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Challenges in Secure Software Evolution - The Role of Software Architecture


Challenges in Secure Software Evolution - The Role of Software ArchitectureAchieving quality properties for software systems and maintaining them during evolution is challenging. Especially, security properties often degrade during software evolution. This is often not noticed and can lead to monetary loss and serious damage to the company’s image. Approaches for maintaining security properties exist but fail to exploit the knowledge of the architectural design phase. This results in high effort and slow reactions on evolutionary changes. In this paper, we describe five key challenges in maintaining security properties during software evolution and show how architecture supports mastering them.


Seifermann, Stephan; Taşpolatoğlu, Emre; Reussner, Ralf; Heinrich, Robert (2016): Challenges in Secure Software Evolution - The Role of Software Architecture. Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 36, Heft 1. Bonn: Geselllschaft für Informatik e.V.. PISSN: 0720-8928. Technische Beiträge: 3nd Collaborative Workshop on Evolution and Maintenance of Long-Living Software Systems (EMLS′16), 26. Februar 2016, Wien



