Web-Recherche und statistische Auswertung für Daten der Dioxindatenbank des Bundes der Länder
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Dioxins and PCBs are persistent organic pollutants (POPs), a term used to designate
organic chemicals that accumulate in the bodies of humans, animals and plants and
that have the potential to be transported across long distances. POPs may cause
disturbances of the immune system, nervous system, reproductive functions and
enzyme systems, with all its consequences. It is very important to monitore the
contamination of the environment, foodstaff and feeding staff with dioxins
permanently. As a measure to counteract the risk posed by POPs to man and the
environment, a number of international environmental treaties have been agreed to in
the past. For the sake of public information about the contamination of man and the
environment by dioxins, the Federal Environment Agency collects data on the
concentrations of dioxins and others POPs in the Federation and Laender
cooperation Dioxin Information database www.pop-dioxindb.de. The data base
includes a lot of metadata e.g. sampling site, sampling method, analysis method,
laboratory data, and the analytic results with specific congeneres. An online Website
with information and evaluation of the data is available. On the other hand a directly
request to the database is possible getting timetrendas and congenere profiles.