Auflistung nach Schlagwort "survey"
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- KonferenzbeitragAutonomous Driving and the Elderly: Perceived Risks and Benefits(Mensch und Computer 2018 - Workshopband, 2018) Schmargendorf, Maike; Schuller, Hans-Martin; Böhm, Patricia; Isemann, Daniel; Wolff, ChristianAutonomous driving offers possibilities to simplify and enhance the lives of many people. One group that could benefit a lot from autonomous driving is elderly people. In this contribution, we examine the opportunities and risks that elderly people see in autonomous driving. This was done by conducting semi-structured interviews with 10 participants which offered some insight into the acceptance of autonomous driving among elderly people. The identified perceived benefits and risks are validated by an online survey in which 113 people from 59 to 90 years of age have taken part. In general, elderly people are not rejecting the idea of using autonomous driving altogether. They see benefits in increased mobility and therefore greater independence at a higher age as it allows disabled people to regain lost mobility. However, our study also revealed privacy and security concerns, factors known to have a negative impact on technology adoption.
- ZeitschriftenartikelCurrent state and future challenges in deep space communication: A survey(it - Information Technology: Vol. 63, No. 4, 2021) Könsgen, Andreas; Förster, AnnaCommunication has been crucial since the beginning of space exploration. Control information and telemetry data of the space vessels as well as voice and video communication of the crew with the ground control have to be maintained. This paper is a survey for readers new to the topic to get an overview about the current status of space communication in national agencies and standardization bodies and ongoing research in the field. It also gives a short overview about the historical development and finally summarizes the authors’ thoughts about future challenges in space communication.
- KonferenzbeitragDissemination of precision farming technologies in Austria in the context of energy savings potential(41. GIL-Jahrestagung, Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie in kritischen Zeiten, 2021) Motsch, Viktoria; Hauser, Lukas; Schuster, Julia; Bauer, Alexander; Bauer, Thomas; Brunner, Mathias; Barta, Norbert; Gronauer, AndreasThe usage of precision farming technology can be a key factor in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in agricultural processes. In particular, automatic steering systems as well as automatic section control systems are two of the main contributors for the energy savings potential in agriculture. In order to estimate this potential for Austria, the degree of mechanization and the local agricultural structure have to be considered. An online survey was used to determine the extent of these factors, with more than 1000 arable farms participating in the two and a half months of the survey. Approximately one-third of those surveyed stated that a steering system is in use, while RTK systems are only used by just over a fifth of the farms. Further, while more than half of the farms already use section control in sowing and fertilization, only around 15 % of them use satellite-supported section control. These findings imply a considerable savings potential.
- KonferenzbeitragHybrid Software and System Development in Practice(Software Engineering und Software Management 2018, 2018) Kuhrmann, Marco; Diebold, Philipp; Münch, Jürgen; Tell, Paolo; Garousi, Vahid; Felderer, Michael; Trektere, Kitija; McCaffery, Fergal; Linssen, Oliver; Hanser, Eckhart; Prause, Christian R.Abstract: Das vorliegende Paper wurde 2017 auf International Conference on Software and Systems Process (ICSSP) als Full Research Paper akzeptiert und präsentiert. Im vorliegenden Paper wird die Frage untersucht, welche Software-und Systementwicklungsansätze in der Praxis eingesetzt werden. Die zugrundeliegende HELENA-Studie (Hybrid dEveLopmENt Approaches in software systems development) löst sich von der Diskussion „traditioneller“ verus „agiler“ Entwicklung und untersucht tatsächliche Kombinationen von Prozessen und Methoden in sog. Hybriden Entwicklungsansätzen. Das vorliegende Paper berichtet über die Ergebnisse der ersten Stufe der HELENA-Studie, in der 69, vornehmlich europäische, Teilnehmer an einer Onlineumfrage teilnahmen. Die Teilnehmer wurden gebeten, 40 unterschiedliche Entwicklungsansätze zu bewerten und darzustellen, wie und warum die Ansätze in ihren Unternehmen/Projekten eingesetzt werden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass in der Praxis häufig ein strukturierter traditioneller Prozess den organisatorischen Rahmen für ein Projekt bildet, während feingranulare Aufgaben durch individuell eingebrachte agile Praktiken adressiert werden. Diese Kombination findet sich bei fast allen Unternehmen, und zwar unabhängig von Unternehmensgröße und Branche. Darüber hinaus wurden durch Anwendung von Affinity Propagation Clustering und Spectral Clustering unterschiedliche Kombinationsmuster aus den Daten abgeleitet, welche mit weiteren externen Studien erfolgreich auf Realitätsnähe geprüft wurden. Unsere Studie zeigt die weite Verbreitung hybrider Entwicklungsprozesse und dass sie i.d.R. durch einen individuellen Lernprozess entstehen.
- ZeitschriftenartikelMapping the sea of opportunities: Blockchain in supply chain and logistics(it - Information Technology: Vol. 60, No. 5-6, 2018) Petersen, Moritz; Hackius, Niels; See, Birgit vonDriven by successful pilot projects in supply chain and logistics, Blockchain has become one of the industry’s latest technology hypes. In this paper, we cut through the hype and shed light on the expectations of industry professionals towards the benefits and challenges of Blockchain. Also, we categorize current Blockchain applications that are expected to provide tangible benefits for supply chain and logistics processes. To explore such potentials, we argue that companies should gain own first-hand experiences through small-scale experiments.
