Auflistung nach Schlagwort "Performance"
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- Konferenzbeitrag10th Symposium on Software Performance (SSP) Würzburg, November 5-6, 2019: Preface(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 39, Heft 4, 2019) Herbst, Nikolas; Reussner, RalfAround fifty participants from Karlsruhe, Würzburg, Stuttgart, München, Kiel, Nürnberg, Leipzig, Hannover, Ulm, Mannheim, Linz and Hildesheim attended the 10 year anniversary edition of the Symposium on Software Performance in Würzburg. Performance is one of the most relevant quality attributes of any IT system. While good performance leads to high user satisfaction, weak response times lead to loss of users, perceived unavailability of the system, or unnecessarily high costs of network or computing resources. Therefore, various techniques to evaluate, control, and improve the performance of IT systems have been developed, ranging from online monitoring and benchmarking to modeling and prediction. Experience shows, that for system design or later optimization, such techniques should be applied in smart combination. Therefore, the "Symposium on Software Performance" brings together researchers and practitioners interested in software performance, where performance is understood both in classical sense as the amount of useful work accomplished by a software system compared to the time and resources used", as well as in a broader sense as "the manner in which or the efficiency with which a software system reacts or fulfills its intended purpose". The scope of the symposium spans measurement, modeling, benchmark design, and run-time management. The focus is both on classical performance metrics such as response time, throughput and resource utilization, as well as on the relationship of such metrics to other software quality attributes including but not limited to scalability, elasticity, (energy) efficiency, dependability (in terms of availability and reliability), resilience, security and privacy.
- Konferenz-Abstract11th Symposium on Software Performance (SSP)(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 40, Heft 3, 2020) Müller, Richard; Eisenecker, UlrichAlmost 50 participants from Germany, Austria, USA, Canada, and India have attended the 11th Symposium on Software Performance (SSP). Because of Corona it took place as a virtual event for the first time. The program comprises two industry talks from the sponsors, fifteen paper presentations, and nine industry or experience talks.
- Konferenzbeitrag13th Symposium on Software Performance (SSP)(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 43, Heft 1, 2023) Klinaku, Floriment; Becker, SteffenThe 13th edition of the Symposium on Software Performance, held in Stuttgart, brought together researchers and practitioners interested in all aspects of software performance. In this edition, almost 50 participants attended the symposium. Participants were representing 17 different affiliations, including well-known educational and research institutions from Germany and prominent companies from the industry.
- Konferenz-Abstract15th Symposium on Software Performance 2024. Linz, Austria, November 6–7, 2024(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 44, Heft 4, 2024) Henning, Sören; Kahlhofer, Mario; Vogel, AdrianoThe 15th edition of the Symposium on Software Performance, held November 6–7, 2024, in Linz, Austria, brought together researchers and practitioners with a shared interest in all aspects of software performance. This edition attracted over 50 participants from 16 affiliations, including well-known educational and research institutions from Austria, Germany, and Denmark, as well as prominent industry companies.
- Konferenz-Abstract15th Symposium on Software Performance 2024. Linz, Austria, November 6–7, 2024(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 44, Heft 4, 2024) Henning, Sören; Kahlhofer, Mario; Vogel, AdrianoThe 15th edition of the Symposium on Software Performance, held November 6–7, 2024, in Linz, Austria, brought together researchers and practitioners with a shared interest in all aspects of software performance. This edition attracted over 50 participants from 16 affiliations, including well-known educational and research institutions from Austria, Germany, and Denmark, as well as prominent industry companies.
- Konferenzbeitrag9th Symposium on Software Performance (SSP)(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 39, Heft 3, 2019) Eichelberger, Holger; Schmid, Klaus; Hasselbring, Wilhelm; Becker, Steffen; van Hoorn, André; Kounev, Samuel; Reussner, RalfMore than fourty participants attended the 9th Symposium on Software Performance in Hildesheim. The "Symposium on Software Performance" brings together researchers and practitioners interested in all facets of software performance, ranging from modeling and prediction to monitoring and runtime management.
