Auflistung nach Schlagwort "risks"
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- KonferenzbeitragInformation and knowledge risks in supply chain interactions of SMEs. An exploratory study(WM 2019 - Wissensmanagement in digitalen Arbeitswelten: Aktuelle Ansätze und Perspektiven - Knowledge Management in Digital Workplace Environments: State of the Art and Outlook, 2020) North, Klaus; Barbosa de Carvalho, Armindo; Maria, Alessio; Durst, Susanne; Alvaro Carvalho, João; Gräslund, Karin; Thalmann, StefanDue to digitalization organizations increasingly interact with other organizations. Data, information, and knowledge are exchanged along the supply chain. This not only creates benefits but also creates manifold risks. The latter is particularly relevant for SMEs being usually the weaker partner in vendor buyer relations. This paper explores knowledge risks associated with supply chain interactions. Risks are identified for three phases of a typical vendor and buyer relations cycle: the preparation phase, the development and learning phase, and the operational phase. The relevance of the relations presented will have to be empirically validated. For this, explorative focus groups involving SMEs from Portugal and Italy were conducted. The overall aims of the ongoing research project are first, to raise awareness among SMEs about these risks, and secondly, to provide training and assistance for these companies on how to avoid or mitigate these risks.
- ZeitschriftenartikelInternetwahlenDemokratische Wahlen über das Internet?(Informatik-Spektrum: Vol. 25, No. 2, 2002) Philippsen, MichaelNach einer Zusammenstellung und kritischen Diskussion derjenigen Argumente, die Befürworter und Gegner der Durchführung demokratischer Wahlen über das Internet oft vorbringen, bespricht der Artikel die technischen Grundlagen einiger praktikabler Typen von Internetwahlverfahren, die bereits in realen Wahlexperimenten erprobt werden. Dabei werden die Stärken, Schwächen und verbleibenden Risiken deutlich gemacht und bewertet.AbstractAfter a critical discussion of those arguments that are frequently given by both the proponents and the opponents of democratic elections over the Internet, the article presents the technical basics of some Internet voting schemes that are practical and that have already been used in voting experiments. The presentation identifies strength and weaknesses of the schemes and focusses on the remaining risks.