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An Environmental-Health Information System for Exposure Assessment of Population Living in Areas with Incinerators and Industrial Plants


In the paper two informative systems for the integration of environmental, health and demographic data are presented. These activities were performed within an European Interreg IIIC Project on Environmental-Health Surveillance Systems in Urban areas near incinerators and industrial premises. The main goal of these systems is a better assessment of the relationships between environmental pollution and health status. The architecture of two systems and a web-based tool for surveillance systems are illustrated in details. Main advantages and criticalities of implementing such systems are also described.


Ranzi, Andrea; Erspamer, Laura; Michalopoulos, Sotoris; Fano, Valeria; Forastiere, Francesco; Perucci, Carlo A.; Trinca, Stefania; Gardini, A.; Lauriola, Paolo (2007): An Environmental-Health Information System for Exposure Assessment of Population Living in Areas with Incinerators and Industrial Plants. Environmental Informatics and Systems Research. Aachen: Shaker Verlag. Environmental Engineering and Environmental Informatics with Respect to Health Protection. Warschau. 2007



