Auflistung nach Schlagwort "usability"
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- KonferenzbeitragAdaptation and Evaluation of a Virtual Classroom for Blind Users(i-com: Vol. 16, No. 1, 2017) Karlapp, Marlene; Köhlmann, WiebkeDigital media offers multiple possibilities for inclusion of people with disabilities. Nevertheless, they pose barriers especially for blind learners as they hinder an active participation in synchronous learning settings. Virtual classrooms are a particularly good example for a complex media application as they combine various media types such as audio, video, graphical content and text which can only partially be perceived.Our work pursues the goal to facilitate an equal participation in virtual classrooms for blind users. In order to overcome these barriers, alternative user interface concepts for the display on a two-dimensional tactile Braille device have been conceived. Based on these concepts, the virtual classroom solution was improved thereupon. A subsequent evaluation simulated a learning session with blind users in order to determine the acceptance and usability of the software adaptation. This user study shows that an active participation of blind learners in virtual classroom sessions can be achieved by using multimodal output devices and alternative concepts.
- KonferenzbeitragAffinity for technology interaction and fields of study: implications for human-centered design of applications for public administration(Mensch und Computer 2020 - Tagungsband, 2020) Wessel, Daniel; Heine, Moreen; Attig, Christiane; Franke, ThomasAffinity for Technology Interaction (ATI) describes whether a person approaches or avoids interaction with technology [1], making it an important variable in human-centered design. To determine whether ATI will likely remain an important variable in the future, we compared the ATI scores of those who will develop applications (students of media and computer science) with those who will use them in a specific context (students of public administration). We also looked for possible selection biases when conducting online samples regarding technology, by comparing a self-selected online sample of public administration employees with a sample of students of public administration conducted in a classroom, in which no selection biases should have had occurred. To locate the samples in the general population we also compared them with a quota sample of the German population. Results indicate markedly different approaches to technology interaction between the student samples and the online sample being more similar to the media and computer science students. We discuss consequences for the human-centered design process, especially for understanding the users.
- KonferenzbeitragAre you willing to donate? relationship between perceived website design, trust and donation decisions online(Mensch und Computer 2020 - Tagungsband, 2020) Küchler, Louisa; Hertel, Guido; Thielsch, Meinald T.Online fundraising is becoming increasingly important for non-profit organizations, but the factors that convince people to make a donation online have not yet been fully investigated. In the present work, data of two studies (total N = 2525) was used to examine factors of online donation. An effect of website design perceptions (in terms of content, usability, and aesthetics) on willingness to donate was postulated. Furthermore, research questions about demographic aspects such as age and gender as well as trust in the organization were posed. In both studies, fully-functional health-related websites were evaluated (m = 30 in study 1, m = 3 in study 2). For statistical analysis, logistic regressions were performed. The results showed different relevance of predictors of donation in different scenarios of donation. For the donation of one's own money, the perceived content and trust in the organization showed the greatest influence. When donating other people's money, the aesthetics of the website was the most important factor for the willingness to donate. Thus, the design of the website, but also of trust in the organization are highly relevant. The differences between the two scenarios of online donation might be explained by the increased relevance of the decision, which results from donating one's own money, and according cognitive processes. Nevertheless, further research should examine influences of additional variables and establishing implications for successful digital donation generation in the healthcare sector.
- KonferenzbeitragATI-S -- An Ultra-Short Scale for Assessing Affinity for Technology Interaction in User Studies(Mensch und Computer 2019 - Tagungsband, 2019) Wessel, Daniel; Attig, Christiane; Franke, ThomasIn research and development in general, and in user-centered design (UCD) in particular, participants of studies have to be representative for the target audience. However, given the voluntary participation in user studies and an ensuing self-selection bias, participants of user studies likely prefer to engage with technology more strongly than the target audience in general (i.e., they have a higher affinity for technology interaction, ATI). Unchecked, this potential bias might lead to products that neglect important user groups or miss valuable market niches. At the same time, participants’ time is limited, so assessment of ATI must be economical. Thus, we propose an ultra-short ATI scale derived from the ATI scale by [10]. ATI-S was developed using theoretical considerations and empirical analyses. It provides a sufficiently reliable and valid assessment of ATI in conditions with strict time-constraints, in which the full ATI scale cannot be used.
- WorkshopbeitragAutomatic detection of good and bad usability in web forms using eye-tracking-data(Mensch und Computer 2022 - Workshopband, 2022) Schmittgen, AndreaAn established method for detecting usability problems is the analysis of user gaze behavior with an eye-tracker. These studies require a significant amount of time and effort to evaluate the data. An automated detection of good and bad usability in recorded user data can support usability experts in eye-tracking evaluation and reduce the effort. In the present work, suitable eye-tracking metrics are presented that correlate with the quality of usability. A quantitative A/B-user-study with eye-tracking was conducted which recorded gaze behavior of 30 subjects filling out a web form. The web form was designed in such a way that each form page was available as a good and bad variant according to known usability guidelines. The results confirm a significant correlation between the eye-tracking metric visits to an AOI and the usability. The eye-tracking metrics number of fixations within an AOI and duration of fixations within an AOI also correlate with the quality of usability. No correlation could be confirmed for the time of first fixation within an AOI.
