Auflistung nach Schlagwort "Social Media"
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- WorkshopbeitragAudit, Don’t Explain – Recommendations Based on a Socio-Technical Understanding of ML-Based Systems(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Workshopband, 2021) Heuer, HendrikIn this position paper, I provide a socio-technical perspective on machine learning-based systems. I also explain why systematic audits may be preferable to explainable AI systems. I make concrete recommendations for how institutions governed by public law akin to the German TÜV and Stiftung Wartentest can ensure that ML systems operate in the interest of the public.
- KonferenzbeitragAuditing the Biases Enacted by YouTube for Political Topics in Germany(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Tagungsband, 2021) Heuer, Hendrik; Hoch, Hendrik; Breiter, Andreas; Theocharis, YannisWith YouTube’s growing importance as a news platform, its recommendation system came under increased scrutiny. Recognizing YouTube’s recommendation system as a broadcaster of media, we explore the applicability of laws that require broadcasters to give important political, ideological, and social groups adequate opportunity to express themselves in the broadcasted program of the service. We present audits as an important tool to enforce such laws and to ensure that a system operates in the public’s interest. To examine whether YouTube is enacting certain biases, we collected video recommendations about political topics by following chains of ten recommendations per video. Our findings suggest that YouTube’s recommendation system is enacting important biases. We find that YouTube is recommending increasingly popular but topically unrelated videos. The sadness evoked by the recommended videos decreases while the happiness increases.We discuss the strong popularity bias we identified and analyze the link between the popularity of content and emotions.We also discuss how audits empower researchers and civic hackers to monitor complex machine learning (ML)-based systems like YouTube’s recommendation system.
- ZeitschriftenartikelBest Practices für die Mitarbeiter-Partizipation in der Produktentwicklung(HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 54, No. 4, 2017) Rohmann, Sebastian; Schumann, MatthiasUnternehmen haben das Innovationspotenzial der eigenen Mitarbeiter auch außerhalb der F&E-Abteilung erkannt und eigene unternehmensinterne Innovations-Communities, auf Basis sog. Enterprise Social Software Plattformen (ESSPs), implementiert. Viele Initiativen scheitern in der Praxis jedoch häufig aufgrund einer fehlenden oder zu geringen Partizipation der Mitarbeiter. Die mit den Maßnahmen erhofften Ziele, wie z. B. kürzere Entwicklungszeiten, höhere Produktqualität oder eine erhöhte Innovationsfähigkeit, werden dadurch oft nicht erreicht. Basierend auf einer qualitativ-explorativen Expertenstudie werden in diesem Beitrag die wesentlichen Problemfelder der mitarbeiterzentrierten Produktentwicklung beschrieben und Handlungsempfehlungen aus der Praxis hierfür aufgezeigt. Diese konkret nutzbaren Erfolgsgeschichten unterstützen Unternehmen die Mitarbeiter-Partizipation zu verbessern und neue Initiativen sorgfältiger zu planen.AbstractCompanies have recognized the innovative potential of their own employees outside the R&D department and implemented own company-internal innovation communities based on so-called Enterprise Social Software Platforms (ESSPs). However, in practice, many initiatives often fail due to a lack of or too little employee participation. Therefore, aims, such as shorter development times, higher product quality or increased innovative capacity are not achieved in many cases. Based on a qualitative exploratory expert study, this paper describes the main problem areas of employee-centered product development and shows recommendations for practical application. These success stories help companies to improve employee participation and to plan new initiatives more carefully.
- KonferenzbeitragBig Data in a Crisis? Creating Social Media Datasets for Crisis Management Research(i-com: Vol. 15, No. 3, 2017) Reuter, Christian; Ludwig, Thomas; Kotthaus, Christoph; Kaufhold, Marc-André; Radziewski, Elmar von; Pipek, VolkmarA growing body of research in the area of information systems for crisis management is based on data from social media. After almost every larger disaster studies emerge with the focus on the specific use of social media. Much of this research is based on Twitter data, due to the ease of access of this (mainly public) data, compared to (more closed) data, such as Facebook or Google+. Based on the experience gained from a research project on social media in emergencies and our task to collect social media data sets for other partners, we present the design and evaluation of a graphical user interface that supports those stakeholders (such as emergency services or researchers) that are interested in creating social media datasets for further crisis management research. We do not specifically focus on the analysis of social media data. Rather we aim to support the gathering process and how actors without sophisticated technical skills can be supported to get what they want and especially need: relevant social media data. Within this article, we present a practice-oriented approach and implications for designing tools that support the collection of social media data as well as future work.
