Auflistung nach Schlagwort "Modelling"
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- KonferenzbeitragFundamental challenges in systems modelling(40 Years EMISA 2019, 2020) Proper, Henderik A.; Bjeković, MarijaIn the context of information systems, and digital ecosystems at large, many different forms of systems modelling are used. This includes enterprise (architecture) modelling, business process modelling, ontology modelling and information modelling. The resulting models have come to play an important role during all stages of the life-cycle of digital (eco)systems, where we see such systems as being socio-technical systems involving a hybrid of human and digital actors, supported by (other) technologies. In our view, the key role of models also fuels the need for a more fundamental reflection on core aspects of modelling itself. In line with this, the goal of this paper is to explore some of the underlying fundamental challenges of modelling, and in doing so create awareness for, and initiate discussions on, the need for more foundational research into these challenges. The discussion of these challenges has been structured in terms of three clusters: the semiotic foundations, the essence of modelling, and the role of normative frames (such as modelling languages).
- KonferenzbeitragMessage from the Modellierung’22 Workshop Chairs(Modellierung 2022 Satellite Events, 2022) Michael, Judith; Pfeiffer ,Jérôme; Wortmann, AndreasPreface of the Modellierung’22 Workshop, Tools und Demos Proceedings
- DissertationMöglichkeiten und Limitationen der medialen Unterstützung forschenden Lernens(2021) Dehne, JulianForschendes Lernen und die digitale Transformation sind zwei der wichtigsten Einflüsse auf die Entwicklung der Hochschuldidaktik im deutschprachigen Raum. Während das forschende Lernen als normative Theorie das sollen beschreibt, geben die digitalen Werkzeuge, alte wie neue, das können in vielen Bereichen vor. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein Prozessmodell aufgestellt, was den Versuch unternimmt, das forschende Lernen hinsichtlich interaktiver, gruppenbasierter Prozesse zu systematisieren. Basierend auf dem entwickelten Modell wurde ein Softwareprototyp implementiert, der den gesamten Forschungsprozess begleiten kann. Dabei werden Gruppenformation, Feedback- und Reflexionsprozesse und das Peer Assessment mit Bildungstechnologien unterstützt. Die Entwicklungen wurden in einem qualitativen Experiment eingesetzt, um Systemwissen über die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der digitalen Unterstützung von forschendem Lernen zu gewinnen.
- ZeitschriftenartikelThe Next Generation – Design and Implementation of a Smart Glasses-based Modelling System(Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures (EMISAJ) – International Journal of Conceptual Modeling: Vol. 13, Nr. 18, 2018) Metzger, Dirk; Niemöller, Christina; Jannaber, Sven; Berkemeier, Lisa; Brenning, Lukas; Thomas, OliverTechnical services in innovative business models are becoming increasingly complex. Thus, comprehensive IT-support is crucial for service delivery. Content for those IT-support systems is captured by modelling relevant service processes. Aside the intangibility and integrativity, services are characterized by the complexity of their structure. So, the traditional modelling approaches executed by modelling experts are challenging. To overcome those challenges, we developed a concept to model service processes at the point-of-service while executing the service itself. The process executer (e. g. the technician) is empowered by smart glasses that do not limit his scope of actions. Additionally, the glasses guide through the (runtime) modelling and allow easy capturing of service processes during the execution. We followed a design science-oriented approach. First, we identified relevant process blocks from literature for runtime modelling (analysis). Afterwards, we built related software components for the process blocks (design). We do so by proposing an implementation and an architecture for a smart glasses-based modelling system. Finally, we evaluated the concept by prototyping and demonstrating the system by means of a real-world service process (evaluation). Our approach tackles challenges on how new technology can enhance the modelling at the point-of-service, which process blocks are relevant and how domain experts can be integrated into the modelling process itself. The practical implications are towards new chances of capturing processes.
