Auflistung nach Schlagwort "technology adoption"
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- KonferenzbeitragKey parameters to increase the adoption of AI in agricultural decision support(45. GIL-Jahrestagung, Digitale Infrastrukturen für eine nachhaltige Land-, Forst- und Ernährungswirtschaft, 2025) Schieck, Martin; Braun, BastianThis research paper contributes to the field of the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in German viticulture. The research gap addressed in this paper is the lack of research on the adoption of AI-based decision support in viticultural businesses. Consequently, expert interviews were conducted, yielding a multifaceted understanding of winegrowers' attitudes towards AI. The generated insights provide five dimensions with 48 subcategories that can influence the adoption of an AI system into a winery. From these subcategories, 14 parameters can be derived within the viticultural company, as well as external pressures from the environment and the AI system itself. This work leads to two further findings, which can be promoted as follows: firstly, the dimension “Functional & Physical Design of AI” can be derived from the interviews; secondly, the deductively derived “Trust in AI” is confirmed as another dimension alongside the dimensions described by the underlying framework.
- KonferenzbeitragSmartwatches: Accessory or Tool? The Driving Force of Visibility and Usefulness(Mensch und Computer 2016 - Tagungsband, 2016) Krey, Nina; Rauschnabel, Philipp; Chuah, Stephanie; Nguyen, Bang; Hein, Daniel; Rossmann, Alexander; Lade, ShwetakAlthough still in the early stages of diffusion, smartwatches represent the most popular type of wearable devices. Yet, little is known why some people are more likely to adopt smartwatches than others. To deepen the understanding of underlying factors prompting adoption behavior, the authors develop a theoretical model grounded in technology acceptance and social psychology literature. Empirical results reveal perceived usefulness and visibility as important factors that drive intention. The magnitude of these antecedents is influenced by an individual’s perception of viewing smartwatches as a technology and/or as a fashion accessory. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.
- KonferenzbeitragTiming of Smartphone Adoption in German Agriculture – Who are the Early Adopters?(41. GIL-Jahrestagung, Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie in kritischen Zeiten, 2021) Michels, Marius; Bonke, Vanessa; Mußhoff, OliverSmartphones suit several on-farm operational activities and farmers’ daily working routine very well due to their mobility, high computing power and ability to install (agricultural) apps as needed. However, no study has yet focused on factors affecting the timing of adoption. Understanding the timing of a technology adoption and identifying characteristics of early and late adopters is consequently of great relevance to further anticipate the innovation diffusion process. The aim of this study is therefore to analyze the timing of smartphone adoption by applying a tobit regression model to a data set of 207 German farmers collected in 2019. Regression results show that, among other factors, farmers’ age and risk attitude affect the timing of smartphone adoption.