Auflistung nach Schlagwort "Taxonomy"
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- ZeitschriftenartikelA Taxonomy Development Method to Define the Vocabulary for Rule-Based Guidance in Complex Emerging Technologies(Business & Information Systems Engineering: Vol. 66, No. 2, 2024) Sangupamba Mwilu, Odette; Prat, Nicolas; Comyn-Wattiau, IsabelleEmerging technologies are characterized by their uncertainty and potential impact. Decisions about these technologies are therefore crucial and difficult. The problem is particularly acute for complex emerging technologies, which combine several technologies. Guidance on emerging technologies is often lacking, even more for complex ones. In this research, methods and models to guide practitioners (members of the IT personnel) in the adoption of complex emerging technologies are defined. Guidance is provided by means of productions rules, requiring a controlled vocabulary organized as a taxonomy. The rules, and the vocabulary for the rules, are defined by researchers for a specific complex emerging technology (e.g., business intelligence and analytics in the cloud). They may then be applied by practitioners to decide on the adoption of the emerging technology in a specific organizational context. The approach is based on systematic literature review, thereby contributing to evidence-based practice. This paper focuses on the method to define the controlled vocabulary for the production rules. This taxonomy development method is built by combining systematic literature review with a method for taxonomy development, considering the specificities of rule-based guidance and complex emerging technologies. It is demonstrated on business intelligence and analytics in the cloud and evaluated in a government agency.
- ZeitschriftenartikelAI Startup Business Models(Business & Information Systems Engineering: Vol. 64, No. 1, 2022) Weber, Michael; Beutter, Moritz; Weking, Jörg; Böhm, Markus; Krcmar, HelmutWe currently observe the rapid emergence of startups that use Artificial Intelligence (AI) as part of their business model. While recent research suggests that AI startups employ novel or different business models, one could argue that AI technology has been used in business models for a long time already—questioning the novelty of those business models. Therefore, this study investigates how AI startup business models potentially differ from common IT-related business models. First, a business model taxonomy of AI startups is developed from a sample of 100 AI startups and four archetypal business model patterns are derived: AI-charged Product/Service Provider, AI Development Facilitator, Data Analytics Provider, and Deep Tech Researcher. Second, drawing on this descriptive analysis, three distinctive aspects of AI startup business models are discussed: (1) new value propositions through AI capabilities, (2) different roles of data for value creation, and (3) the impact of AI technology on the overall business logic. This study contributes to our fundamental understanding of AI startup business models by identifying their key characteristics, common instantiations, and distinctive aspects. Furthermore, this study proposes promising directions for future entrepreneurship research. For practice, the taxonomy and patterns serve as structured tools to support entrepreneurial action.
- ZeitschriftenartikelAugmented Reality-Systeme zur Unterstützung der Workflow-Ausführung – Entwicklung und praktische Anwendung einer Taxonomie(HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 59, No. 1, 2022) Damarowsky, Johannes; Kühnel, Stephan; Seyffarth, Tobias; Sackmann, StefanDie Ausführung von Workflows ist in vielen Anwendungsfeldern zunehmend mit einer Verarbeitung von Kontextinformationen verbunden. Dies ermöglicht es, den Nutzern die richtige Information zur richtigen Zeit zur Verfügung zu stellen, um die Workflow-Ausführung optimal zu unterstützen. Ein aktueller Ansatz, um eine kontextsensitive Unterstützung zu realisieren sind Augmented Reality-Systeme. Diese verarbeiten Kontextinformationen und liefern notwendige und hilfreiche Workflow-Informationen immersiv und intuitiv, um den Nutzer zu unterstützen und zu entlasten. Da sich die technischen Implementierungen in diesem Feld sehr unterschiedlich ausgestalten, wird in diesem Beitrag eine Taxonomie entwickelt, die es ermöglicht, Augmented Reality-Systeme einheitlich zu systematisieren. Mit dem resultierenden einheitlichen Vokabular bietet die Taxonomie eine praktisch nutzbare Grundlage, um state-of-the-art Augmented Reality-Systeme zu klassifizieren, Trends und Forschungslücken in der Literatur zu identifizieren sowie die Entwicklung neuer Augmented Reality-Systeme methodisch zu unterstützen. Für die Entwicklung der Taxonomie wurden insgesamt 142 Augmented Reality-Systeme analysiert, mit speziellem Hinblick auf die bereitgestellte Workflow-Unterstützung. Die wahrgenommene Nützlichkeit der Taxonomie wurde durch eine Befragung von Augmented Reality-System und Workflow-Management-Experten