- TextdokumentPerceptual Relational Attributes: Navigating and Discovering Shared Perspectives from User-Generated Reviews(BTW 2019, 2019) Lofi, Christoph; Valle Torre, Manuel; Ye, MengmengEffectively modelling and querying experience items like movies, books, or games in databases is challenging because these items are better described by their resulting user experience or perceived properties than by factual attributes. However, such information is often subjective, disputed, or unclear. Thus, social judgments like comments, reviews, discussions, or ratings have become a ubiquitous component of most Web applications dealing with such items, especially in the e-commerce domain. However, they usually do not play major role in the query process, and are typically just shown to the user. In this paper, we will discuss how to use unstructured user reviews to build a structured semantic representation of database items such that these perceptual attributes are (at least implicitly) represented and usable for navigational queries. Especially, we argue that a central challenge when extracting perceptual attributes from social judgments is respecting the subjectivity of expressed opinions. We claim that no representation consisting of only a single tuple will be sufficient. Instead, such systems should aim at discovering shared perspectives, representing dominant perceptions and opinions, and exploiting those perspectives for query processing.
- KonferenzbeitragPragmatic Reuse for DSML Development(Modellierung 2024, 2024) Klikovits, Stefan; Buchs, DidierThis is a summary of an article (with the same title) originally published in the International Journal on Software and Systems Modeling (Vol. 20, pages 837–866, (2021)) discussing the lessons learned during the development of a DSL for physical resource flows.
- KonferenzbeitragThe Simplified Platform, an Overview(Modellierung 2022 Satellite Events, 2022) Mulder, Mark A.T.; Mulder, Rick; Bodnar, Fiodor; van Kessel, Mirjam; Gomez Vicente, JorgeSimplified is a new approach to modelling and meta-modelling.This platform is a result of experience with a previous research tool for modelling Design and Engineering Methodology for Organisations (DEMO).It's cloud based development makes it suitable for research and business applications.The configurable notations, flexible user interface, and real-time transformation and visualisations makes the platform adaptable and understandable for every stakeholder.
- TextdokumentSupporting Security in Industrial Automation and Control Systems using Domain-Specific Modelling(INFORMATIK 2021, 2021) Altschaffel, Robert; Hempel, Ivo; Keil, Oliver; Schindler, Josef; Szemkus, Martin; Dittmann, Jana; Lange, Matthias; Waedt, Karl; Ding, YongjianThis paper explores how domain specific modelling can be used to support the identification of potential vulnerabilities and risks in Industrial Automation and Control Systems (IACS) to enhance security by enabling a mitigation of these vulnerabilities. This approach can be used to support already deployed IACS or to include Security-by-Design and Security Defence-in-Depth principles in the planning of future facilities. This paper explores the requirements for such a modelling approach including domain and security specific aspects. Three interlinked aspects of IACS which require different modelling approaches are identified leading to three distinct types of models: Infrastructure, cyber-process, and physical process. These three types are relevant for different attack vectors and to judge the potential impact of any attack. This paper shows examples for these three models and how these models can be used to identify vulnerabilities with the aim to close them.
- ZeitschriftenartikelWelche Ausbildung brauchen Informatiker?(Informatik-Spektrum: Vol. 20, No. 6, 1997) Krasemann, HartmutDie Dienstleistungsgesellschaft stellt hohe Anforderungen an einen Software-Ingenieur1 in heutigen Industrieprojekten. Punktuelle Erfahrungen aus der Praxis zeigen Defizite der Ausbildung bezüglich dieser Anforderungen auf, geben aber auch Hinweise zur Behebung dieser Defizite. Dabei wird deutlich, daß eine Konzentration der Ausbildung auf Objektorientierung nicht nur einen Bedarf der Industrie per se erfüllt, sondern zusätzliche Chancen für eine Verbesserung der Ausbildung bietet. Wichtiger sind Ausbildungsschwerpunkte auf Kommunikation, Modellierung, Entwurf und Entwurfsmuster als auf bestimmten Programmiersprachen.Summary The service oriented economy challenges the software engineer in today’s industry. Some experience from daily work points to deficiencies of the computer science education with respect to these challenges. However, they also hint at measures to repair theses deficiencies. The arguments illustrate, that focussing the education on object technology not only fulfills an immediate request of today’s industry but also opens further opportunities for improvement. We argue to emphasize communication, modelling, design and design patterns over languages.