Energy System Analysis Models for Climate Change Mitigation and Clean Air Strategies
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During the last decade, the European energy supply sector has faced far-reaching structural changes that have led to new market structures and a new competitive environment. The current discussion on emission reduction targets and climate change mitigation strategies threatens to cause new changes in the competitive environment of energy supply companies.
The energy models described in this paper provide powerful analysis options that permit the quantification of the effects that an implementation of an European emission trading scheme might have on different market players, industry sectors or whole countries. To put this objective into practice, the energy system analysis models follow a technologybased modelling approach employing linear programming methods.
In this paper, we present an application of the model PERSEUS-BW to analyse the influence of greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation on air pollutants for the state BadenWürttemberg. The model results show strong synergy effects between the CO2 emissions reduction and the NOx and SO2 emission. In a second step, the model PERSEUS-CERT is used to determine prices for European CO2-certificates, which are then integrated into PERSEUS-BW. The model results illustrate that under such a trading scheme CO2certificates would be bought in Baden-Württemberg, leading to an increase of local pollutant emissions in this country.