Auflistung nach Schlagwort "innovation"
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- KonferenzbeitragDeveloping a framework for analyzing IS/IT backsourcing(AIM 2006 – Information Systems and Collaboration: State of the Art and Perspectives (AIM), 2006) Akoka, Jacky; Comyn-Wattiau, IsabelleCompanies implementing an IS/IT backsourcing strategy (i.e. bringing IT functions back in-house after they have been outsourced) aiming at increasing operational effectiveness may face several problems. In this paper, we develop a framework characterizing backsourcing as an organizational innovation. We offer a set of propositions on the adoption of a backsourcing strategy. This framework recognizes the role that social context and organizational action plan play in the adoption of IS/IT backsourcing. It serves to clarify why organizations backsource and to understand the antecedent of backsourcing, especially the outsourcing decision. Several hypotheses try to explain the backsourcing decision. The framework has value for both researchers and practitioners. Two major issues are raised in this paper: 1) development of a framework allowing us to understand companies' backsourcing decisions, 2) development of a set of hypotheses aimed at validating the framework. The backsourcing framework is based on innovation. The fundamental hypothesis of our work supposes that a backsourcing decision is based on an innovation process, taking into account the social context as well as the organizational actions. It has been validated on a limited set of data.
- ZeitschriftenartikelDie Innovationstätigkeit der deutschen Softwareindustrie(Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 44, No. 2, 2002) Friedewald, Michael; Blind, Knut; Edler, JakobIn this article we present the results of two empirical studies focusing on the structure and extent of the innovation activities of the German Software Industry and analyze distinctive features of Software Innovations. We distinguish the activities of the primary (core) Software Industry and secondary industries such as Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Motor Industry and Telecommunications. A special focus is put on the question if innovations in Software are sequential, on the role of Open Source Software and the importance of interoperability.
- ZeitschriftenartikelElectronic Meeting Systems Paradox(Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 45, No. 4, 2003) Klein, Arnd; Krcmar, HelmutAlthough research has shown that electronic meeting systems (EMS) can improve meetings substantially, EMS are less prominent in organizations than the scientific community originally envisioned. The authors discuss this paradox on the basis of an extensive literature review. They derive success factors for EMS implementation from IS research and develop an implementation model for EMS on the basis of diffusion theory.
- TextdokumentEmpiricial Validation of the Intrapreneur's Ten Commandments - A Case Study(Projektmanagement und Vorgehensmodelle 2018 - Der Einfluss der Digitalisierung auf Projektmanagementmethoden und Entwicklungsprozesse, 2018) Feldmann, Anna; Teuteberg, FrankMore and more companies use intrapreneurship programs to combine the advantages of large companies with those of start-ups. As early as 1985, Gifford Pinchot, one of the leading representatives of the intrapreneurship concept, summarized his thoughts in ten so-called com-mandments for intrapreneurs. Although there are already many studies on this concept, there are only few practical or qualitative research methods. By examining the ten commandments of Pinchot in the Intrapreneurship program of the German company Fiducia & GAD IT AG, our study closes this gap and shows the differences between theory and practice. As a result, we introduce a general conceptual model, which is based on 15 guidelines for intrapreneurs within the Fiducia & GAD IT AG.
- KonferenzbeitragForecasting Technological Innovation(ARCS 2012 Workshops, 2012) Gotway Bailey, Aimee; Bui, Quan Minh; Farmer, J. Doyne; Margolis, Robert M.; Ramesh, RamamoorthyUsing a database of sixty-two different technologies, we study the issue of forecasting technological progress. We do so using the following methodology: pretending to be at a given time in the past, we forecast technology prices for years up to present day. Since our forecasts are in the past, we refer to it as hindcasting and analyze the predictions relative to what happened historically. We use hindcasting to evaluate a variety of different hypotheses for technological improvement. Our results indicate that forecasts using production are better than those using time. This conclusion is robust when analyzing randomly chosen subsets of our technology database. We then turn to investigating the interdependence of revenue and technological progress. We derive analytically an upper bound to the rate of technology improvement given the condition of increasing revenue and show empirically that all technologies fall within our derived bound. Our results suggest the observed advantage of using production models for forecasting is due in part to the direct relationship between production and revenue.
- KonferenzbeitragInnovation Enabling: Automatisierte Dokumentation und Moderation von Brainstorming Sitzungen in Kleingruppen(Mensch und Computer 2020 - Tagungsband, 2020) Merk, Matthias; Tullius, Gabriela; Hertkorn, PeterUnter dem Begriff Innovation Enabling wird im Folgenden ein Konzept für die ganzheitliche Unterstützung interdisziplinärer Teams beim kreativen und innovativen Problemlösen vorgestellt. Dieses Konzept unterstützt Moderatoren und Teilnehmer gleichermaßen und ein damit realisiertes System bleibt durch die implizite Interaktion für den Nutzer im Hintergrund. Eine zentrale Rolle spielt das Konzept der Awareness Pipeline zur Implementation einer impliziten Interaktion auf Basis eines Sensor-Aktor-Systems, welches in diesem Artikel vorgestellt wird. Die Unterstützung der begleitenden Moderations- und Administrationsaufgaben, wie beispielsweise der automatisierten Dokumentation der Sitzung, sollen in Zukunft einen deutlichen Mehrwert gegenüber einer klassischen Brainstorming-Sitzung bieten.
- KonferenzbeitragMuC-Makerspace: Academic practices in Community Innovation and (Digital) Fabrication(Mensch und Computer 2017 - Workshopband, 2017) Stickel, Oliver; Stilz, Melanie; Pipek, VolkmarThis workshop is intended to illustrate cases of Fab Labs, Makerspaces, Urban Labs and similar hubs at or in cooperation with academic institutions. Its goal is to provide a forum for discussing how such communities and spaces influence and are influenced by teaching, learning, research, outreach and dissemination as well as on challenges and perspectives in establishing, running and integrating such communities with other aspects of academic work.
- ZeitschriftenartikelTechnologische Innovation und die Auswirkung auf Geschäftsmodell, Organisation und Unternehmenskultur – Die Transformation der IBM zum global integrierten, dienstleistungsorientierten Unternehmen(Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 51, No. 1, 2009) Jetter, Martin; Satzger, Gerhard; Neus, AndreasIm vorliegenden Beitrag wird der Einfluss von Innovationen der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie (IKT) auf die Transformation von Unternehmen untersucht. Zunächst werden die allgemeinen IKT-getriebenen Entwicklungslinien der Globalisierung und der Dienstleistungsorientierung beschrieben. Die nachfolgende Analyse der Transformation der IBM Corporation über die letzten 50 Jahre zu einem global integrierten, dienstleistungsorientierten Unternehmen macht deutlich, dass IKT-Innovationen mit gleichzeitigen Anpassungen des Geschäftsmodells, der Organisation und der Unternehmenskultur begegnet werden muss. Die Fähigkeit zu derartiger Adaption gewinnt eine zunehmend zentrale Bedeutung für Unternehmen.AbstractThis article investigates the influence of information and communication technology (ICT) on business transformation. First, the general, ICT-driven development lines of globalization and service-orientation are described. Then, an analysis of the IBM Corporation’s transformation over the past 50 years into a globally integrated, service-oriented company illustrates that ICT innovations must be dealt with by simultaneous adaptation of business model, organization and corporate culture. For many companies the ability to manage this change becomes increasingly critical.