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P300 - Software Engineering 2020

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  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Review-Modelle zur Unterstützung in der funktionszentrierten Entwicklung eingebetteter Systeme
    (Software Engineering 2020, 2020) Daun, Marian; Weyer, Thorsten; Pohl, Klaus
    Dieser Vortrag berichtet von dem Beitrag Improving manual reviews in function-centered engineering of embedded systems using a dedicated review model, der in der Fachzeitschrift Software and Systems Modeling veröffentlicht wurde. Im Rahmen des Beitrags wurde ein dezidiertes Review-Modell vorgeschlagen, um die Validierung der interaktionsbasierten Verhaltensanforderungen und des funktionalen Entwurfs in einem gemeinsamen Qualitätssicherungsschritt zu unterstützen. Neben der automatisierten Erzeugung des Review-Modells wurde mithilfe kontrollierter Experimente die Vorteilhaftigkeit des vorgeschlagenen Review-Modells nachgewiesen.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Enactment of Adaptation in Data Stream Processing with Latency Implications
    (Software Engineering 2020, 2020) Qin, Cui; Eichelberger, Holger; Schmid, Klaus
    This summary refers to the paper Enactment of adaptation in data stream processing with latency implications – A systematic literature review. This paper is a journal paper published in Information and Software Technology (IST) in July 2019. Runtime adaptation in stream processing plays a significant role in supporting the optimization of data processing tasks. In recent years, runtime adaptation, particularly its enactment, has received significant interest in scientific literature. However, so far no categorization of the enactment approaches for runtime adaptation in stream processing has been established. This paper presents a systematic literature review (SLR), where we identify and characterize different approaches towards the enactment of runtime adaptation in stream processing with a main focus on latency as quality dimension. We discovered 75 relevant papers out of 244 papers from the search. We identified 17 different enactment categories and developed a taxonomy to characterize all possible enactment approaches. We extracted the realization techniques of each identified enactment approach and classified them into categories. Furthermore, we identified 9 categories of processing problems, 6 adaptation goals, 9 evaluation metrics and 12 evaluation parameters from the identified enactment approaches. The research interest on enactment approaches has significantly increased in recent years. The most commonly applied enactment approaches are parameter adaptation to tune parameters or settings of the processing, load balancing used to re-distribute workloads, and processing scaling to dynamically scale up and down the processing.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Software Engineering 2020 - Komplettband
    (Software Engineering 2020, 2020)
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    17. Workshop Automotive Software Engineering
    (Software Engineering 2020, 2020) Ebel, Patrick; Helke, Steffen; Schaefer, Ina; Vogelsang, Andreas
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Reusability in Artificial Neural Networks: An Empirical Study
    (Software Engineering 2020, 2020) Ghofrani, Javad; Kozegar, Ehsan; Bozorgmehr, Arezoo; Soorati, Mohammad Divband
    This manuscript summarizes our empirical study on reuse in the context of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) extensively described in [Gh19b] as a paper with the same title, presented in 2nd International Workshop on Experiences and Empirical Studies on Software Reuse (WEESR 2019)
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Requirement Management in Enterprise Systems Projects
    (Software Engineering 2020, 2020) Weiss, Christoph; Keckeis, Johannes
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    7th Collaborative Workshop on Evolution and Maintenance of Long-Living Systems
    (Software Engineering 2020, 2020) Jung, Reiner; Konersmann, Marco; Schmieders, Eric
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Software Engineering im Unterricht der Hochschulen 2020
    (Software Engineering 2020, 2020) Krusche, Stephan; Wagner, Stefan
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Center for Code Excellence
    (Software Engineering 2020, 2020) Kroß, Johannes; Bludau, Peter; Pretschner, Alexander
    Das Center for Code Excellence (CCE) richtet sich sowohl an Softwareentwickler als auch Projekt- und Unternehmensmanager. Wir haben das Ziel, kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen in die Lage zu versetzen, herausragende, nachhaltige und zukunftsweisende Software zu entwickeln. Dieser Beitrag stellt die Motivation und Ansätze des CCE kurz vor sowie die drei Schwerpunkte - Bewertung der Softwaretechnik, Trendanalysen und Erforschung von Lehrmethoden.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    2nd Workshop on Avionics Systems and Software Engineering
    (Software Engineering 2020, 2020) Annighöfer, Björn; Schweiger, Andreas; Reich, Marina