Auflistung nach Schlagwort "Lock-Freedom"
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- TextdokumentLock-free Data Structures for Data Stream Processing(BTW 2019 – Workshopband, 2019) Baumstark, AlexanderThe ever-growing amounts of data in the digital world require more and more computing power to meet the requirements. Especially in the area of social media, sensor data processing or Internet of Things, the data need to be handled on the fly during its creation. A common way to handle these data, in form of endless data streams, is the data stream processing technology. The key requirements for data stream processing are high throughput and low latency. These requirements can be accomplished with the parallelization of operators and multithreading. However, in order to realize a higher degree of parallelism, the efficient synchronization of threads is a necessity. This work examines the design principles of lock-free data structures and how this synchronization method can improve the performance of algorithms in data stream processing. For this purpose, lock-free data structures are implemented for the data stream processing engine Pipefabric and compared with current implementations. The result is an improvement for the tuple exchanging between threads and a significant improvement for the symmetric hash join algorithm based on lock-free hash maps.