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Simulation des Wasserhaushalts in Erddämmen und Deichen als Basis für Stabilitätsuntersuchungen mit dem Programm PCSiWaPro®

dc.contributor.authorHasan, Issa
dc.contributor.authorMeyer, Martin
dc.contributor.authorGuo, Jinxing
dc.contributor.authorGräber, Peter-Wolfgang
dc.contributor.editorKnetsch, Gerlinde
dc.contributor.editorZacharias, Ute
dc.description.abstractConstruction, building materials, vegetation, atmospheric conditions and hydrogeological properties and especially the water balance of dams and dikes are the crucial factors for their stability in case of floods. It was found by means of physical model tests that slides could already occur under unsaturated conditions on the air side of dams, and thus the stability could be threatened. Using the program PCSiWaPro® one can simulate and describe the hydrogeological processes in the saturated and partially saturated zone under consideration of hydraulic and meteorological conditions. Several scenarios were simulated for this purpose using the program PCSiWaPro® and the simulation results were evaluated. The simulation results show clearly the impact of building materials and construction on the behavior of water saturation in dams’ embankment and thus on the stability of the dams. The agreement between measured values and the computed ones using PCSiWaPro® is very good.de
dc.relation.ispartofFrühwarn- und Informationssysteme für den Hochwasserschutz
dc.relation.ispartofseriesWorkshops "AK Umweltinformationssysteme"
dc.titleSimulation des Wasserhaushalts in Erddämmen und Deichen als Basis für Stabilitätsuntersuchungen mit dem Programm PCSiWaPro®de
dc.typeText/Conference Paper
gi.conference.sessiontitleFrühwarn- und Informationssysteme für den Hochwasserschutz
