Auflistung nach Schlagwort "Modeling"
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- TextdokumentEditQL(Software Engineering 2025, 2025) Pietron, Jakob; Jutz, Benedikt; Raschke, Alexander; Tichy, MatthiasThe presented work concerns our recent research on a textual query language (EditQL) for models with persisted edit history, originally published at MoDELS in September 2024.
- KonferenzbeitragHazard Relation Diagrams(Software Engineering und Software Management 2018, 2018) Tenbergen, Bastian; Weyer, Thorsten; Pohl, KlausThis talk is based on a paper published in the Requirements Engineering Journal in May 2017. During the development of safety-critical systems, the development process must ensure that requirements, which are defined to mitigate a hazard, are adequate. Adequacy of such hazard-mitigating requirements (HMRs) means that the requirements may not oppose the system’s operational purpose and must sufficiently avoid, reduce, or control, the occurrence of the conditions that trigger the hazard. However, information about the occurrence of the hazard’s trigger conditions are a work product of hazard analyses during early stages of safety assessment, while HMRs are a work product of requirements engineering. Dependencies between HMRs and hazard analysis results are implicit and tacit. In consequence, there’s a risk that during validation, inadequacy of HMRs regarding their ability to mitigate a hazard remains covert. The result may be that the system is assumed to be safe, but in fact may still cause injury or death. We introduced Hazard Relation Diagrams (HRDs) as a means to integrate and graphically visualize hazard analysis results with HMRs. Herein, we also provide insights into their empirical evaluation and show that HRDs increase objectivity in rationales containing adequacy judgments.
- KonferenzbeitragImproving Collaborative Modeling by an Operation-Based Versioning Approach(Software Engineering 2024 (SE 2024), 2024) Exelmans, Joeri; Pietron, Jakob; Raschke, Alexander; Vangheluwe, Hans; Tichy, Matthias
- ZeitschriftenartikelImproving IaaS Cloud Analyses by Black-Box Resource Demand Modeling(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 35, Heft 3, 2015) Groenda, Henning; Stier, ChristianIn Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Cloud scenarios, data center operators require specifications of Virtual Machine (VM) behavior for data center middle- and long-term planning and optimization. The planning is usually supported by simulations. While users can leverage white-box application knowledge, data center operators have to rely on metrics at the level of resource demands provided by virtualization and cloud middleware platforms. Existing simulations for data center planning do not combine both viewpoints and either require white-box knowledge or focus on short-term predictions using statistical estimators. Our approach allows modeling varying resource demand of black-box VMs based on the Descartes Load Intensity Model (DLIM). The black-box VM models are integrated in the SimuLizar performance simulator complementing the existing grey- and white-box models in order to improve reasoning on (de-) consolidation decisions.
- ZeitschriftenartikelKMDL® Eine semiformale Beschreibungssprache zur Modellierung von Wissenskonversionen(Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 48, No. 5, 2006) Gronau, Norbert; Fröming, JaneKernpunkteMit KMDL® kann Art und Umfang einer Wissenskonversion modelliert und analysiert werden. Damit wird die Transparenz über das vorhandene Wissen im Unternehmen erhöht und der Ablauf wissensintensiver Geschäftsprozesse kann verbessert werden. Die semiformale Modellierungsmethode unterscheidet zwischen stillschweigendem, explizierbarem und explizitem Wissen und gestattet eine Analyse der Wissensverarbeitung in den einzelnen Prozessschritten und darauf aufbauend die Identifikation von Potenzialen für Verbesserungen. Weiterhin können Strategien für Schulungskonzepte abgeleitet und Projektteams entsprechend den benötigten Skills zusammengestellt werden.AbstractKMDL® A semiformal approach to model knowledge conversions Knowledge Management is still assigned to IT departments and therefore strongly driven by technical aspects. The so developed knowledge management applications are seldom integrated into the business processes within the organization. Therefore these knowledge management systems are rarely accepted permanently. The presented method for modeling and analyzing of knowledge intensive processes allows to identify the creation and use of knowledge within the business process and therefore allows to deduce suggestions for improvement. Thereby it becomes possible to integrate the knowledge of the employees into the value chain and achieve competitive advantage.
