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Architecture-based Analysis of Changes in Information System Evolution


Software is subject to continuous change. Software quality is determined by large extent through architecture which reflects important decisions, e.g. on structure and technology. For sound decision making during evolution change impacts on various system artifacts must be understood. In this paper, we introduce a new evolution scenario (replacing the database) to an established demonstrator for information system evolution. We demonstrate the application of an architecture-based approach for change impact analysis to identify artifacts affected by the scenario.


Heinrich, Robert; Rostami, Kiana; Stammel, Johannes; Knapp, Thomas; Reussner, Ralf (2015): Architecture-based Analysis of Changes in Information System Evolution. Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 35, Heft 2. Bonn: Geselllschaft für Informatik e.V.. PISSN: 0720-8928. Berichte aus den Fachgruppen und Arbeitskreisen - FG SRE: Bericht und Beiträge vom 17. Workshop "Software-Reengineering und -Evolution" der GI-Fachgruppe Software-Reengineering, 04.-06. Mai 2015 in Bad Honnef



