Auflistung nach Schlagwort "computer science careers"
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- TextdokumentYes she can! How to encourage girls to choose a career path in computer science(INFORMATIK 2022, 2022) Dodiya,Janki; Heinisch,Cornelia; Hess,Claudia; Kunz,Sibylle; Rebholz,Sandra; Schlömer,Inga; Steffen,Adrienne; Vaas,SilkeWomen are still underrepresented in studies and in job positions in the fields of STEM. This paper proposes a study and a lecture concept as measures to increase the number of women in Computer Science careers. The study aims to better understand barriers, drivers and influencing factors that affect young women's decision for or against a career in computer science. A lecture series on computer science is proposed, specifically designed for girls and young women to reduce fears and prejudices and increase the visibility of women in IT. This will also provide further research data that will enable adjusting to the requirements of the target group based on the research outcomes. With this article, the authors would like to initiate discussion on how universities can better gear their offerings to a female target group.