Auflistung nach Schlagwort "dreidimensionale Benutzeroberflächen"
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- KonferenzbeitragDie Anwendung virtueller Tiefe von autostereoskopischen Displays für die Informations- und Interaktionsgestaltung von Desktop-Anwendungen(Mensch und Computer 2019 - Tagungsband, 2019) Dettmann, André; Dittrich, Frank; Bullinger, AngelikaAutostereoscopic displays enable the perception of three-dimensional user interfaces without additional devices. This opens new fields of application, such as desktop applications at computer workstations. The article gives a summary of the state of the art on the potential of stereoscopic representations and discusses the use of depth for graphical software interfaces. The paper also presents the results of an expert workshop. Experts discussed task-specific design approaches for the presentation of three-dimensional information and developed various mock-ups. Additionally, three pointer-based interaction strategies were derived.