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Product Ops: Understanding and Defining an Emerging Discipline

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Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.


Product Operations (Product Ops) is a concept gaining momentum among product management practitioners in the software domain. Practitioners share success stories and describe various benefits of implementing Product Ops in software organizations. However, there is a lack of consensus on a definition and areas of responsibility of the role, which may lead to inconsistencies and flaws in its implementation. An abundance of practitioner publications on the subject with varying descriptions of the discipline calls for standardization and the development of a systematic approach to discussing Product Ops. Moreover, only a handful of academic publications have briefly touched upon this concept. In response to this research gap, the paper reports the results of a grey literature review and proposes a definition of the Product Ops concept emerging in the software product management practitioner literature. The tasks and responsibilities of the function are described, alongside the expected positive outcomes of implementing the Product Ops. The risks of flawed implementations are also acknowledged. Furthermore, the paper outlines potential avenues for future research in this domain.


Moroz, Bogdan; Saltan, Andrey; Hyrynsalmi, Sami (2023): Product Ops: Understanding and Defining an Emerging Discipline. 1st International Conference on Software Product Management 2023. DOI: 10.18420/icspm2023-003. Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.. ISSN: 1617-5468. ISBN: 978-3-88579-728-9