- ZeitschriftenartikelA Configuration Taxonomy of Business Process Orientation(Business & Information Systems Engineering: Vol. 64, No. 2, 2022) Van Looy, Amy; Trkman, Peter; Clarysse, ElsOrganizations strive to develop a variety of capabilities to improve and measure business processes. Researchers have used various maturity models to investigate the development of a business process orientation (BPO), and most have argued that such a development comes in stages. Current literature underestimates the interrelationships between BPO capabilities and fails to consider multidimensional or non-linear paths to maturity. To refine the features of maturity models, this study relies on configuration theory to uncover different archetypes for BPO development and quantitatively evaluate them by examining performance differences among archetypes based on a large-scale international dataset. The resulting empirical taxonomy with seven BPO archetypes establishes important performance differences between organizations at a similar maturity level. Besides strengthening the theoretical foundations of BPO and making maturity assessments more multifaceted, the results help organizations give their managerial efforts a focus by enabling comparison with peers in the same archetype and showing various paths for BPO improvement.
- KonferenzbeitragAnalyzing PeerFlow – A Bandwidth Estimation System for Untrustworthy Environments(SICHERHEIT 2020, 2020) Mitseva, Asya; Engel, Thomas; Panchenko, AndriyTor is the most popular low-latency anonymization network comprising over 7,000 nodes run by volunteers. To balance the user traffic load over the diverse resource capabilities of these nodes, Tor guides users to choose nodes in proportion to their available bandwidth. However, self-reported bandwidth values are not trustworthy. Recently, a new bandwidth measurement system, PeerFlow, has been proposed aiming to solve the Tor bandwidth estimation problem. In this work, we introduce the first practical analysis of PeerFlow. We proposed a set of strategies for the practical realization of probation periods in PeerFlow and showed that many Tor nodes cannot recover to their normal state after one measuring period. We also demonstrated that low-bandwidth adversaries gain significantly higher bandwidth estimates exceeding the theoretically defined security boundaries of PeerFlow.
- KonferenzbeitragAnsätze zur Reduktion der Live-Migrationsdauer virtueller Maschinen(INFORMATIK 2011 – Informatik schafft Communities, 2011) Semenov, Evgeny; Versick, Daniel; Tavangarian, DjamshidViele Rechenzentren nutzen Virtualisierungstechnologien zur Verbesserung der Auslastung vorhandener Server-Ressourcen. Um in derart virtualisierten Umgebungen die Wartung der physikalischen Systeme zu realisieren bzw. Ausfälle adäquat behandeln zu können, werden vom Administrator gesteuerte manuelle Migrationen der virtuellen Maschinen (VM) eingesetzt. Automatische Live-Migrationen, die nicht vom Administrator sondern vom Virtualisierungssystem eigenständig bei einer Änderung von Anforderungen gestartet werden, könnten eine maßgebliche Bedeutung für eine Vielzahl von zusätzlichen Anwendungsfällen in Rechenzentren der Zukunft haben. Zur Realisierung einer automatischen Live-Migration ist die Reduktion der Migrationszeiten und insbesondere die Minimierung der Dauer der Nicht- Erreichbarkeit einer virtuellen Maschine (Offline-Zeit) entscheidend, da bei automatischen Verfahren kein Eingriff des Administrators in den Migrationsvorgang erfolgen sollte. In dem vorliegenden Beitrag werden Bedingungen analysiert, die zu hohen Migrationsund Offline-Zeiten bei automatisierten Live-Migrationen führen können. Dazu werden experimentelle Messungen und ihre Testergebnisse vorgestellt, um Abhängigkeiten der Migrationsund Offline-Zeiten bei unterschiedlichen Prozessorund Speicherlastsituationen in Xen-basierten Umgebungen zu zeigen. Es werden Testergebnisse präsentiert und deren Einsatz in automatischen Live- Migrationsumgebungen diskutiert. Unter Nutzung dieser Ergebnisse können hohe Migrationsund Offline-Zeiten vermieden werden, die sonst zu einer Verringerung der Service-Qualität und im schlimmsten Fall zu Dienstausfällen führen können.
- ZeitschriftenartikelApproaches to the Ex-ante Evaluation of Investments into Information Systems(Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 46, No. 3, 2004) Walter, Sascha G.; Spitta, ThorstenThis paper critically reviews approaches for the evaluation of investments in information systems prior to their implementation. First, the ground for the review is prepared by examining characteristics of evaluation, information systems and value. A classification of the numerous evaluation approaches identified in English and German literature is then presented. Examples of each class are reviewed and their advantages and drawbacks are discussed. Their use in evaluation practice is analyzed through the examination of empirical studies and directions for future research are given.
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