- KonferenzbeitragModel-Based Generation of Software Configurations in Mechatronic Systems(Modellierung 2020, 2020) Paczona, Martin; Mayr, Heinrich C.; Prochart, GuenterAn essential part of the mechatronic system is the software, which is responsible to bring functionality into the system consisting of mechanical, electronic and electrical parts. The software must be tailored to the specific hardware to fulfill tasks (e.g. control, monitoring) according to the system requirements. In today‘s industrial practice, the design is mainly done manually. First the entire architecture is drawn using drawing tools. Based on this software developers derive the low-level specification using their low-level development environments. This is error prone and time-consuming due to the fact, that a large number of hardware parameters have to be taken in account and the informal specification does not allow to derive these parameters. To improve this we present here an approach where the overall architecture of the mechatronic system is described using a Domain-Specific Conceptual Modeling Language (DSML) using the example of Electric Vehicle Testbeds. Based on this model the low-level software configurations are generated rule-based. In this paper we present the concepts of the DSML, explain the transformation rules and show the functionality of the generator by introducing a practical example.
- KonferenzbeitragModel-Based Self-Aware Performance and Resource Management Using the Descartes Modeling Language(Software Engineering 2017, 2017) Kounev, Samuel; Huber, Nikolaus; Brosig, Fabian; Spinner, Simon; Bähr, ManuelWe present the results of our recent work published in [Hu17] and summarized in [Ko16]. We introduce a holistic model-based approach for self-aware performance and resource management of modern IT systems and infrastructures. Based on a novel online performance prediction process, we implement a model-based control loop for proactive system adaptation. We evaluate our approach in the context of two representative case studies showing that with the proposed methods, significant resource efficiency gains can be achieved while maintaining performance requirements. These results represent the first end-to-end validation of our approach, demonstrating its potential for self-aware performance and resource management of modern IT systems and infrastructures.
- KonferenzbeitragModel-based Testbed Design for Electric Vehicles(40 Years EMISA 2019, 2020) Paczona, Martin; Mayr, Heinrich C.; Prochart, GuenterElectric cars boom. This puts pressure on providing and improving tools and systems for electric car development. Electric vehicle testbeds (EVTs) are such systems: they serve for testing all high voltage vehicle components like batteries, inverters or complete engines and help to reduce the need of cost intensive road tests. EVT users like manufacturers of automobiles, aircrafts or train engines mostly have individual requirements. EVTs are therefore typically tailor-made solutions. Today’s approach to customized testbed (component) design starts with drawing the overall architecture using tools like MS Visio; based here-on, software developers, circuit plan designers, and engineers use their specific low-level design and development environments, obviously with no transformation or generation out of the initial drawing with causes all known challenges of such procedure. This paper presents a novel, innovative and scalable approach to EVT design based on an ontology grounded Domain Specific Modeling Language (DSML). It enables the user to describe the customer requirements in the familiar form. The resulting model can then be used to generate circuit diagrams and software configurations. Such approach not only may reduce development time and cost but may increase the quality of the resulting EVT.
- ZeitschriftenartikelModellierung überbetrieblicher behandlungsprozesse durch objekt-petrinetze(Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 47, No. 3, 2005) Sarshar, Kamyar; Loos, PeterClinical processes are often performed by the cooperation of different healthcare organization. But even that for modeling of such processes the object Petri nets can be used, they often lack of intuitive comprehensibility. This contribution presents an interpretation of object Petri nets which assigns abstract net elements to real objects of the healthcare domain. By doing this it helps domain user to apply this Petri net type to the modeling of clinical processes. The application of this approach is demonstrated.
- ZeitschriftenartikelObjektorientierte Vorgehensmodelle im Vergleich(Informatik-Spektrum: Vol. 22, No. 3, 1999) Noack, Jörg; Schienmann, BrunoNachdem sich das objektorientierte Paradigma in der Software-Entwicklung mehr und mehr durchsetzt, gewinnt für große Software-Unternehmen die Wahl der richtigen Vorgehensweise an Bedeutung. Sieben im industriellen Einsatz befindliche Vorgehensmodelle für die objekt-orientierte Software-Entwicklung werden systematisch beschrieben und anhand eines Kriterienrasters gegenübergestellt und evaluiert. Zu diesem Zweck wird zunächst eine neutrale Begriffswelt zur Beschreibung von Vorgehensmodellen eingeführt. Anschließend werden Kriterien aufgestellt, die eine differenzierende Darstellung der verschiedenen Ansätze ermöglichen. Der Vergleich erlaubt eine Einschätzung des State-of-the-Art objektorientierter Vorgehensmodelle im kommerziellen Umfeld.Summary The object oriented paradigm is gaining more and more confidence in software development. For large software organizations the selection of an adequate methodology is essential. In this paper we survey seven process models of industrial strength. In order to compare the different approaches we define a basic terminology and a catalog of evaluation criteria. From the comparison which is the main part of our paper we draw some conclusions about the state of the art of object oriented process models in the commercial field.