evaluiert. Zudem werden zwei neuartige Augmented Reality-Systeme, die innovative Ansätze für die Unterstützung der Workflow-Ausführung darstellen, als praktische Beispiele der Anwendung der Taxonomie vorgestellt. The execution of workflows in many application fields is increasingly linked to the processing of context information. This makes it possible to provide users with the right information at the right time in order to optimally support workflow execution. A current approach to realize context-sensitive support are augmented reality systems. These process contextual information and deliver necessary and helpful workflow information immersively and intuitively to support and relieve the user. Since technical implementations in this field vary widely, this paper develops a taxonomy that makes it possible to systematize augmented reality systems in a uniform way. With the resulting unified vocabulary, the taxonomy provides a practically usable basis for classifying state-of-the-art augmented reality systems, identifying trends and research gaps in the literature, and methodically supporting the development of new augmented reality systems. For the development of the taxonomy, a total of 142 augmented reality systems were analyzed, with special regard to the provided workflow support. The perceived usefulness of the taxonomy was evaluated through a survey of experts in the domain of augmented reality systems and workflow management. In addition, two novel augmented reality systems that represent innovative approaches to workflow execution support are presented as practical examples of applications of the taxonomy.
- KonferenzbeitragBetter ready than just aware: Data and AI Literacy as an enabler for informed decision making in the data age(INFORMATIK 2023 - Designing Futures: Zukünfte gestalten, 2023) Schüller, Katharina; Rampelt, Florian; Koch, Henning; Schleiss, JohannesData and AI literacy is an important enabler for informed decision making in the data age. To inform educational programs and policies, it is important to create a common understanding about the required knowledge and skills. In this paper, we propose a novel taxonomy to data and AI literacy based on qualitative literature analysis and expert group discussions. We introduce three key roles related to Data and AI Literacy: the informed prosumer, the skilled user, and the expert creator. Moreover, we argue that Data and AI Awareness as the lowest level of understanding and recognizing is a necessary prerequisite but not a sufficient condition to Data and AI Literacy. We rather equate Data and AI Literacy with Data and AI Readiness. Further work will focus on defining the core knowledge, skills and competences of the taxonomy.
- TextdokumentBuilding a Consistent Taxonomy for Parallel Programming Models(INFORMATIK 2017, 2017) Nestmann, MarkusParallel programming has been a challenge for developers and software engineers for over two decades now. To lower the complexity of parallel programs, a lot of different parallel programming models (like ACTORs) or supporting libraries (like MPI) have been introduced. These models and libraries support different features and have individual hardware requirements. As part of a software development process a software engineer has to choose which programming model or library is used and fits best for a specific use case. Usually this discussion is made in an early design phase and depends on multiple factors. To enable the software engineer to make a well-informed decision a taxonomy is required, that contains all necessary information. To find such a taxonomy we performed a Systematic Literature Review, within we found five taxonomies. However, the found taxonomies are inconsistent regarding structure, terms and included models. This paper discusses the five found taxonomies and we will propose a new taxonomy, that overcomes their shortages and combines their features. With our proposed taxonomy software engineers are able to make well-informed decisions already in early phases of the software development process.
- TextdokumentExplanations in Everyday Software Systems(Software Engineering 2025, 2025) Droste, Jakob; Deters, Hannah; Obaidi, Martin; Schneider, KurtThe integration of explanations within software can address the opacity of complex systems, making them more understandable to end-users. Understanding what type of system requires what types of explanations is necessary to facilitate the consideration of explainability in early software design processes. In order to specify explainability requirements, an explainability taxonomy that applies to different software types is needed. Our work reports on the results of an online survey with 84 participants. We asked the participants to state their questions and confusions concerning their three most recently used software systems and elicited explainability needs from their statements. These needs were coded by three researchers. In total, we identified and classified 315 explainability needs from the survey answers.