- KonferenzbeitragThe Role of Performance in Streaming Analytics Projects: Expert Interviews on Current Challenges and Future Research Directions(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 43, Heft 1, 2023) Rank, Johannes; Hein, Andreas; Krcmar, HelmutStream processing systems (SPS) are becoming more frequent due to current trends such as Industry 4.0 or the Internet of Things. These systems’ performance is particularly important, as their timely processing is a crucial capability. At the same time, these systems are often combined with novel machine learning approaches (steaming analytics) that have high performance demands. This combination poses potential challenges for performance management. In this paper, we have conducted expert interviews in the industry to identify performance challenges in streaming analytics implementations and to derive future research directions to address them. Our analysis shows that while the experts had different opinions on the role of performance in project management, they agreed on five common challenges.
- ConferencePaperStatus Quo in Requirements Engineering: A Theory and a Global Family of Surveys(Software Engineering 2021, 2021) Wagner, Stefan; Fernández, Daniel Méndez; Felderer, Michael; Vetrò, Antonio; Kalinowski, Marcos; Wieringa, Roel; Pfahl, Dietmar; Conte, Tayana; Christiansson, Marie-Therese; Greer, Desmond; Lassenius, Casper; Mänistö,Tomi; Nayebi, Maleknaz; Oivo, Markku; Penzenstadler, Birgit; Prikladnicki, Rafael; Ruhe, Guenther; Schekelmann, André; Sen, Sagar; Spínola, Rodrigo; Tuzcu, Ahmed; de la Vara, Jose Luis; Winkler, DietmarThis paper reports on the second run of the Naming the Pain in Requirements Engineering (NaPiRE) initiative that has the goal to characterise requirements engineering practice and problems and was published in the ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology in 2019. Requirements Engineering (RE) has established itself as a software engineering discipline over the past decades. While researchers have been investigating the RE discipline with a plethora of empirical studies, attempts to systematically derive an empirical theory in context of the RE discipline have just recently been started. However, such a theory is needed if we are to define and motivate guidance in performing high quality RE research and practice. We aim at providing an empirical and externally valid foundation for a theory of RE practice, which helps software engineers establish effective and efficient RE processes in a problem-driven manner. We designed a survey instrument and an engineer-focused theory that was first piloted in Germany and, after making substantial modifications, has now been replicated in 10 countries world-wide. We have a theory in the form of a set of propositions inferred from our experiences and available studies, as well as the results from our pilot study in Germany. We evaluate the propositions with bootstrapped confidence intervals and derive potential explanations for the propositions. In this article, we report on the design of the family of surveys, its underlying theory, and the full results obtained from the replication studies conducted in 10 countries with participants from 228 organisations. Our results represent a substantial step forward towards developing an empirical theory of RE practice. The results reveal, for example, that there are no strong differences between organisations in different countries and regions, that interviews, facilitated meetings and prototyping are the most used elicitation techniques, that requirements are often documented textually, that traces between requirements and code or design documents are common, that requirements specifications themselves are rarely changed and that requirements engineering (process) improvement endeavours are mostly internally driven. Our study establishes a theory that can be used as starting point for many further studies for more detailed investigations. Practitioners can use the results as theory-supported guidance on selecting suitable RE methods and techniques.
- TextdokumentA study on the quality mindedness of students(Software Engineering im Unterricht der Hochschulen (SEUH 2022), 2022) Dick, Steffen; Schulz, Stefan; Bockisch, ChristophAwareness of software quality is a skill generally agreed to be very important working in the industry, but we have observed that it receives little attention in the first-year programming education at universities. Besides preparing students for work life, we assume that good knowledge of software quality also helps computer science students to study more successfully. In this paper, we present a method for determining the quality-awareness, based on a diagnostic assignment and a questionnaire. Using the method we establish a baseline measurement in two courses that students typically follow in their first year, showing that quality awareness correlates with good grades. According to the baseline, the level of quality-mindedness of approximately half the students is not satisfactory.
- KonferenzbeitragA survey of datasets for computer vision in agriculture(45. GIL-Jahrestagung, Digitale Infrastrukturen für eine nachhaltige Land-, Forst- und Ernährungswirtschaft, 2025) Heider, Nico; Gunreben, Lorenz; Zürner, Sebastian; Schieck, MartinIn agricultural research, there has been a recent surge in the amount of Computer Vision (CV) focused work. But unlike general CV research, large high-quality public datasets are sparsely available. This can be partially attributed to the high variability between different agricultural tasks, crops and environments as well as the complexity of data collection, but it is also influenced by the reticence to publish datasets by many authors. This, as well as the lack of a widely used agricultural data repository, are impactful factors that hinder research in applied CV for agriculture as well as the usage of agricultural data in general-purpose CV research. In this survey, we provide a large number of high-quality datasets of images taken on fields. Overall, we find 45 datasets, which are listed in this paper as well as in an online catalog on the project website:
- KonferenzbeitragTelekooperation an der Technischen Universität München(Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) in großen Unternehmungen, 1996) Schlichter, Johann; Koch, Michael; Möslein, Kathrin; Reichwald, Ralf