews with 15 experts from industry and three from academia. Their feedback allows to iteratively refine the framework and point out research directions on microgrids in business and information systems engineering.
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