Design and implementation of a lecture for teaching current Green Coding approaches and practices at the HTW Berlin
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Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.
At the Industrial Environmental Informatics Unit (HTW Berlin), a test integration for a future ’Green Coding’ course was developed to implement the concept of environmentally conscious and energy-efficient software development. The course titled ”Current Development Trends in Environmental Informatics” now educates students on fundamental concepts and techniques in this field. The course emphasizes the development of software that is both energy efficient and environmentally friendly. Students learn how to optimize software applications’ energy efficiency by designing energy-efficient algorithms and enhancing server and data center performance. The course covers essential principles of ’Green IT’ and explores the ’Green Coding’ sub-field. The course is divided into three modular parts: internal lectures, external lectures, and a practical part to manifest the theoretical knowledge. The content of the internal lectures was significantly influenced by the current state of research regarding ’Green IT’ at the Industrial Environmental Informatics Unit of the HTW Berlin, in which current and past master theses, papers, and publications were presented. Current known German ’Green Coding’ researchers were invited for external lectures, partly on-site and online. A practical measurement course lasting several days, which provided the students with several test setups according to the ”Blue Angel for software products” standard to pursue their research questions, was created to deepen their knowledge. The following article presents and discusses the topics and results of these short papers and evaluations of the course concept and the course itself.