Application of the Simultaneous Modular Approach in the Field of Material Flow Analysis (MFA)
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Shaker Verlag
Life cycle assessment (LCA) and material flow analysis (MFA) are two important modelling instruments in the field
of industrial ecology. Different scientific communities develop and refine the underlying concepts and instruments.
However, it has been already shown that it is possible to combine MFA and LCA. LCA as well as MFA-based cost
accountings become evaluation methods of material flow models. On the input side of this models it is possible to
enhance them so that a simulation-based modelling framework can be implemented for the analysis of material and
energy flows and stocks of production sites, supply chains, eco-industrial parks, regions etc. A specific MFA instrument
has to answer two different questions: (1) what kind of data or information should be provided? In this perspective,
the MFA instrument is an accounting system. (2) The second question is how to establish the material flow
models (modelling and calculation). In particular, the aspect of modelling is discussed in this contribution. The paper
makes clear that core algorithms to material flow analysis can be adopted from process flowsheeting approach in
chemical engineering, especially the sequential modular approach and the simultaneous modular approach.