Auflistung nach Schlagwort "visualization"
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- KonferenzbeitragCode Cities in Virtual and Augmented Reality(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 40, Heft 2, 2020) Koschke, Rainer; Steinbeck, MarcelIn this paper, we summarize existing research on visualizing software as code cities with a focus on virtual and augmented reality technology (VR/AR). The review of existing knowledge shows that several of the hopes in VR/AR have not been fulfilled yet. A possible reason for that may be that existing means of visualization and interaction cannot simply be transferred one-to-one from desktop to VR/AR environments as our own research suggests. Moreover, we view the true potential of VR/AR in supporting the communication among multiple developers. All studies we are aware of have had a single developer trying to solve a given task. VR/AR can bridge spatial gaps and more research should be targeted at that particular advantage for distributed teams.
- KonferenzbeitragExplainable Static Analysis(Software Engineering und Software Management 2018, 2018) Bodden, Eric; Nguyen Quang Do, LisaStatic code analysis is an important tool that aids in the early detection of programming mistakes, including functional aws, performance bottlenecks and security vulnerabilities. Past research in static analysis has mainly focused on the precise and e cient detection of programming mistakes, allowing new analyses to return more accurate results in a shorter time. However, end-user experience in industry has shown high abandonment rates for static analysis tools. Previous work has shown that current analysis tools are ill-adapted to meet the needs of their users, taking a long time to yield results and causing warnings to be frequently misinterpreted. This can quickly make the overall bene t of static analyses deteriorate. In this work, we argue for the need of developing a line of research on aiding users of static analysis tools, e.g., code developers, to better understand the findings reported by those tools. We outline how we plan to address this problem space by a novel line of research that ultimately seeks to change static analysis tools from being tools for static analysis experts to tools that can be mastered by general code developers. To achieve this goal, we plan to develop novel techniques for formulating, inspecting and debugging static analyses and the rule sets they validate programs against.
- KonferenzbeitragExploring Visual Comparison of Multivariate Runtime Statistics(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 39, Heft 3, 2019) Tarner, Hagen; Frick, Veit; Pinzger, Martin; Beck, FabianTo understand program behavior or find performance bottlenecks in their software, developers need tools to efficiently compare runtime statistics collected across multiple executions. As there is a variety of useful metrics, a good visualization needs to be able to handle multivariate data and highlight the most important differences between multiple versions. We identify three scenarios for the comparison of execution-relevant changes, and explore possible visualizations of the gathered multivariate runtime statistics.
- KonferenzbeitragGameDNA: Towards game notation for discourse and player actions(Mensch & Computer 2011: überMEDIEN|ÜBERmorgen, 2011) van Nimwegen, Christof; van Oostendorp, Herre; Bas, Michael; Modderman, JoostIn the current game practice there is a need for richer game grammars or ways of notation. Existing methods are not sufficiently able to accommodate the players’ mental states and actions during the game; we need better ways to visualize cognitive aspects within the player and the game events. In this project a Serious Game Studio, a Computer Science department and an HRD consultancy firm cooperate on a living case-study, a serious game to measure “Compliance” for job assessment in order to uncover individual traits (here: Compliance) in a structural manner. This paper describes the first concepts and progress of GameDNA (Game Discourse Notation and Analysis), a method to notate, analyze and visualize cognitive actions of players and interactive aspects during play.
- KonferenzbeitragGraph-Based Analysis and Visualization of Software Traces(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 39, Heft 4, 2019) Müller, Richard; Fischer, MatteoGraphs are a suitable representation of software artifacts’ data created during development and maintenance activities. Software traces monitored with Kieker are one example of such data. We present a jQAssistant plugin that scans event-based Kieker traces and stores them in a Neo4j graph database. This opens up new possibilities for analyzing and visualizing these traces with respect to application performance monitoring and architecture discovery. We illustrate the feasibility and usefulness of the plugin with the Bookstore application example.
