Auflistung nach Schlagwort "information systems"
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- KonferenzbeitragDeveloping a framework for analyzing IS/IT backsourcing(AIM 2006 – Information Systems and Collaboration: State of the Art and Perspectives (AIM), 2006) Akoka, Jacky; Comyn-Wattiau, IsabelleCompanies implementing an IS/IT backsourcing strategy (i.e. bringing IT functions back in-house after they have been outsourced) aiming at increasing operational effectiveness may face several problems. In this paper, we develop a framework characterizing backsourcing as an organizational innovation. We offer a set of propositions on the adoption of a backsourcing strategy. This framework recognizes the role that social context and organizational action plan play in the adoption of IS/IT backsourcing. It serves to clarify why organizations backsource and to understand the antecedent of backsourcing, especially the outsourcing decision. Several hypotheses try to explain the backsourcing decision. The framework has value for both researchers and practitioners. Two major issues are raised in this paper: 1) development of a framework allowing us to understand companies' backsourcing decisions, 2) development of a set of hypotheses aimed at validating the framework. The backsourcing framework is based on innovation. The fundamental hypothesis of our work supposes that a backsourcing decision is based on an innovation process, taking into account the social context as well as the organizational actions. It has been validated on a limited set of data.
- ZeitschriftenartikelFrom Becoming to Being Digital - The Emergence and Nature of the Post-Digital(i-com: Vol. 20, No. 3, 2021) Mueller, Benjamin; Diefenbach, Sarah; Dobusch, Leonhard; Baer, Katharina
- KonferenzbeitragInKalkTier – enabling livestock farming experts to model and manage their data(45. GIL-Jahrestagung, Digitale Infrastrukturen für eine nachhaltige Land-, Forst- und Ernährungswirtschaft, 2025) Schneider, Kristoffer Janis; Urvoy, Carole; Müller, Claudia; Brucker, Lisa; Christ, Franziska; Kimmich, Sarah; Rauen, Anna; Harmsen, BastiaanTo enable livestock farming experts to model and manage their data independently of the availability of software developers, InKalkTier was created using a different approach than the one used until now at the KTBL. By utilizing off-the-shelf software in combination with customized data formats and creating a small domain-specific language, we reached the goal of reducing the dependence on software developers to develop, release and maintain the agricultural-specific content of a modern web application.
- ZeitschriftenartikelKooperationen in Supply-Chains — Ökonomische Bewertungsansätze und Anwendung eines Simulationsmodells(Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 45, No. 5, 2003) Buxmann, Peter; Martín Díaz, Luis; Ahsen, AnetteThis paper examines economic approaches to evaluate cooperation in supply chains. Thereby, we analyze the Bullwhip Effect in the context of procurement planning on the one hand and present our prototype SCOptimizer for determining the added-value of cooperative distribution planning on the other hand. The added value of cooperation can serve as a basis for a profitability analysis of using information and communication technology on an interorganizational level.
- KonferenzbeitragResolving Indifferences in Multiple Attribute Business Information System Selection with Social Choice Methods(Information systems technology and its applications – 6th international conference – ISTA 2007, 2007) Bernroider, Edward W. N.; Mitlöhner, JohannThe evaluation of Information Systems (IS) is a critical process for the successful development of any organizational IT capability. An important class of decision making techniques used in practice is based on conflicting criteria applied to the available alternatives, and the results are consolidated into a single ranking. In this process it is often the case that investment alternatives receive equal evaluations for some of the criteria. In this work various methods of social choice voting rules are considered that accept criteria rankings with indifferences for rank aggregation in two case studies. The properties of the results they deliver are compared with the outcomes of traditional multiple attribute decision making, taking special note of the resolving of indifferences.