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Haptic Journey: The integration of gesture-controls and mid-air haptic feedback into ticket machines to foster better hygiene in public spaces


Since the outbreak of Covid-19, hygiene is a major issue, especially in public spaces. One example are public ticket vending machines (TVMs). With their contactless interaction, gesture-controlled interfaces offer a valid alternative to touchscreens and haptic buttons, which are still widely used in current machines. To explore the impact of mid-air haptic feedback combined with gesture-control we conducted interviews, an online survey and a usability study to measure user experience and user satisfaction. Our results show that hygiene plays a major role in public spaces. Furthermore, gesture-control combined with mid-air haptic feedback has the potential to provide more hygienic interaction that enhances user experience and usability compared to traditional TVMs.


Ambacher, Julian; Fischer, Luci; Gaurav, Anand Bihari; Pietruschka, Maria; Spreng, Leoni; Wilkes, Jasmin; Zimmermann, Theresa; Peintner, Jakob; Riener, Andreas (2023): Haptic Journey: The integration of gesture-controls and mid-air haptic feedback into ticket machines to foster better hygiene in public spaces. Mensch und Computer 2023 - Workshopband. DOI: 10.18420/muc2023-mci-src-403. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.. MCI: Student Research Competition. Rapperswil. 3.-6. September 2023