- KonferenzbeitragHeap Evolution Analysis Using Tree Visualizations(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 40, Heft 3, 2020) Weninger, Markus; Makor, Lukas; Mössenböck, HanspeterMemory anomalies such as memory leaks can dramatically impact application performance and can even lead to crashes. Thus, supporting developers in understanding the heap memory behavior of their systems is essential. Unfortunately, most memory analysis tools lack advanced visualizations that could facilitate developers in analyzing suspicious memory behavior. To analyze heap memory, it is common to group the heap’s objects, for example, by their types or by their allocation sites. Using multiple grouping criteria thus results in a tree-shaped representation of the heap content. Such a heap tree is then typically presented textually in a tree table. In this paper, we present ongoing research on using well-known tree visualization techniques to visualize such heap trees as well as their evolution over time. Such visualizations may ease the detection of proliferating heap objects, facilitating memory leak analysis. To demonstrate the feasibility and applicability of the presented approach, we implemented a web-based visualization tool and integrated it into AntTracks, our trace-based memory monitoring tool.
- KonferenzbeitragIdentifying Bottlenecks in a Visualization Platform for Tracing Adaptation Decisions(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 39, Heft 4, 2019) Pfannemüller, Martin; Becker, ChristianMeasuring the performance of different operations as part of a software system can help to identify performance bottlenecks. This information can be used to improve the performance of the monitored system. In previous work, we proposed a visualization platform for observing and understanding adaptation decisions in self-adaptive systems. In this paper, we apply Kieker as a monitoring solution to measure the runtime of different operations based on the granularity of methods and tasks. As a result, we identified possibilities for improvements in our implementation.
- KonferenzbeitragInteractive image driven sound(Mensch und Computer 2020 - Tagungsband, 2020) Brennecke, Angela; Traber, Markus; Stimberg, Simon; Stockleben, BjörnThis paper describes the work in progress of an interactive audiovisual synthesis application that explores the relationship between user interaction, image sequences and sound in the context of interactive digital arts and media productions. The application generates aesthetically pleasing audiovisual output in interactive and real-time. It is based on an analysis of visual changes in the image sequences which are mapped to musical scales. The application is intended to become an integrated and modular toolkit that supports creative professionals in exploring different combinations of image and sound representations, for instance, in the context of mood representations, artistic ideation and content creation processes. The current implementation marks an initial step into this direction.
- KonferenzbeitragMemory Leak Visualization using Evolving Software Cities(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 39, Heft 4, 2019) Weninger, Markus; Makor, Lukas; Mössenböck, HanspeterMemory leaks occur when no longer needed objects are unnecessarily kept alive. They can have a significant performance impact, possibly leading to a crash of the application in the worst case. Most state-of-the-art memory monitoring tools lack visualizations of memory growth over time. However, domains such as software evolution and program comprehension have shown that graphically visualizing the growth and evolution of a system can help users in understanding and interpreting this growth. In this paper, we present ongoing research on how to visualize an application’s memory evolution over time using the software city metaphor. While software cities are typically used to visualize static artifacts of a software system such as classes, we use them to visualize the dynamic memory behavior of an application. In our approach, heap objects can be grouped by arbitrary properties such as their types or their allocating threads. These groups are visualized as buildings arranged in districts, where the size of a building corresponds to the number of objects it represents. Continuously updating the city over time creates the feeling of an evolving city. Users can then identify and inspect those buildings, i.e., object groups, that grow the most. We integrated our approach into AntTracks, a trace-based memory monitoring tool developed by us, to prove its feasibility.
- ZeitschriftenartikelThe Method Radar: a way to organize methods for technology development with participation in mind(i-com: Vol. 22, No. 3, 2023) Schmidt, Marc; Bente, Stefan; Zanón, Bruno Baruque; Palma, Ana María LaraIdentifying appropriate methods for any process, such as uncovering needs of juveniles in social welfare or designing interactive systems, requires intensive research and generally using a categorization system that brings methods in a systematic order. These taxonomy systems are heavily responsible for the later method usage and start the thinking process for researchers and practitioners alike in a specific direction. So making participation visible in such taxonomy systems directly affects the later method usage and makes participation more visible and easier to use. This article presents the Method Radar, a visualized categorization of methods with a focus on participation using the ladder of participation, that makes participation visible right at the beginning of any method selection. The Method Radar builds on the radar representation established in the technology sector, which allows a multi-dimensional classification. In addition, an implementation and systematic process for categorizing these methods are presented. It can be used for any form of method categorization in which participation is supposed to be thought of.