- TextdokumentCertified Fun – Stehen hedonische Qualitätsaspekte und Qualitätssicherung im Widerspruch?(Tagungsband UP05, 2005) Hartwig, Ronald; Hassenzahl, MarcStehen hedonische Qualitätsaspekte (Spaß, Freude, Herausforderung, »User Experience«, Emotionen, Aesthetik) und Qualitätssicherung im Widerspruch? Wir meinen nicht, denn schließlich sind existierende Qualitätsmanagementsysteme abstrakt genug, um auf neue Qualitätsaspekte ausgedehnt zu werden. Kernstück eines Qualitätsmanagements ist – unabhängig von den berücksichtigten Qualitätsaspekten – immer das Finden gemeinsamer Entscheidungen, die für alle beteiligten Domänen (z. B. Fachlogik, Marketing, Design, Usability und Technik) nachvollziehbar sind, aber gleichzeitig kreativen Prozessen den nötigen Raum lassen.
- WorkshopbeitragCodingDojo: Interactive Slides with Real-time Feedback(Mensch & Computer 2012 – Workshopband: interaktiv informiert – allgegenwärtig und allumfassend!?, 2012) Raab, Felix; Fuchs, Markus; Wolff, ChristianWe present "CodingDojo", a presentation platform with interactive tools and real-time feedback elements that are controlled by a smartphone to be used in typical academic teaching contexts. The system provides tools for source code presentation, discussion and different types of coding challenges. CodingDojo was evaluated in a University course about good coding practices where traditional presentation platforms would be limited in functionality. We received positive user experience rankings and feedback from participants, suggesting that the system should be further developed and tested in other courses.
- ZeitschriftenartikelCogniPGA: Longitudinal Evaluation of Picture Gesture Authentication with Cognition-Based Intervention(i-com: Vol. 18, No. 3, 2019) Katsini, Christina; Avouris, Nikolaos; Fidas, ChristosThere is evidence that the visual behavior of users when creating graphical passwords affects the password strength. Adopting a cognitive style perspective in the interpretation of the results of recent studies revealed that users, depending on their cognitive style, follow different visual exploration paths when creating graphical passwords which affected the password strength. To take advantage of the inherent abilities of people, we proposed CogniPGA, a cued-recall graphical authentication scheme where a cognition-based intervention using gaze data is applied. This paper presents the longitudinal evaluation of the proposed scheme in terms of security, memorability, and usability from a cognitive style perspective. Results strengthen the assumptions that understanding and using the inherent cognitive characteristics of users could enable the design of user-first authentication schemes, where no compromises need to be made on security for benefiting usability or the other way around.
- KonferenzbeitragConstruction of UEQ+ scales for voice quality: measuring user experience quality of voice interaction(Mensch und Computer 2020 - Tagungsband, 2020) Klein, Andreas M.; Hinderks, Andreas; Schrepp, Martin; Thomaschewski, JörgThe UEQ+ is a modular framework for the construction of UX questionnaires. The researcher can pick those scales that fit his or her research question from a list of 16 available UX scales. Currently, no UEQ+ scales are available to allow measuring the quality of voice interactions. Given that this type of interaction is increasingly essential for the usage of digital products, this is a severe limitation of the possible products and usage scenarios that can be evaluated using the UEQ+. We describe in this paper the construction of three specific scales to measure the UX of voice interactions. Besides, we discuss how these new scales can be combined with existing UEQ+ scales in evaluation projects.
- KonferenzbeitragDigital Maternity Records: Motivation, Acceptance, Requirements, Usability and Prototype Evaluation of an Interface for Physicians and Midwives(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Tagungsband, 2021) Matthias W. Beckmann, GradlMaternity records ("Mutterpass") are a central tool in Germany’s antenatal care. Its digitalisation offers advantages such as improved readability, data standardisation, analysability, digital assistance and the avoidance of media breaks. Despite the examined necessity and technical possibility, no system has been implemented yet. In this work, we address this gap by assessing physicians’ and midwives’ perception, motivation, acceptance and requirements of a digital maternity record and its user interface in particular. Nine medical professionals participated in semi-structured interviews. Based on the results, an interface prototype was subsequently developed. The prototype laid a particular focus on two different gravidogram implementations. Thirteen medical professionals participated in the interactive user interface study, which aimed to assess general acceptance, completion time, error rate and implemented assistance functions compared to the analogue counterpart. Results show that the implementation of the digital maternity logbook is of value and that its advantages are both accepted and demanded by medical professionals. Eight key requirements were identified. A tabular gravidogram prototype, inspired by the analogue maternity record, was favoured over a more novel list prototype. Users presented a clear learning curve of the digital system. Nevertheless, the digital average completion time is 30% higher than its analogue counterpart. The digital prototype lead to a lower average number of errors per entry (0.45±0.3 vs. 0.58±0.4). With respect to digital maternity records, this work underlines user acceptance, summarizes key user requirements and presents a first step on the path to a digital maternity record interface for medical professionals. On a broader scale, it delivers insights based on several metrics with respect to digitalisation in an area that is still highly dominated by long established paper-based tools.