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The HEAVEN Approach to Environmental Assessment of City Wide TDMS

dc.contributor.authorHeich, Hermann-Josef
dc.contributor.authorTomassini, Maurizio
dc.contributor.authordi Taranto, Carlo
dc.contributor.editorPillmann, Werner
dc.contributor.editorTochtermann, Klaus
dc.description.abstractEmissions of air pollutants and noise by road traffic is of particular concern to many European citizens. Despite emission reduction techniques, the quality of urban environment will remain on the agenda for the coming years, as a result of the continuous growth of road traffic. The Framework Directive [1] and Daughter Directives [2, 3] are addressing regular assessment of air quality through monitoring and modelling in agglomerations with more than 250.000 inhabitants. Articles 7.3 and 8 of the Framework Directive require Action Plans for the improvement of air quality and call for public information. The Clean Air for Europe programme (CAFE) within the 6th Environmental Action Plan is developing the thematic strategy for further reduction of air pollution and its effects. Next to air quality, the problem of noise is also of importance to most citizens. It is estimated that at least 20 % of EU population suffers from noise. In a proposal for a Noise Directive [4] larger cities need to produce noise maps and will have to develop Action Plans aiming to achieve noise limit values, which will be set on Member States’ level. Both air quality and noise have unquestionably adverse effects on human health. Because the dominant source in most urban areas for both types of environmental impacts is traffic it is a challenge for local authorities to find integrated solutions for the environmental and traffic problems in urban areas to increase the quality of life for European citizens. Informing the public on the environmental situation as it is integral part of the Framework Directive is also governed by other Directives [5, 6] which call for the development of respective information technologies. The HEAVEN Project as it is part of the IST-Programme is developing an Decision Support System (DSS) to assess the environmental impacts of urban traffic, identify environmental efficient Transport Demand Management Strategies (TDMS) and informing the public on the environmental situation. The DSS will support European harmonisation and effectiveness of the implementation of air quality and noise related European legislation.de
dc.relation.ispartofEnvironmental Communication in the Information Society - Proceedings of the 16th Conference
dc.titleThe HEAVEN Approach to Environmental Assessment of City Wide TDMSde
dc.typeText/Conference Paper
