Auflistung nach Schlagwort "concept map"
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- KonferenzbeitragLearning by Tagging – Supporting Constructive Learning in Video-Based Environments(DeLFI 2018 - Die 16. E-Learning Fachtagung Informatik, 2018) Harbarth, Lydia; Delsing, Svea; Richtscheid, Florian; Yücepur, Volkan; Feldmann, Florian; Akhavanfarm, Milad; Manske, Sven; Othlinghaus, Julia; Hoppe, H. UlrichUsing video-based learning materials is a common practice in online learning scenarios today. However, the passive consumption of educational video resources tends to go with low engagement of the learners. Adding interactive features to videos might have the potential to overcome this deficit and might lead to more active learning. We have developed an integrated learning flow that incorporates four interactive features supporting constructive learning: video tagging, flashcards, concept maps, and in-video quizzes. We integrated these features into an exisiting blended learning course and evaluated their respective adoption and acceptance in a user study to gain first insights into the general motivation to use the employed features for individual learning.
- KonferenzbeitragSupporting Novice Researchers in Domain Familiarization – A Question-Guided Research Community Map Creation and Reflection Tool(DeLFI 2018 - Die 16. E-Learning Fachtagung Informatik, 2018) Hardat, Shruti; Greven, Christoph; Schroeder, UlrikThe first step to starting research is to familiarize with the research field, which is a difficult task for non-experts. They usually do not know which exact information to gather or which strategy to follow. There exists some literature on supporting them by means of guidelines, visualizations and critical thinking. However, they must be supported such that they can form their own strategies to objectively evaluate the research field. Therefore, a tool was developed to help non-experts identify which information to gather, structure the gathered information by means of a visualization and perform the task in a time-efficient manner. Finally, a user study was conducted to investigate the validity of the proposed approach. Results show that the developed software tool supports non-experts in their literature review process by providing them with an overview of the research field and making the process time-efficient.