- KonferenzbeitragLifting the Veil of Credential Usage in Organizations: A Taxonomy(Open Identity Summit 2023, 2023) Bochnia, Ricardo; Richter, Daniel; Anke, JürgenWith the emergence of self-sovereign identity (SSI) as a paradigm for digital identity management the handling of verifiable credentials (VCs) has become an important topic in organizations. Organizations process a wide variety of documents which can be considered credentials. Previous research shows that a challenge in developing SSI systems is a lack of understanding of the core aspects of the paradigm and their relation to existing organizational practices. Our research focuses on the different characteristics of credentials in organizations and maps the characteristics of VCs to physical credentials. Our findings indicate that credentials in organizations can be classified by ten dimensions. Additionally, VCs have many possible characteristics of physical credentials, althoughmplementation and support for certain features may be vendor-specific. Finally, we provide insights and suggestions for SSI researchers and developers.
- WorkshopbeitragSoftware Engineering for AR-Systems considering User Centered Design Approaches(Mensch und Computer 2019 - Workshopband, 2019) Schweiß, Thomas; Thomaschewski, Lisa; Kluge, Annette; Weyers, BenjaminTechnologies like augmented reality have the potential to sup-port teams in their everyday working environment. In this pa-per, we present a user centered design approach for defining requirements based on a taxonomy for augmented reality sys-tems. Therefore, we first go into detail of the taxonomy. After-wards we present requirements engineering based on infor-mation about the context, user, and task of an AR system. Ac-cording to this information, we will gather new requirements by inducing them into the taxonomy und describe how they can be used in a user centered design process. Finally, we will present a use case based on a water treatment simulation and map the previously derived requirements to the system. Addi-tionally, we will describe two user studies to evaluate an ambi-ent awareness tool, generated due to those requirements. Our work shows, that the gathered requirements can be used in an early stage of the user centered design as well as after the stage of usability testing to serve as comparative variables for further usability analysis. Additionally, in terms of the user centered design process, we developed a first prototype of the ambient awareness tool, which will be evaluated in future work.
- ZeitschriftenartikelEine Taxonomie zur Rollendefinition von Chief Digital Officers im Zeitalter der Digitalen Transformation(HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 61, No. 1, 2024) Höhener, DariaDie Anforderungen an einen Chief Digital Officer (CDO) unterliegen Veränderungen und die Ausgestaltung dieser Rolle nimmt je nach organisationaler Struktur eine unterschiedliche Bedeutung an. Die CDO-Rollentaxonomie dient Unternehmen als nützliches Werkzeug, um die Integration dieser Rolle in die organisatorischen Gegebenheiten zu vollziehen und die erforderlichen Kompetenzen und Aufgabenbereiche (zum Beispiel bei der Neuausschreibung des Profils) festzulegen. Die Taxonomie basiert auf dem adaptierten Extended Taxonomy Design Process (ETDP). Dies ermöglicht einen zugleich wissenschaftlich basierten und praxisorientierten Blick auf die benötigten Kompetenzen eines CDOs im Kontext der Digitalen Transformation. Aufbauend auf einer Literature Review wurden Dimensionen und Charakteristiken, gemäß den initialien Meta-Charakteristiken, den Managerrollen von Mintzberg, geclustert. In drei Iterationszyklen wurde die Taxonomie erarbeitet und mit Erkenntnissen aus Stellenbeschreibungen ergänzt. Die Evaluierung erfolgte durch Interviews mit Praktikern aus dem Executive Search Bereich. Der wissenschaftliche Praxisbeitrag macht die CDO-Rolle mittels einer Taxonomie, die mit vier Meta-Charakteristiken, neun Dimensionen und insgesamt 26 spezifischen Charakteristiken ausgestaltet ist, fassbar. Die einzelnen Charakteristiken sind dabei den Meta-Ebenen organisatorisch, entscheidungsrelevant, interpersonell und informativ zugeordnet, was eine strukturierte und zielorientierte Rollendefinition erleichtert. The requirements for a Chief Digital Officer (CDO) are subject to change and the design of this role takes on different significance depending on the organizational structure. The CDO role taxonomy serves companies as a useful tool for integrating this role into the organizational setup and defining the required competencies and areas of responsibility (for example, when redefining the profile). The taxonomy was developed based on the adapted Extended Taxonomy Design Process (ETDP). This enables a simultaneously scientifically based and practice-oriented view of the required competencies of a CDO in the context of digital transformation. Based on a literature review, dimensions and characteristics were clustered according to the initial meta-characteristics of Mintzberg’s managerial roles. In three iteration cycles, the taxonomy was developed and adapted with insights from job descriptions. The taxonomy was evaluated through interviews with practitioners in the executive search sector. The contribution captures the CDO role through a taxonomy that is articulated with four meta-characteristics, nine dimensions, and a total of 26 specific characteristics. These individual characteristics are assigned to the meta-levels: organizational, decision-related, interpersonal, and informational, which facilitates a structured and targeted role definition.
