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Softwaretechnik-Trends 37(2) - 2017

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  • Textdokument
    Benutzerfeedback für die Softwareweiterentwicklung erheben
    (Softwaretechnik-Trends: Vol. 37, No. 2, 2017) Stade, Melanie; Seyff, Norbert; Fotrousi, Farnaz; Guzman, Emitza; Fricker, Samuel A.; Glinz, Martin; Schaniel, Ronnie
  • Textdokument
    RE auf dem Land – alles andere als Standard? – Anforderungserhebung in ländlichen Regionen
    (Softwaretechnik-Trends: Vol. 37, No. 2, 2017) Koch, Matthias; Magin, Dominik Pascal; Tamanini, Christian
    Digitalisierung und sich daraus bildende Innovationen beeinflussen unser aller Leben im privaten wie auch im beruflichen Umfeld. Eine zentrale Herausforderung ist die Gestaltung digitaler Innovationen gemeinsam mit ei- ner breiten Zielgruppe, die die entwickelten Lösungen in ihren Alltag integrieren soll. Wie mit dieser Heraus- forderung umgegangen werden kann, zeigen wir am Beispiel des Projektes „Digitale Dörfer“. In diesem Projekt gewannen wir in Zusammenarbeit mit Bürgern, Einzelhändlern und der öffentlichen Hand Erkenntnisse, wie durch den Einsatz digitaler Dienste die Attraktivität ländlicher Regionen gesteigert werden kann.
  • Textdokument
    Rollenspezifische Sichten auf RE Artefakte basierend auf Empirischen Daten
    (Softwaretechnik-Trends: Vol. 37, No. 2, 2017) Hess, Anne; Dörr, Jörg; Seyff, Norbert
    In diesem Beitrag werden Motivation, Konzeption undNutzungsszenarieneinertool-gestütztenLösungzur Generierung rollenspezifischer Sichten auf RE Artefakte vorgestellt. Die Inhalte des Beitrags richten sich sowohl an Anforderungsingenieure, welche für die Erstellung von Anforderungsspezifikationen verantwortlich sind, als auch an Anforderungskonsumenten wie z.B. Architekten oder Tester.
  • Textdokument
    Gutes Requirements Engineering kann jeder? Ein mehrstufiges 8 Lehrkonzept für die Ausbildung im Requirements Engineering
    (Softwaretechnik-Trends: Vol. 37, No. 2, 2017) Sedelmaier, Yvonne; Landes, Dieter
    Dieser Forschungs‐ und Erfahrungsbericht stellt ein methodisch fundiertes didaktisches Konzept vor, das Studierenden die Bedeutung von Anforderungen und die Herausforderungen bei deren Erhebung und Dokumentation aufzeigt, bevor es mittels aktivierender Lehrmethoden Lösungen dafür anbietet. Dazu versetzen sich Studierende u.a. in mögliche Kunden hinein, bevor sie ein echtes Kundengespräch vorbereiten, durchführen, auswerten und auf dieser Grundlage ein Anforderungsdokument verfassen.
  • Textdokument
    4th Collaborative Workshop on Evolution and Maintenance of Long-Living Software Systems (EMLS’17)
    (Softwaretechnik-Trends: Vol. 37, No. 2, 2017) Heinrich, Robert; Jung, Reiner; Konersmann, Marco; Schmieders, Eric
  • Textdokument
    Evolution of a Program Analysis Toolchain
    (Softwaretechnik-Trends: Vol. 37, No. 2, 2017) Felden, Timm; Krause, Felix
    In this paper we report experiences made in the mostly finished process of modernization of the Bauhaus toolchain. We discuss the replacement of a hard-to-change intermediate representation that is only accessible in Ada by a modern one that is both language-independent and easy-to-change. Furthermore, we describe how to set up a process such that even academic research projects can perform an affordable and safe migration.
  • Textdokument
    Challenges in Creating a Sustainable Generic Research Data Infrastructure
    (Softwaretechnik-Trends: Vol. 37, No. 2, 2017) Grunzke, Richard; Müller-Pfefferkorn, Ralph; Nagel, Wolfgang E.; Adolph, Tobias; Biardzki, Christoph; Frank, Anton; Bode, Arndt; Kazakova, Anastasia; Limani, Fidan; Latif, Atif; Busch, Anja; Borst, Timo; Tochtermann, Klaus; Neumann, Mathis; Sousa, Nelson Tavares de; Thomsen, Ingo; Hasselbring, Wilhelm; Tendel, Jakob; Bungartz, Hans-Joachim; Grimm, Christian
    Research data management is of the utmost importance in a world where research data is created with an ever increasing amount and rate and with a high variety across all scientific disciplines. This paper especially discusses software engineering challenges stemming from creating a long-living software system. It aims at providing a reference implementation for a federated research data infrastructure including interconnected individual repositories for communities and an overarching search based on metadata. The challenges involve a high variety of evolving requirements, the management and development of the distributed and federated infrastructure that are based on exist- ing components, the piloting within the use cases, the efficient training of users, and how to enable the future sustainable operation.
  • Textdokument
    Juggling with Data: On the Lack of Database Monitoring in Long-Living Software Systems
    (Softwaretechnik-Trends: Vol. 37, No. 2, 2017) Zirkelbach, Christian
    Long-living software systems often challenge associated software engineers and operators with changing requirements or increasing workload. In addition, performance issues or customer requests may cause inevitable software updates or refactoring tasks. These legacy systems are often based on outdated technologies and are poorly documented. In combination with insufficient knowledge of the (actual) system, the necessary transformations can be difficult. While the described situation is discussed in the software engineering community, databases are rarely covered. As databases are an essential part in almost every soft- ware system, they are affected by evolutionary tasks as well and have to face the same challenges. In this paper, we (i) describe problems based on non-existing database monitoring in long-living software systems and (ii) propose an approach as a solution, which addresses the described problems, and supports developers and operators in performing evolutionary tasks alike. Finally, we conclude and delineate open questions concerning our envisioned approach.
  • Textdokument
    Defining a Security-Oriented Evolution Scenario for the CoCoME Case Study
    (Softwaretechnik-Trends: Vol. 37, No. 2, 2017) Pilipchuk, Roman; Seifermann, Stephan; Taspolatoglu, Emre
    Information systems are subject to continuous change. In order to conduct empirical research on methods for software evolution, CoCoME was developed as a community-driven case study system. It is, however, not suitable for the validation of security-related approaches, as neither security nor privacy have been addressed in any evolution scenario. We elicited 53 secu- rity requirements coming from law, security guidelines and known threats. In this paper, we present three out of twelve security requirement categories including one representative requirement and share our experience in building the foundation for a security-oriented evolution scenario. Researchers in the field of secure software evolution can validate their approaches using this future evolution scenario.
  • Textdokument
    Deriving Categories of Semantic Clones from a Coding Contest
    (Softwaretechnik-Trends: Vol. 37, No. 2, 2017) Görg, Torsten
    This paper establishes subcategories of semantic code clones, based on code from a coding contest. We provide these clone subcategories as a basis of a benchmark for semantic code clone detection algorithms.