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Informationssystem zum Waldmonitoring in Europa Datenmanagement im EU-Projekt FutMon

dc.contributor.authorHosenfeld, Friedhelm
dc.contributor.authorRinker, Andreas
dc.contributor.authorSchnack, Klaus
dc.contributor.authorGranke, Oliver
dc.contributor.authorMues, Volker
dc.contributor.editorKnetsch, Gerlinde
dc.contributor.editorJessen, Karin
dc.description.abstractThe FutMon project funded by the European Union (EU) demanded for the development of a web-based information system managing forest monitoring data. One main focus of the described system consisted in supporting the project partners in different nations in Europe to make their forest monitoring data available in a central database. By means of comprehensive validations and consistency checks a sound data quality could be achieved, which facilitates extensive and effective evaluations of the acquired data for project partners and third parties. A wide range of validation rules which are maintained and flexibly configurable within the information system controls the data compliance and conformity checks, giving the possibility to react adequately on changing requirements and up-to-date findings. The newly designed and developed information system additionally offers an administration area including functions to monitor data submission processes, to inspect and compare the managed data using tables, digital maps as well as diagrams.de
dc.relation.ispartofDatenanforderungen und Informationsgewinnung zum Themenbereich Umwelt und Gesundheit
dc.relation.ispartofseriesWorkshops "AK Umweltinformationssysteme"
dc.titleInformationssystem zum Waldmonitoring in Europa Datenmanagement im EU-Projekt FutMonde
dc.typeText/Conference Paper
gi.conference.sessiontitleDatenanforderungen und Informationsgewinnung zum Themenbereich Umwelt und Gesundheit
