Auflistung nach Schlagwort "prototyping"
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- Konferenzbeitrag2DGree: Rapid Prototyping for Games(Mensch & Computer 2012: interaktiv informiert – allgegenwärtig und allumfassend!?, 2012) Niesenhaus, Jörg; Kahraman, Burak; Klatt, JohannesThis paper introduces 2DGree, an experimental game prototyping framework, which enables users to implement and playtest their game ideas within minutes. The framework s main purpose is the evaluation of different interaction techniques as well as methods of programming by demonstration and visual programming for the application within the context of rapid game prototyping. The core of the 2DGree framework consists of a game world editor tool and a script editor, which can be connected to further components like game asset sharing platforms or evaluation tools. The paper describes the current stage of the framework development, presents a user test and provides an outlook on the future plans for the framework development and application.
- KonferenzbeitragEin Accessibility(A11y)-Konzept für Google Calendar – Schritt für Schritt zum Inclusive Design(Mensch und Computer 2015 – Usability Professionals, 2015) Hatscher, Michael; Weber, Astrid
- KonferenzbeitragAutoWSD: Virtual Reality Automated Driving Simulator for Rapid HCI Prototyping(Mensch und Computer 2019 - Tagungsband, 2019) Riegler, Andreas; Riener, Andreas; Holzmann, ClemensHuman factors research in automated driving is nowadays often conducted using either low-quality setups such as 2D monitors or highly expensive driving simulators with motion platforms. Additionally, software for automated driving scenarios is often expensive and hard to modify for different scenarios. We intend to bridge this gap by proposing a low-cost, high-fidelity immersive prototyping solution by utilizing the recent advances in development of virtual reality (VR): AutoWSD - Automated driving simulator for research on windshield displays. We showcase a hybrid software and hardware solution that is based on the popular and widely used Unity development platform. Furthermore, we demonstrate the little effort needed to create scenarios for user studies, and thereby foster discussion about potential improvements and extensions for AutoWSD, as well as the topic of trust, acceptance, user experience and simulator sickness in automation.
- ZeitschriftenartikelThe Crucial Role of Cultural Probes in Participatory Design for and with Older Adults(i-com: Vol. 17, No. 2, 2018) Maaß, Susanne; Buchmüller, SandraSoftware systems meant to support older adults often are not well accepted as they do not meet the expectations and requirements of the target group. An involvement of older adults in system design seems imperative. The project ParTec investigated and evaluated techniques for participatory software development with regard to their suitability for communication and equal cooperation with older adults. With a group of 15 retirees we developed concepts for an online neighbourhood platform. Using various participatory techniques researchers and participants developed a deep common understanding of everyday life in early retirement, determined requirements and co-created design ideas and concepts. We will show that the use of cultural probes with subsequent qualitative interviews forms an ideal starting point and a strong fundament for a participatory design process with older adults.
- ZeitschriftenartikelHuman-Centered Design in the Energy Turnaround Project Enera – It Pays to Go Off the Beaten Track!(i-com: Vol. 18, No. 1, 2019) Fortmann, Jutta; Glanert, FrankIn this article, we give insights into the development of an ‘interface of energy’, which is developed as part of the energy turnaround project ‘enera’. This interface shall allow communication between the human and the future energy network which will be dominated by renewable energy sources and on-site power generation. We show how we applied Human-Centered Design methods to address the challenge of designing a user interface for an infrastructure that is still in development. Further, we show how this approach was successfully combined with public relations, such as feedback sessions on prototypes as part of an open Barcamp. We give insights into interviews, profiles, personas, public operations, user needs, prototyping and testing. As a special feature we conducted prototyping and prototype testing workshops in a residential house within the project region. These turned out to be very successful for many reasons, e. g., in that the natural environment served as a creative stimulator. Besides, the workshops had a lasting effect on the participants, who were members of the project as well as volunteers living in the project region.
- muc: langbeitrag (vorträge)Look without Feel -A Basal Gap in the Multi-Touch Prototyping Process(Mensch & Computer 2013: Interaktive Vielfalt, 2013) Freitag, Georg; Wegner, Michael; Tränkner, Michael; Wacker, MarkusPrototyping a user interface is an important workflow step to establish the look und feel of an application in early development. We discuss a model for this process and show that, currently, it is heavily skewed toward the look aspect. This could prove to be a problem when designing highly interactive natural user interfaces, which put a stronger emphasis on the feel of an application. In order to thoroughly analyze this gap we compare eight current prototyping tools, by using a multi-touch application scenario. From this evaluation we derive requirements for a tool more suited towards multi-touch prototyping.
- WorkshopbeitragA Platform for Rapid Prototyping and Evaluation of Concepts for Interactive In-Vehicle Displays for Automated Vehicles(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Workshopband, 2021) Dandekar, Aditya; Mathis, Lesley-Ann; Pfleging, BastianNowadays, automotive user interface research strives towards investigating automated vehicles. To test user concepts, especially pertaining to fully automated vehicles, several methods are evolving, such as Virtual Reality studies, simulator studies, or Wizard-of- Oz experiments. In all of these methods, researchers need to find an appropriate driving environment which is often created through a driving simulator or a real-life driving video. There is a lack of tools which give researchers the opportunity to rapidly create prototypes for their evaluation. To solve this issue for the case of investigating interactions with windshield displays and dashboards, we design a tool that can be used to support these studies and interfaces in various context. The experimenter can develop a virtual user interface through our platform. The interface can be deployed either in a lab setting where the driving context is provided through simulation or recorded driving videos, or it can be easily deployed in a Wizardof- Oz car. In this position paper, we present the framework of the tool and foster the discussion for such an idea and its use cases.
- WorkshopbeitragSketching with Hardware: A course for teaching Interactive Hardware Prototyping to Computer Science Students(Mensch und Computer 2019 - Workshopband, 2019) Schmid, Andreas; Wimmer, RaphaelSketching with Hardware is an undergraduate university course with the goal to teach students how to build prototypes for tangible user interfaces. Goals of this course are to create awareness for tangible interaction among students and prepare them to realize advanced projects like bachelor’s and master’s theses in this field. In this paper, authors share their experience teaching the concepts of tangible interaction, electronics and prototyping to computer science students in a two week course. The course’s content, structure and goals are explained, and needed material and infrastructure are described. The long-term effect of the course has been evaluated by conducting a survey among former participants.
- ZeitschriftenartikelVirtual Prototyping of Mixed Reality Interfaces with Internet of Things (IoT) Connectivity(i-com: Vol. 17, No. 2, 2018) Pfeiffer, Thies; Pfeiffer-Leßmann, NadineOne key aspect of the Internet of Things (IoT) is, that human machine interfaces are disentangled from the physicality of the devices. This provides designers with more freedom, but also may lead to more abstract interfaces, as they lack the natural context created by the presence of the machine. Mixed Reality (MR) on the other hand, is a key technology that enables designers to create user interfaces anywhere, either linked to a physical context (augmented reality, AR) or embedded in a virtual context (virtual reality, VR). Especially today, designing MR interfaces is a challenge, as there is not yet a common design language nor a set of standard functionalities or patterns. In addition to that, neither customers nor future users have substantial experiences in using MR interfaces. Prototypes can contribute to overcome this gap, as they continuously provide user experiences of increasing realism along the design process. We present ExProtoVAR, a tool that supports quick and lightweight prototyping of MR interfaces for IoT using VR technology.