Schildgen, JohannesHeinz, FlorianOlijnyk, AndreasLindenau, ArvidKönig-Ries, BirgittaScherzinger, StefanieLehner, WolfgangVossen, Gottfried2023-02-232023-02-232023978-3-88579-725-8 Alexa skills and other add-ons for voice assistants need to be custom developed for their one specific use case. This paper presents an approach to map arbitrary data sources (databases, APIs, services) to the relational model by using SQL/MED and to transform voice-based queries into SQL. The key challenges for such a universal skill are to correctly map the natural-language question into a SQL query on the correct source table in the federated database and to convert the result set back to a compact and well-understandable answer.enVoice AssistantsSQL/MEDNatural-Language ProcessingUser interfaces for big dataUsing SQL/MED to Query Heterogeneous Data Sources with Alexa Voice CommandsText/Conference Paper10.18420/BTW2023-53