Auflistung nach Schlagwort "modelling"
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- TextdokumentModels as Programs: A Tutorial(Modellierung 2020, 2020) Thalheim, BernhardModels are one of the main instruments for system development in computer science and engineering. So far models have been used for system description and system prescription, i.e. essentially as a blueprint for development. Models might however become programs for themselves. This approach allows to claim that models will become the kernel element of true fifth generation programming.
- KonferenzbeitragRisk Mitigation Strategies in High Automation(Software Engineering and Software Management 2019, 2019) Gleirscher, MarioThe work underlying this presentation is titled “From Hazard Analysis to Hazard Mitigation Planning: The Automated Driving Case,” accepted as a peer-reviewed full technical paper at the “NASA Formal Methods Symposium (NFM 2017),” published in April 2017.