Model-Based and Automated Software Tool Qualification of Domain-Specific Modeling Tools as per RTCA DO-330
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Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.
The use of domain-specific modeling (DSM) in a software life cycle that includes the objectives and activities as per RTCA DO-178C offers a variety of opportunities. With the help of DSM tools, development artefacts can be generated from a system design model. DSM tools that are used in the software life cycle and whose output is not verified require a tool qualification according to RTCA DO-330. This tool qualification is associated with an extensively high effort. Therefore, this paper proposes a model-based and automated approach for tool qualification. Qualification templates should be developed, covering requirements and tests for DSM specific aspects. These template models are instantiated in a qualification model transformation. The result should be qualification artefacts. This approach should greatly reduce the qualification effort. The component in the DSM tool for tool qualification is the Tool Qualification Agent (TQA). First, the concept of the Tool Qualification Agent is presented. Afterwards, the results from a first implementation are analyzed. First requirement templates and a qualification model transformation were developed. Requirements were generated with the qualification model transformation. Although the Tool Qualification Agent so far only covers small parts of the tool qualification, it demonstrates that the concept is feasible.