Auflistung nach Schlagwort "Wearables"
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- WorkshopbeitragHealth System - Rehabilitation 2026(2013) Fuchsberger, Oliver; Hülsmann, Adrian; Kuhn, Jasmin; Lindhorst, Birte; Sekula, Stephan; Stilow, PeterThe concept paper at hand explains a vision of a revolutionary health system that is able to improve peoples’ lives concerning short term as well as long term conditions. This health system consists of an array of different technical developments that support people physically and guide them towards a more health-conscious life and rehabilitation. Our medic vision has been anticipated in a short video demonstrating the functionality of the new system in typical application scenarios.
- KonferenzbeitragjumpBALL - Ein mobiles Exergame für die Thromboseprophylaxe(Mensch und Computer 2017 - Tagungsband, 2017) Steffen, Daniel; Christmann, Corinna; Bleser, GabrieleÜber 37.000 Patienten wurden 2015 bundesweit in Krankenhäusern unter der Hauptdiagnose I80 (Thrombose, Phlebitis und Thrombophlebitis) behandelt. Bewegungsübungen, wie beispielsweise die Muskel-Venen-Pumpe, werden als allgemeine Basismaßnahmen zur Thromboseprophylaxe für alle Risikogruppen empfohlen. Allerdings können solche repetitiven Übungen schnell monoton und langweilig werden, wodurch die Motivation des Patienten sinkt und die Therapietreue gefährdet wird. Das mobile Exergame jumpBALL adressiert die zuvor beschriebene Problematik und unterstützt und motiviert bei der Durchführung der Muskel-Venen-Pumpe. jumpBALL verwendet zwei drahtlose, inertiale Messeinheiten zur Erfassung der Fußbewegungen und zur Interaktion mit dem Spiel, welches auf einem Tablet PC läuft. jumpBALL kann sowohl im stationären als auch im post-stationären Bereich zur Thromboseprophylaxe eingesetzt werden. Anhand einer experimentellen Benutzerstudie mit Studierenden und Angestellten (N=40) konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich durch den Einsatz von jumpBALL die Wiederholungshäufigkeit der Muskel-Venen-Pumpe und die Übungsdauer im Vergleich zu einer Kontrollversion der App, bei der die Anzahl der Wiederholungen ohne spielerische Einbettung lediglich gezählt wird, signifikant steigern lässt.
- KonferenzbeitragA Robust Drowsiness Detection Method based on Vehicle and Driver Vital Data(Mensch und Computer 2017 - Workshopband, 2017) Kundinger, Thomas; Riener, Andreas; Sofra, NikolettaDriver drowsiness is one of the main causes of fatal traffic accidents. Current driver assistance systems often use parameters related to driving behavior for detecting drowsiness. However, the ongoing automation of the driving task diminishes the availability of driving behavior parameters, therefore reducing the scope of such detection methods. The driver’s role as the sole operator changes; the driver must supplement, supervise or serve as a fallback part of a highly assisted/automated system. Reliably monitoring the driver’s state, especially the risk factor drowsiness, becomes more and more important for future automated driver systems. Numerous approaches, utilizing vehicle-based, behavioral and physiological based metrics, exist. This paper summarizes and discusses prevailing research questions related to drowsiness modeling and detection within the automotive context. Focus is placed on the utilization of driver vital data measured by wearable and other in-car sensors.
- TextdokumentSensoMot – Sensorische Erfassung von Motivationsindikatoren zur Steuerung adaptiver Lerninhalte(Bildungsräume 2017, 2017) Schneider, Oliver; Martens, Thomas; Bauer, Mathias; Ott-Kroner, Alexandra; Dick, Uwe; Dorochevsky, MichelIm Projekt SensoMot wird untersucht, wie Motivationslagen durch unaufdringliche Sensoren erfasst und die hieraus abgeleiteten Parameter genutzt werden können, um Lerninhaltezur Laufzeit anzupassen. Eine so erhöhte Lernmotivation könnte in technologiebasierten Lehr-Lern-Szenarios zu größeren Lernerfolgen führen.
- KonferenzbeitragSmart Watch: Nur Schmuck oder doch noch mehr(-Wert)?(Mensch und Computer 2015 – Usability Professionals, 2015) Acevedo, Cristian; Feustel, Sven; Pfaff, Fabian
- ZeitschriftenartikelUser-Centered Development of Smart Glasses Support for Skills Training in Nursing Education(i-com: Vol. 18, No. 3, 2019) Kopetz, Jan Patrick; Wessel, Daniel; Jochems, NicoleAn ageing society creates an increasing need for a well-trained nursing staff. In particular, physically demanding motion sequences must be learned correctly to preserve carers’ long-term health. During training, support in practical skills training must also leave the carers’ hands free to allow them to perform the motion sequences unencumbered. Wearables might provide the necessary information “hands-free” and thus support skills training. In this paper, we present and discuss a User-Centered Design approach conducted with nursing students to determine the suitability of smart glasses support for skills training in nursing education. This User-Centered Design process consisted of a survey, two design thinking workshops, and a summative evaluation of a high-fidelity prototype. The developed smart glasses application was well evaluated and is usable for training purposes.
- KonferenzbeitragWearEC Kits: Designing Toolkits for Exploring Subtle Visual Outputs on Wearables with Electrochromic Displays(Mensch und Computer 2022 - Tagungsband, 2022) Genç, Çağlar; Havlucu, Hayati; Puro, Elina; Colley, Ashley; Häkkilä, JonnaFor designers, exploring subtle visual output modalities in the early phases of wearable design is a challenging task. In this work, we present the design and implementation of two toolkits, Transparent and Programmable WearEC Kits, that aim to enable designers to quickly explore electrochromic displays (EC) as a subtle output modality for wearables. EC displays are graphical displays that transition between two predefined visual states when a small voltage is applied. They are flexible, transparent and can be fabricated in a free-form shape, which makes them fitting candidates for designing wearables. Our work contributes the description of the novel design and implementation of the WearEC kits and reports a design exploration study conducted with a fashion designer.