Auflistung nach Schlagwort "cloud"
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- KonferenzbeitragBenchmarking Function Hook Latency in Cloud-Native Environments(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 43, Heft 4, 2023) Kahlhofer, Mario; Kern, Patrick; Henning, Sören; Rass, StefanResearchers and engineers are increasingly adopting cloud-native technologies for application development and performance evaluation. While this has improved the reproducibility of benchmarks in the cloud, the complexity of cloud-native environments makes it difficult to run benchmarks reliably. Cloud-native applications are often instrumented or altered at runtime, by dynamically patching or hooking them, which introduces a significant performance overhead. Our work discusses the benchmarking-related pitfalls of the dominant cloud-native technology, Kubernetes, and how they affect performance measurements of dy namically patched or hooked applications. We present recommendations to mitigate these risks and demonstrate how an improper experimental setup can negatively impact latency measurements.
- KonferenzbeitragCloud-Migration(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 39, Heft 2, 2019) Gimnich, RainerAus strategischen, wirtschaftlichen und technologischen Gründen gehen immer mehr Unternehmen und Organisation dazu über, zumindest Teile ihrer IT in eine Cloud zu verlagern. Es entstehen komplexere, aber auch flexiblere Gesamtarchitekturen, die man als Hybrid Cloud bezeichnen kann: klassische (on-premise) IT, private Cloud, ggf. mehrere public Clouds, mit übergreifenden Cloud-Management-Strukturen. Dabei stellt sich die Frage, welche existierenden Anwendungen man in die (private) Cloud migrieren sollte und wie man solche Migrationen in der Praxis zuverlässig und kostengünstig durchführen kann. Dieser Beitrag beschreibt exemplarisch Anforderungen und methodische Ansätze für die Cloud-Migration, auf der Grundlage offener Standards.
- KonferenzbeitragAn Empirical Study on the Impact of Selected Host Configuration Parameters on Container Start Times(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 44, Heft 4, 2024) Straesser, Martin; Erhard, Nicholas; Kounev, SamuelModern cloud technologies rely on container virtualization as the basis for application deployment as they show faster start times compared to virtual machines. Understanding the impacting factors for container start times is crucial for application developers and platform engineers to identify optimization potential. In this work, we extend our previous empirical study on container start times by analyzing the impact of selected host configuration parameters (e.g., disk type, RAM size, CPU vendor). Our insights include that the disk type is the most important platform parameter analyzed. However, attributes of the container image and the host machine must always be considered together to assess container start times accurately.
- KonferenzbeitragAn Empirical Study on the Impact of Selected Host Configuration Parameters on Container Start Times(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 44, Heft 4, 2024) Straesser, Martin; Erhard, Nicholas; Kounev, SamuelModern cloud technologies rely on container virtualization as the basis for application deployment as they show faster start times compared to virtual machines. Understanding the impacting factors for container start times is crucial for application developers and platform engineers to identify optimization potential. In this work, we extend our previous empirical study on container start times by analyzing the impact of selected host configuration parameters (e.g., disk type, RAM size, CPU vendor). Our insights include that the disk type is the most important platform parameter analyzed. However, attributes of the container image and the host machine must always be considered together to assess container start times accurately.
- KonferenzbeitragEvaluating the Overhead of the Performance Profiler Cloudprofiler With MooBench(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 44, Heft 4, 2024) Yang, Shinhyung; Reichelt, David Georg; Hasselbring, WilhelmPerformance engineering has become crucial for the cloud-native architecture. This architecture deploys multiple services, with each service representing an orchestration of containerized processes. OpenTelemetry is growing popular in the cloud-native industry for observing the software’s behaviour, and Kieker provides the necessary tools to monitor and analyze the performance of target architectures. Observability overhead is an important aspect of performance engineering and MooBench is designed to compare different observability frameworks, including OpenTelemetry and Kieker. In this work, we measure the overhead of Cloudprofiler, a performance profiler implemented in C++ to measure native and JVM processes. It minimizes the profiling overhead by locating the profiler process outside the target process and moving the disk writing overhead off the critical path with buffer blocks and compression threads. Using MooBench, Cloudprofiler’s buffered ID handler with the Zstandard lossless data compression ZSTD showed an average execution time of 2.28 microseconds. It is 6.15 times faster than the non-buffered and non-compression handler.
