Environmental Modeling and Simulation: a subjective update to the state of the art based on the topics of the annual workshop of the working group
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Shaker Verlag
This paper intends a subjective view on the state of the art in the domain of environmental modeling and simulation. It is founded on the experiences coming from the annual workshops of the working group “simulation in environmental- and geo-sciences “. The objective is to focus on some problems common to environmental applications, to try an analysis of these problems, to give some hints for an appropiate solution, and to promote the discussion how to improve the expressiveness of simulation studies in this field. Under this guideline, the problems caused by growing model complexity, growing functionality of the software tools, and growing demand for analysis and interpretation of the simulation data are analysed. The occupation with a semantically oriented documenation which integrates all levels of a simulation study, beginning with the definition of the problem over the specification of the simulation and assessment model down to the run time system and the mathematical methods for data analysis is propagated as a first step for more transparency, consistency, and efficiency in solving modeling and simulation tasks.