Vorwort: big data in mobility and logistics (BDMobiLog 2014)
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Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.
The growing technical possibilities to gather data, e.g. sensors, mobile devices, social media, log files, cameras and microphones, have resulted in large and complex data sets, which today are known as Big Data. But which potential does Big Data hold for the domains mobility and logistics? Mobility and logistics are closely linked to each other. On one hand, traffic flows and traffic density have a strong influence on the efficiency of logistic processes (especially when it comes to transportation). On the other hand, the trend to e-mobility poses new challenges to the planning processes, e.g. the consideration of battery capacity during planning. Together with other factors, this leads to a rising complexity of logistic processes and networks, as well as a big amount of data to be handled. That is why there is already a growing amount of IT-based applications, which support and automate different steps of the logistic processes. Using the right analytic approaches Big Data can elevate these applications to a new level, improve the planning processes, and enable precise and well-founded decisions. This workshop brings together researchers and practitioners working on Big Data technologies in mobility and logistics. We accepted three submissions for presentation, which identify the potentials of Big Data in logistics and describe Big Data-based approaches in technical customer management as well as in public transportation.