- KonferenzbeitragEvaluating the Overhead of the Performance Profiler Cloudprofiler With MooBench(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 44, Heft 4, 2024) Yang, Shinhyung; Reichelt, David Georg; Hasselbring, WilhelmPerformance engineering has become crucial for the cloud-native architecture. This architecture deploys multiple services, with each service representing an orchestration of containerized processes. OpenTelemetry is growing popular in the cloud-native industry for observing the software’s behaviour, and Kieker provides the necessary tools to monitor and analyze the performance of target architectures. Observability overhead is an important aspect of performance engineering and MooBench is designed to compare different observability frameworks, including OpenTelemetry and Kieker. In this work, we measure the overhead of Cloudprofiler, a performance profiler implemented in C++ to measure native and JVM processes. It minimizes the profiling overhead by locating the profiler process outside the target process and moving the disk writing overhead off the critical path with buffer blocks and compression threads. Using MooBench, Cloudprofiler’s buffered ID handler with the Zstandard lossless data compression ZSTD showed an average execution time of 2.28 microseconds. It is 6.15 times faster than the non-buffered and non-compression handler.
- KonferenzbeitragOverhead Measurement Noise in Different Runtime Environments(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 44, Heft 4, 2024) Reichelt, David Georg; Jung, Reiner; van Hoorn, AndréIn order to detect performance changes, measurements are performed with the same execution environment. In cloud environments, the noise from different processes running on the same cluster nodes might change measurement results and thereby make performance changes hard to measure. The benchmark MooBench determines the overhead of different observability tools and is executed continuously. In this study, we compare the suitability of different execution environments to benchmark the observability overhead using MooBench. To do so, we compare the execution times and standard deviation of MooBench in a cloud execution environment to three bare-metal execution environments. We find that bare metal servers have lower runtime and standard deviation for multi-threaded MooBench execution. Nevertheless, we see that performance changes up to 4.41 % are detectable by GitHub actions, as long as only sequential workloads are examined.
- KonferenzbeitragOverhead Measurement Noise in Different Runtime Environments(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 44, Heft 4, 2024) Reichelt, David Georg; Jung, Reiner; van Hoorn, AndréIn order to detect performance changes, measurements are performed with the same execution environment. In cloud environments, the noise from different processes running on the same cluster nodes might change measurement results and thereby make performance changes hard to measure. The benchmark MooBench determines the overhead of different observability tools and is executed continuously. In this study, we compare the suitability of different execution environments to benchmark the observability overhead using MooBench. To do so, we compare the execution times and standard deviation of MooBench in a cloud execution environment to three bare-metal execution environments. We find that bare metal servers have lower runtime and standard deviation for multi-threaded MooBench execution. Nevertheless, we see that performance changes up to 4.41 % are detectable by GitHub actions, as long as only sequential workloads are examined.
- KonferenzbeitragReengineering a Large-Scale Hybrid Cloud Car Rental SystemKassay, Markus; Künne, Sebastian; Mcbride, Colin; Frey, Sören; Alth, OliverCar rental logistics is backed by complex IT processes that often manifest in large-scale applications covering several markets. We describe our experiences and observations of reengineering such a hybrid-cloud-based car rental system over several years.
- KonferenzbeitragRequirements for a public digital forensics cloud(INFORMATIK 2023 - Designing Futures: Zukünfte gestalten, 2023) Morgenstern, Martin; Honekamp, WilfriedThe acquisition of digital evidence in criminal proceedings has become considerably more important in recent years. At the same time, the amount of data has also increased. The need to use cloud or big data solutions for digital forensics to be able to efficiently process the permanently increasing amount of data and number of cases has been recognised for years. By using public cloud providers, such as Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure, to secure and analyse digital evidence, resources could be used in a scalable and flexible way. Forensic service providers have had to keep a large number of data carriers for forensic backups because they have to be available immediately in case of an emergency and cannot be procured only when needed.