Prize Competitions as a Source of Environmental Strategies: Case Study – Premium Expressão de Ecologia
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The goal of this articles is to present the award “Expressão e Ecologia” as a source for understanding the strategies and environmental practices followed by the award winners organizations, in South of Brazil. To analyze the award we used Complex Adaptive Systems theory (CAS). Concepts such as: agents, strategies, population and types were used. The key-question that moved us toward this study was to recognize the direction of the actions taken by the organizations in order to preserve the environment, and, as a consequence, the commitment of the organized society in the search for a sustainable development. We checked, that during the eight years studied, 500 “cases” have been submitted, from which 144 were award winners. The study enlightened that during the first years of the award, the established awarded categories were few and focused only on the emission control of wastes and pollution control. Every year the award trajectory was amplified and new categories had to be created, indicating that the concern with the environment has been growing inside the society. It got evident that taking care of environment is not a demand from fiscal organs and ecological consumers anymore, it’s a commitment with society that has been taken seriously inside Brazil’s Southern companies.