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Using mobile devices to overcome idle times in modelling workshops


Working collaboratively is very common when dealing with complex tasks. In case of process modelling, collaboration usually takes place in structured workshops. Within these workshops several people with different knowledge come together and jointly create a model of e.g. a specific process. A common approach within these workshops is to create a model by linearly discussing a process and documenting it within a model. Due to this procedure and the diversity of people involved not everyone can contribute to the modelling process at the same time potentially resulting in long idle times for participants. To overcome these idle times we developed a system that allows for people to use different devices to work on the same model synchronously. With our solution idle participants can use their mobile device to edit a part of the model where her expertise is needed, thus being able to contribute her expertise throughout the whole session.


Wiechers, Moritz; Nolte, Alexander; Ksoll, Michael; Herrmann, Thomas (2014): Using mobile devices to overcome idle times in modelling workshops. Mensch & Computer 2014 - Workshopband. Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg. ISBN: 978-3-11-034450-9. pp. 327-331. Workshop Blended Interaction – neue Techniken für Interaktive Displays in kollaborativen Szenarien


