Auflistung nach Schlagwort "Model Transformations"
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- TextdokumentMining Domain-Specific Edit Operations from Model Repositories with Applications to Semantic Lifting of Model Differences and Change Profiling(Software Engineering 2025, 2025) Tinnes, Christof; Kehrer, Timo; Joblin, Mitchell; Hohenstein, Uwe; Biesdorf, Andreas; Apel, SvenModel transformations are central to model-driven software development. Applications of model transformations include creating models, handling model co-evolution, model merging, and understanding model evolution. In the past, various (semi-)automatic approaches to derive model transformations from meta-models or from examples have been proposed. These approaches require time-consuming handcrafting or the recording of concrete examples, or they are unable to derive complex transformations. We propose a novel unsupervised approach, called Ockham, which is able to learn edit operations from model histories in model repositories. Ockham is based on the idea that meaningful domain-specific edit operations are the ones that compress the model differences. It employs frequent subgraph mining to discover frequent structures in model difference graphs. We evaluate our approach in two controlled experiments and one real-world case study of a large-scale industrial model-driven architecture project in the railway domain. We found that our approach is able to discover frequent edit operations that have actually been applied before. Furthermore, Ockham is able to extract edit operations that are meaningful—in the sense of explaining model differences through the edit operations they comprise—to practitioners in an industrial setting. We also discuss use cases (i.e., semantic lifting of model differences and change profiles) for the discovered edit operations in this industrial setting. We find that the edit operations discovered by Ockham can be used to better understand and simulate the evolution of models. In this summary, we will take a look into the connections of explicit “evolution of models” via edit operations, and more implicit completion approaches via generative models that recently became a focal point of scientific attention.
- ZeitschriftenartikelMulti-Level Modelling with MultEcore(Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures (EMISAJ) – International Journal of Conceptual Modeling: Vol. 15, Nr. 8, 2022) Alejandro Rodríguez, Fernando MacíasThe MULTI Challenges are intended to encourage the Multi-Level Modelling research community to submit solutions to the same, well described problem. This paper presents one solution in the context of process management, where universal properties of process types along with task, artefact and actor types, together with possible particular occurrences for scoped domains, are modelled. We discuss our solution, detailing how we handle each requirement and explain how we use the different features that the MultEcore tool supports to construct the proposed process case study. We not only focus on the structural dimension of the proposed system where the different models that define the language are provided, but also explore the specification of the static semantics to verify structural constraints and dynamic semantics that refer to the behavioural aspect of the modelled system.