- ZeitschriftenartikelCorporate Influencing im Business-To-Business-Vertrieb(HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 61, No. 3, 2024) Nestler, Lisa; Hoffmann, ClaraBusiness-To-Business (B2B)-Vertrieb wird zunehmend digitalisiert und diese Digitalisierung hat einen starken Einfluss auf die Art und Weise, wie Kund:innen und Verkäufer:innen in Geschäftsbeziehungen interagieren, kommunizieren und Werte schaffen. Im Zuge der Digitalisierung hat die Nutzung des beruflichen sozialen Netzwerks LinkedIn im B2B-Vertrieb zugenommen und ein neues Phänomen, sogenannte Corporate-Influencer:innen, ist vermehrt bei LinkedIn zu beobachten. Die Literatur hat sich bislang hauptsächlich auf das Verhalten von Vertriebsmitarbeitenden in sozialen Medien, Leistungsergebnisse und Auswirkungen auf Kundenbeziehungen konzentriert. Es ist jedoch wenig bekannt über die Ziele, die mit Corporate Influencing verfolgt werden, ihre tatsächlichen Aktivitäten auf LinkedIn in dieser Rolle sowie Chancen und Herausforderungen, die sich durch Corporate Influencing ergeben. Ein Grounded-Theory-Ansatz wird verfolgt, um dieses Phänomen zu untersuchen. Basierend auf 31 Interviews mit Expert:innen aus verschiedenen B2B-Branchen, werden persönliche und unternehmensbezogene Ziele, spezifische Corporate-Influencer-Aktivitäten, sowie damit einhergehende Chancen und Herausforderungen von Corporate Influencing identifiziert. Business-to-Business (B2B) sales is becoming increasingly digitized, and this digitization has a strong influence on how customers and sellers interact, communicate, and create value in business relationships. The use of the professional social network LinkedIn in Business-To-Business sales has increased and a new phenomenon, known as corporate influencers, is increasingly observable on LinkedIn. Literature has primarily focused on salespeople’s social media behavior, performance outcomes and effects on customer relations. However, little is known about the objectives pursued with corporate influencing, their actual activities on LinkedIn in this role, and the opportunities and challenges that arise from corporate influencing. A Grounded Theory approach is adopted to explore this phenomenon. Based on 31 interviews with experts from various B2B sectors, personal and corporate objectives, specific corporate influencer activities, and the associated opportunities and challenges of corporate influencing are identified.
- KonferenzbeitragCross-Media@Home: Plattformübergreifende Nutzung neuer Medien(Mensch & Computer 2011: überMEDIEN|ÜBERmorgen, 2011) Hess, Jan; Ley, Benedikt; Ogonowski, Corinna; Wan, Lin; Wulf, VolkerMit der Veränderung des Medienangebots durch den digitalen Wandel gehen neue Formen der Mediennutzung einher. Die wachsende Bedeutung von Video on Demand-Angeboten ermöglicht eine individuellere, zeitunabhängige Bewegtbildrezeption. Zudem wird durch die zunehmende Vernetzung neuer Fernsehgeräte die Nutzung neuer Angebote direkt am TV möglich. Um neue Konzepte zu entwickeln die diesen Wandel unterstützen, ist es erforderlich den in Haushalten vorherrschenden Medien- und Technikeinsatz besser zu verstehen. Hierfür haben wir empirische Studien durchgeführt, die zeigen, dass sich sowohl parallele als auch konvergente Mediennutzungen etabliert haben. Wir konnten klare Bedürfnisse nach besser integrierten Ansätzen, die nicht auf einzelne Plattformen begrenzt sind, identifizieren. Zudem sollten Inhalte und Dienste angepasst an das Endgerät in einfacher Weise in die Mediennutzung integriert werden können.
- KonferenzbeitragCustomer Service in Social Media: An Empirical Study of the Airline Industry(Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2017) - Workshopband, 2017) Carnein, Matthias; Homann, Leschek; Trautmann, Heike; Vossen, Gottfried; Kraume, KarstenUntil recently, customer service was exclusively provided over traditional channels. Cus- tomers could write an email or call a service center if they had questions or problems with a product or service. In recent times, this has changed dramatically as companies explore new channels to offer customer service. With the increasing popularity of social media, more companies thrive to provide customer service also over Facebook and Twitter. Companies aim to provide a better customer ex- perience by offering more convenient channels to contact a company. In addition, this unburdens traditional channels which are costly to maintain. This paper empirically evaluates the performance of customer service in social media by analysing a multitude of companies in the airline industry. We have collected several million customer service requests from Twitter and Facebook and auto- matically analyzed how efficient the service strategies of the respective companies are in terms of response rate and time.
- KonferenzbeitragDesign Frictions on Social Media: Balancing Reduced Mindless Scrolling and User Satisfaction(Proceedings of Mensch und Computer 2024, 2024) Ruiz, Nicolas; León, Gabriela Molina; Heuer, HendrikDesign features of social media platforms, such as infinite scroll, increase users’ likelihood of experiencing normative dissociation — a mental state of absorption that diminishes self-awareness and disrupts memory. This paper investigates how adding design frictions into the interface of a social media platform reduce mindless scrolling and user satisfaction. We conducted a study with 30 participants and compared their memory recognition of posts in two scenarios: one where participants had to react to each post to access further content and another using an infinite scroll design. Participants who used the design frictions interface exhibited significantly better content recall, although a majority of participants found the interface frustrating. We discuss design recommendations and scenarios where adding design frictions to social media platforms can be beneficial.
- KonferenzbeitragEinsatz von Social Media für politische Kommunikation in Deutschland(Workshop Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien 2011, 2011) Stieglitz, Stefan; Dang-Xuan, Linh
- DissertationA European Perspective on Crisis Informatics: Citizens’ and Authorities’ Attitudes Towards Social Media for Public Safety and Security(2022) Reuter, ChristianMobilising helpers in the event of a flood or letting friends know that you are okay in the event of a terrorist attack – more and more people are using social media in emergency, crisis or disaster situations. Storms, floods, attacks or pandemics (esp. COVID-19) show that citizens use social media to inform themselves or to coordinate. This book presents qualitative and quantitative studies on the attitudes of emergency services and citizens in Europe towards social media in emergencies. Across the individual sub-studies, almost 10,000 people are surveyed including representative studies in the Netherlands, Germany, the UK and Italy. The work empirically shows that social media is increasingly important for emergency services, both for prevention and during crises; that private use of social media is a driving force in shaping opinions for organisational use; and that citizens have high expectations towards authorities, especially monitoring social media is expected, and sometimes responses within one hour. Depending on the risk culture, the data show further differences, e.g. whether the state (Germany) or the individual (Netherlands) is seen as primarily responsible for coping with the situation.