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Cognition and experience of employees in digital work environments


Digital work environments are changing the learning experiences for employees. We provide an explanation on how the mechanisms of cognition and experience are connected and affected. First-order learning is reduced by machines which negative effects for second-order learning of employees. The analysis is a first step towards balancing digital support and experiences.


Leyer, Michael; Strohhecker, Jürgen (2020): Cognition and experience of employees in digital work environments. WM 2019 - Wissensmanagement in digitalen Arbeitswelten: Aktuelle Ansätze und Perspektiven - Knowledge Management in Digital Workplace Environments: State of the Art and Outlook. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.. PISSN: 1617-5468. ISBN: 978-3-88579-607-8. pp. 153-158. WS IV: Data-Driven Knowledge Management. Potsdam. 18.-20. März 2019


