Auflistung nach Schlagwort "user interface design"
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- KonferenzbeitragBest of both worlds: Game Design meets User Interface Design(UP14 - Vorträge, 2014) Niesenhaus, JörgDie Integration spielerischer Elemente in Benutzerschnittstellen spielfremder Anwendungsgebiete erfreut sich immer größerer Beliebtheit. Ziele der im Rahmen von User Interfaces zur Anwendung kommenden spielerischen Elemente sind meist eine Erhöhung der Prozesseffizienz oder die Steigerung der Motivation und Zufriedenheit der Nutzer. Während es in den Bereichen der User Interface Entwicklung und des Usability Engineerings viele beschriebene Herangehensweisen für Designprozesse gibt, ist der Prozess der Konzeption und Integration von Spielmechanismen in spielfremde Bereiche bisher unzureichend dokumentiert. Der Vortrag wird anhand konkreter Beispiele die Adaption von bestehenden Game Design Methoden und Werkzeugen für die User Interface Entwicklung veranschaulichen, um aus dieser Erkenntnissen Handlungsempfehlungen für die Erweiterung bestehender Designprozesse abzuleiten.
- ZeitschriftenartikelThe Influence of User Interface Attributes on Aesthetics(i-com: Vol. 17, No. 1, 2018) Schmidt, Thomas; Wolff, ChristianIn this paper we present an empirical study among 40 participants which investigates the relationship between various factors of user interface aesthetics on the one hand, and the influence of the user interface attributes, symmetry, colorfulness as well as visual complexity on user interface aesthetics on the other hand. The user interface aesthetics will be classified in intuitive aesthetics (1st impression with a presentation time of 500 ms) and reflective aesthetics (reflective long-term impression after a longer presentation). Reflective aesthetics is further classified in classical aesthetics (common attractiveness) as well as expressive aesthetics (creativity). For this study we have set up a corpus of 30 websites which are used as stimulus material. In a multi-step lab experiment, participants rate aesthetics and their subjective impression concerning user interface attributes using questionnaires. We are able to show that the intuitive aesthetic judgment correlates strongly with the reflective judgment. The symmetry of a website positively correlates with all definitions of aesthetics, especially with the classical or traditional interpretation in the sense of attractiveness. Visual complexity can be seen as the strongest predictor for the aesthetic judgement of users and it negatively correlates with all definitions. Concerning colorfulness, a preference for websites of a medium degree of colorfulness for the intuitive as well as the classical aesthetics can be stated. Concerning expressive aesthetics, websites of moderate to high colorfulness receive the best judgments. The relationships which we have found are finally discussed in the context of previous research and some implications for future user interface design are given.
- ZeitschriftenartikelThe Virtual Theremin: Designing an Interactive Digital Music Instrument for Film Scene Scoring(i-com: Vol. 21, No. 1, 2022) Usabaev, Bela; Eschenbacher, Anna; Brennecke, AngelaThis paper presents a first prototype of a virtual Theremin instrument for accompanying film scenes with sound. The virtual Theremin is implemented as a hybrid application for the web. Sound control is achieved by capturing user gestures with a webcam and mapping the gestures to the corresponding virtual Theremin parameters pitch and volume. Different sound types can be selected. The application’s underlying research is part of the multi-modal digital heritage project KOLLISIONEN which targets to open up the private archive of the Russian film maker Sergej Eisenstein to a broader public in digital form. Eisenstein, a film theorist and pioneer of film montage, was particularly intrigued by the Theremin as an instrument for film sound design. The virtual Theremin presented here is therefore linked to a film scene from the 1929 Soviet drama “The General Line” by Sergej Eisenstein which was never set to music originally. In its first implementation state, the application connects music interaction design with digital heritage in a modular, flexible and playful way and uses contemporary web technologies to enable easy operation and the greatest possible accessibility.