Bick, MarkusBruns, KatherinaSievert, JensJacob, FrankBack, AndreaBick, MarkusBreunig, MartinPousttchi, KeyThiesse, Frédéric2018-11-142018-11-142012978-3-88579-296-3 and ubiquitous technologies are considered one of the currently developed technology innovations with greater market potential in the coming future. Such technologies integrate a whole set of IT-based applications used in the private or working environment of individuals and provide extensive service capacities to support users in carrying out several activities and (work) processes. Characteristically for these kinds of technologies, value is created mainly through the use of technologies rather than ownership. Drawing from the Service- Dominant Logic and considering existing typologies of consumer value, this paper tries to lay a foundation for a potential approach to measure value in use of mobile and ubiquitous technologies. Additionally, data from an open access internet blog on mobile technology usage was further used as a first field source for gaining explorative insights into users' daily activities with mobile technologies and applications by means of a qualitative content analysis. This leads to proposing an initial set of value dimensions that help to better understand how mobile and ubiquitous technologies create value to the user during the usage processes.enValue-in-use of mobile technologiesText/Conference Paper1617-5468