Auflistung nach Schlagwort "Natural Interaction"
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- Workshopbeitrag1st Workshop on “User Experience for Sustainability in the Age of Automated Driving and Electromobility”(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Workshopband, 2021) Holzhammer, Uwe; Lenz, Maximilian Josef; Riener, Andreas; Schweizer, Manuel; Tutunaru, RobinAutomation and electromobility are disruptive technologies within the automotive industry at the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century. Both technologies combined are inherent in high potential to lower fuel/energy consumption and increase overall efficiency and thus sustainability in the transportation sector. However, the acceptance of fuel-saving driving modes and of electrified drivetrains is of fundamental importance. Therefor Automotive HMIs offer the possibility to inform the passengers about the environmental impact of their driving behavior or habits of use and enable to persuade towards a more sustainable lifestyle. This workshop is designed for UX researchers, students and interested citizens that want to participate in a discourse and design process for future automotive UIs. Using brainstorming methods combined with clustering of the ideas we will find out which information provided at which time is adequate to cause a change of behaviour which then diminishes the environmental impact of driving.
- Workshopbeitrag9thWorkshop Automotive HMIs: Natural and Adaptive UIs to Support Future Vehicles(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Workshopband, 2021) Riener, Andreas; Pfleging, Bastian; Detjen, Henrik; Braun, Michael; Peintner, JakobModern vehicles allow control by the driver with multimodal user interfaces (UIs), touch interaction on screens, speech input, and mid-air gestures. Such UIs are driver-focused and optimized for limited distraction to not compromise road safety in manual driving. Nevertheless, they are often complex and it might be difficult to find specific features. Automated driving in L3+ will disrupt the design of automotive UIs as drivers become passengers, at least for certain parts along the way. Similarly, the car is being transformed into a social space where passengers can be granted control over systems because they can devote their full attention without imposing safety risks. The complexity of advanced driver assistance, in-vehicle information and interaction systems requires explanation to the user, e.g., in which state the system is, interaction possibilities, expectations from the driver or take over timing. We expect novel technologies to allow for natural interaction and adaptivity to design valuable and future-proof interaction concepts for the changing interior of (automated) vehicles. The goal of this workshop is, thus, to discuss how natural and adaptive user interfaces can help to solve the mentioned challenges and to identify opportunities for future research and collaboration.
- TextdokumentRäumliche Gestenerkennung und Natural User Interfaces mit Microsoft Kinect(Tagungsband UP11, 2011) Oltmanns, Björn; Kruschinski, Denis; Wallach, DieterDer vorliegende Beitrag stellt Ansätze zur Realisierung von gestenbasierten User- Interfaces und Anwendungen auf Basis des 3D Sensors Microsoft Kinect in Verbindung mit Frameworks wie OpenNI und NITE vor. Nach einer kurzen Einführung in die genutzte Hard- und Software wird eine prototypische Applikation und die dieser zu Grunde liegenden Interaktionskonzepte skizziert. Hierbei kommen neben ein- und mehrhändigen Gesten insbesondere auch Konzepte wie virtuelle Cursor und Echtzeit Motion Capturing zur Analyse der Körperhaltung — lokal als auch im räumlichen Kontext — zum Einsatz. Im dritten Teil werden die vorgestellten Interaktionskonzepte schließlich diskutiert und auf Herausforderungen und Probleme — wie die Unterscheidung zwischen intentionalen und nicht-intentionalen Gesten — eingegangen.
- KonferenzbeitragA Survey of Natural Design for Interaction(Mensch und Computer 2022 - Tagungsband, 2022) Hirsch, Linda; Li, Jingyi; Mayer, Sven; Butz, AndreasThe term “Natural Design” has various meanings and applications within and beyond the human-computer interaction community. Yet, there is no consensus on whether it is a relevant design approach or only a descriptive term without profound meaning. We investigated the current understanding and design potential of “Natural Design” for interaction in a systematic literature review. By analyzing and rating 113 papers, we identified 47 relevant papers that applied Natural Design in different contexts. The understanding of the approach changes from nature-related inspirations to context-dependent naturalness based on increasing familiarity or expectations. We present a structured overview of these relevant papers, contribute a systematic Natural Design model for interaction and add 20 implications for applying Natural Design to natural user interfaces, natural interaction, or computation. We identified “Natural Design” as a relevant design approach to create intuitive and embedded interfaces that can profit from related concepts outside human-computer interaction.