- ZeitschriftenartikelVergleichbarkeit der Funktionalität von IoT-Software-Plattformen durch deren einheitliche Beschreibung in Form einer Taxonomie und Referenzarchitektur(HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 56, No. 6, 2019) Lempert, Sebastian; Pflaum, AlexanderMit der zunehmenden Verbreitung und Bedeutung des Internet der Dinge nimmt auch die Bedeutung von IoT-Software-Plattformen als zentraler Bestandteil von IoT-Systemen zu. Aufgrund des geschätzten Marktpotenzials von 15 Mrd. € im Jahr 2020 konkurrieren derzeit über 450 Anbieter miteinander. Da IoT-Software-Plattformen komplexe Lösungen darstellen und unterschiedliche Plattformen unterschiedliche Funktionalitäten aufweisen, führt diese Vielfalt zu einem intransparenten Markt. Folglich stehen Unternehmen, die eine IoT-Anwendung unter Weiternutzung ihrer bestehenden IT-Infrastruktur umsetzen wollen, vor der Herausforderung, die für diesen unternehmensspezifischen Anwendungsfall am besten geeignete IoT-Software-Plattform aus einer Vielzahl von Kandidaten auszuwählen. Dabei stellt die Funktionalität einer IoT-Software-Plattform ein wesentliches Bewertungs- und Auswahlkriterium dar. Allerdings müssen Praktiker zahlreiche Unterlagen mit heterogenen Beschreibungen auf unterschiedlichen Abstraktionsniveaus aus verschiedenen Quellen wie offiziellen Webseiten, Produktbroschüren, Datenblättern, Entwicklerdokumentationen und Marktstudien zeitaufwändig zusammentragen und auswerten, um die Funktionalität der verschiedenen am Markt angebotenen IoT-Software-Plattformen zu verstehen und vergleichen zu können. Vor diesem Hintergrund leitet der vorliegende Beitrag die Funktionalität einer vollständigen IoT-Software-Plattform mit Hilfe einer qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse aus verfügbaren Unterlagen der wichtigsten am Markt verfügbaren Plattformen ab und beschreibt diese in Form einer Taxonomie und darauf aufbauenden Referenzarchitektur. Auf dieser Basis sind Praktiker in der Lage, die Funktionalität der am Markt verfügbaren IoT-Software-Plattformen schnell zu verstehen und untereinander zu vergleichen. As the Internet of Things becomes more widespread and important, the importance of IoT software platforms as a central component of IoT systems is also increasing. Based on the estimated market potential of 15 billion euros in 2020, more than 450 providers are currently competing with each other. Since IoT software platforms are complex solutions and different platforms have different functionalities, this diversity leads to an intransparent market. As a result, companies that want to implement an IoT application while continuing to use their existing IT infrastructure face the challenge of selecting the most suitable IoT software platform for this company-specific application from a large number of candidates. In this context, the functionality of an IoT software platform is an essential evaluation and selection criterion. However, practitioners must collect and evaluate numerous documents with heterogeneous descriptions at different levels of abstraction from various sources such as official websites, product brochures, data sheets, developer documentation and market studies in order to understand and compare the functionality of the various IoT software platforms available on the market. Against this background, this paper derives the functionality of a complete IoT software platform by means of a qualitative content analysis from available documents of the most important platforms available on the market and describes these in the form of a taxonomy and a reference architecture based on it. On this basis, practitioners are able to quickly understand and compare the functionality of IoT software platforms available on the market.