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Grundwasser-Online – Internetbasiertes UIS für Deutschland?

dc.contributor.authorGutzke, Thomas
dc.contributor.editorKnetsch, Gerlinde
dc.contributor.editorJessen, Karin
dc.contributor.editorBeckmann, Ines
dc.description.abstractAbstract The management of groundwater resources for the supply of German cities and suburban areas has become a matter of public interest during the last years. Negative headlines dealt with cracks in buildings as well as damaged woodlands and inundated agriculture areas as an effect of varying groundwater levels. At present the required data is logged and stored by each legal authority of each federal state and the local water supply companies since an holistic management of groundwater information does not exist. This paper describes an approach to combine all information witch are related to water supply and groundwater monitoring (e.g., water level, water quality, rainfall, conveyance-masses, drilling profiles). In the south of hessian this approache is already realised – since 2003. Within the internetpotal www.grundwasser-online.de all water supply companies, legal authorities and engineering societies share there data and provide selected data for the public. This paper doesn’t give an answer to the question how this portal can be extended, but it is collecting ideas and points out possibilities.de
dc.publisherUmweltbundesamt http://www.umweltbundesamt.de
dc.relation.ispartofWorkshop des Arbeitskreises „Umweltdatenbanken / Umweltinformationssysteme“ der Fachgruppe „Informatik im Umweltschutz“
dc.relation.ispartofseriesWorkshops "AK Umweltinformationssysteme"
dc.titleGrundwasser-Online – Internetbasiertes UIS für Deutschland?de
dc.typeText/Conference Paper
gi.conference.sessiontitleUmweltinformationssysteme: Suchmaschinen und Wissensmanagement - Methoden und Instrumente
